Hhhmm ini cuman sambungan dari post kemaren sich:P
What does it have to do with Everwood then?
Well, for those who haven't known..
Everwood is a tv serial.drama kind of movie:P
You can watch it every Friday @12pm on TV7 *promosi abis haha*
Anyway, tadi gue inget gitu kalo di salah satu episode nya pernah ada lines ttg how people change bla bla itu dech..Ya seperti yang kemaren gue post..
Trus setelah mencari2 hehe..akhirnya ketmeu juga..

The following is taken from Everwood episode 4 Season 2
For people to change, it takes other people.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.
I'm not sure who the first person was who said that.
Probably Shakespeare, or maybe Sting.
But at the moment, it's the sentence that best explains my tragic flaw: my inability to change.

I don't think I'm alone in this. The more I get to know other people, the more I realize it's kind of
everyone's flaw.
Staying exactly the same for as long as possible, standing perfectly still.
It feels better somehow.
And if you are suffering, at least the pain is familiar.
So you maintain the status quo, choose the road already traveled, and it doesn't seem that bad, not as
far as flaws go.
You're not a drug addict, you're not killing anyone...except maybe yourself a little.

When we finally do change, I don't think it happens like an earthquake or an explosion, where all of a
sudden we're like this different person.
I think it's smaller than that.
The kind of thing most people wouldn't even notice unless they looked really, really close.
Which, thank God, they never do.
But you notice it.
Inside you, that change feels like a world of difference, and you hope that it is...
That this is the person you get to be forever. That you'll never have to change again.
Hehe sebelon gue lupa..
Barusan orang Binus ada yang telpon buat ngabarin kalo lab Computer Graphic kita yang mesti nya Hari Rabu jam 13.00 kemaren, diganti jadi Senin, 27 September 2004 jam 15.30
Jangan lupa loh hehe..

Lalalala..belakangan ini cape banget yach..
Bukan cape physically, tapi lebih ke cape pikiran:(
Mostly sich mikirin tugas2 kampus yang tiada henti mengalir
*Pak dosen..dengarkan jeritan hati kami.* Huee apa coba jelas banget..
Yaa eniwei, gue cukup senang dah mo lewatin minggu ini.
Kemaren itu sempet rada2 kesel ama seseorang gara2 dia dengan nyantai nya 'nyerahin' tugas ke kita2,
trus pas hasil nya ga sesuai..dia seakan2 mempertanyakan kerjaan kita..
Trus sempet dibuat panik juga gara2 Sim Project nya delay banget haha
Sempet kecapean juga..trus sempet males banget sampe2 gue skip kelas hari Rabu kemaren kalo ga salah:P
Yaa campur aduk dech hehe..
Hari ini gue dah tidur cukup lama dan tiba2 jadi inget buat update blog.

Hehe this is an explanation to all of you who message me the other night in the messenger..
There's nothing wrong with me koq hehe..
Gue cuman lagi mikir..
Kenapa yach kita tuh bisa berubah banget demi co ato ce kita?
Kadang2 kita ngerubah hal2 yang udah jadi identitas diri kita hanya karena diminta ama dia..

I'm not talking about a big change yang ngerubah sifat ato kelakuan seseorang..
Misalnya nich..kita itu dari dulu ga demen ama satu jenis makanan..
Ya emank itu lah kita gitu..Truss dengan satu kalimat dari co ato ce kita, kita mulai membiasakan diri dengen tuh makanan..
Atoo dulu itu kita independent tapi not in the sense of cuek..
Trus skr kita tuh jadi manjaaaaaa banget..
Emang sich ga ada yang salah dengan itu..
Lagian ga semua orang koq kayak gitu.
*PS: ini pure pemikiran gue ada maksud buat nyinggung anyone out there*
Okay, I understand that in some point we have to adjust ourselves to our partner's behavior.
Tapi ga mesti dengan berubah kan..
Kadang2 hal2 kecil seperti itu yang menjadi identitas kita..Jadi hal2 yang unik dari kita.
Apa itu berarti co ato ce kita ga bisa nerima kita just the way we are??
Kan kita juga bukannya punya sifat2 jelek ato apa yang emank mestinya diubah..
Yaaa pendek kata, kalo menurut gue co ato ce kita itu tuh punya pengaruh yang cukup gede buat what we will become one day..
Huaaa bingung ah jadi nya.
*jitak jitak* maap..gue baru bangun tidur soalnya haha:P
Menurut loe orang, sampe seberapa sich kita perlu melakukan perubahan2 buat co ato ce kita?
Do I sound like orang yang cuek?
Errr gue ga men-deny itu koq..
Di satu point tertentu, gue emank cuek banget..
Apalagi kalo itu dah menyangkut hal2 yang gue yakinin.
Gue kadang2 ngerasa kalo gue tuh susah banget buat ngubah diri gue..
Perubahan sementara, maksudnya buat menyesuaikan dengan lingkungan sekitar, itu gue masih bisa.
Tapi kalo disuruh ngubah cara pandang gue ato keyakinan gue ttg apa pun juga.
Itu rada susah kali yach..
*Koq jadi curhat pribadi gini hihi;p*

Eh tapi kalo kadang2 gue pikir yah,
mau ngerubah sesuatu itu ga susah2 banget.
Emank sich pas pertama nya itu susah minta ampun..Soalnya kita mesti deal with keinginan dari diri kita nya dulu..
Nahh tapi kalo kita dah survive tahap pertama, yang perlu kita lakukan itu basically try to push ourselves to do it everyday..
Niscaya lama2 bakal jadi satu kebiasaan baru gitu buat kita hehe..
*Niscaya loh ckck hehe*

Huaaaaa tadi gue totally blank pas di lab Web Programming.
Tiba2 disuruh buat applet pake multi threading^^"
Untungnya dikasih coding buat applet nya, jadi tinggal buat multi threading.
Trus yachh bodoh nya gue, gue tuh kayak merevise ulank tuh coding.
Buntut2nya gue jadi rada bingung sendiri dech hihi..
Stress sich iya banget haha tapi sok cool gitu:P
Buka buka buku..trus add coding di sini..apus yang di sono..bla bla..
'Jadi' dech haha..
Asli nya itu disuruh buat applet yang ada button "Add image"
Ntar tiap kali kita press tuh button, bakal nambah satu gambar yang bisa bouncing2 gitu kalo kena pinggiran frame nya.
Nahhhh gue punya jadi kayak gimana??
hehe gue punya yachh..kalo gue klik add image, dia muncul satu gambar..
Kalo gue klik lagi..tuh gambar jadi pindah ke tempat laen..Gitu2 mulu
Huahaha ga nyambung banget ga sich ama tugas asli nya:P
Yaaa udah dechh..itu aja selesai nya dah molor banget waktunya..
Dikumpul lah tugas itu..Truss AK bantuin gue buat menyelesaikan masalah itu..
Dan dia rada bingung waktu liat gue pake coding dari Irwan yang gue modif2 haha..
Yaaa eniwei, akhirnya dah bisa jalan cuman kurang bouncing nya aja..
Ckck emang lemot kadang2 gue huahaha..

2 years in my campus
Ga kerasa yach kita dah masuk taon ke 3 di kampus..
Gue ngerasa banget loh kalo gue dah lumayan berubah..
Liat aja, bahasa gue skr dah terkomputerisasi dengan baik..
Apa coba haha..
Contoh yang baru2 nich yach..
Gue kan lagi pegi ke mana gituu ama keluarga gue..
Trus kalo gue ngomong ama dd gue, biasa nya ngebahas soal hal2 komputer gitu dech.
Nahh pasti tuh pada bingung gitu yang denger nya.
Trua kalo lagi ngomong ama temen2 sma gue gitu,
kadang suka keceplosan pake bhs2 di kampus such as:
'extend', 'implement', 'switch', 'assign' ya gitu2 deh...
keyword2 yang biasa kita pake di tiap pelajaran haha..
Beneran dah..lama2 jadi kebiasaan gitu.

Have you ever felt some kind of emptiness inside
You will never measure up, to those people you
Must be strong, can't show them that you're weak
Have you ever told someone something
That's far from the truth
Let them know that you're okay
Just to make them stop
All the wondering, and questions they may have

I'm okay, I really am now
Just needed some time, to figure things out
Not telling lies, I'll be honest with you
Still we don't know what's yet to come

Have you ever seen your face,
In a mirror there's a smile
But inside you're just a mess,
You feel far from good
Need to hide, 'cos they'd never understand
Have you ever had this wish, of being
Somewhere else
To let go of your disguise, all your worries too
And from that moment, then you see things clear

I'm okay, I really am now
Just needed some time, to figure things out
Not telling lies, I'll be honest with you
Still we don't know what's yet to come

Are you waiting for the day
When your pain disapper
When you know that it's not true
What they said about you
You couldn't care less about the things surrounding you
Ignoring all the voices from the wall..
What is happening to this world??
The news about some 'terrorist' who took school children as hostage in Russia still fresh in our mind..
Now, the world once again is shocked by a huge explosion that took place in Jakarta yesterday.
All the news in the TV..Stories written in the newspaper..
Seeing all of those, I wonder how could people did something like that?
Didn't they realize that their act would harm another people.
Should we still consider them as a human being??
Look at all those victims..
They were just innocent people..
People who happended to be in a wrong place and a wrong time.

Do the bomber think that by doing this, they prove theirselves as a hero or so-whatever they want to name it????
Well, for what it worths...I DON'T THINK SO!!!!!!!
If you think that you're right, then fight for it but not with this way!!!!
Violance won't solve any problem..
You want to be a patriot?? Look at people like Munir (alm.)..
He fought for what he think was right..
If later on you find out that what you believe is wrong,
than beat it!!! Admit that you're wrong..
It took a lot of courage to admit that we are wrong!!
I guess you just don't have that courage to admit that you're wrong huh???

My deepest condolences to all the family of the victim from the bombing that took place yesterday...

Little child dry your crying eyes.
How can I explain the fear you feel inside.
Cause you were born into this evil world.
Where man is killing man and no one know just why.
What have we become, just look what we have done.
All that we destroyed you must build again.

When the children cry, let them know we've tried
Cause when the children sing, then the new world begin.

Little child you must show the way to a better day for all the young.
Cause you were born for the world to see that we're all can live with love and peace.
No more presidents and all the wars will end
One united world under GOD.

When the children cry, let them know we've tried
Cause when the children sing, then the new world begin.

What have we become, just look what we have done
All that we destroyed you must build again.
No more president and all the wars will end.
One united world under GOD.

When the children cry, let them know we've tried
Cause when the children fight, let them know it ain't right
When the children break, let them know the way
Cause when the children sing, then the new world begin

How could I be more fool than this..
Last Saturday, I have to ask Nopi to bring home my bag since I can't go back to campus after the e.COM closing in STC..
Today, she brought my bag and handed it to me..*I ended up bringing 2 bag at the same time hehe*
I put it in the floor in room 208 during the last lesson..
And stupidly, I forgot to bring it back..
OH MY...How could this happened^^"
I left my bag at campus hix hix..
I just called the Building Management of my campus, and they said they haven't found any bag yet..
Hix hix someone please save my bag hehe..
Seminggu belakangan Icha lagi cape banget hehe..Jadi ga bisa update blog. Sorry for dat^^
Seminggu ini kan di kampus ada e.COM, jadi ikut bantu2 di kampus.
Kemaren baruu aja selesai..Pyuh..
Gue ga bisa komen apa2 dech soal e.COM kemaren hehe..

Entah kecapean ato salah makan..
Kemaren gue muntah ampe 2 kali selama perjalanan pulank.. *Maap yach Met:P*
Sekali itu waktu di Mangga Besar abis temenin Memet makan..
Sekali lagi waktu dah nyampe Muara Karang..
Ckck trus pulank2 lap badan bentar..langsung minum obat 'n tidur hehe..
Sempet sich ngeliat pengumuman Indonesian Idol bentaran.

Huaaa Joy menank loh hehe..
Emank dia ok banget yach. Delon juga patut diancungin jempol koq..
Di atas semua kontroversi yang terjadi,
rasa2nya ke 10 Indo Idol dah jadi cukup beken yach haha..
Loh koq 10??BUkannya 11?
Menurut berita dari Tommy, yang ada juga di katanya Helena dah keluar dari Indo Idol.
Yaa baca sendiri aja kali yach biar lebih jelas hehe..
Koq gue jadi infotainment gini..

Edoo hehe..hepi b'day yach..
Yaa gue doain dech yang bae2 buat loe.
Seperti yang tadi gue sms dech..

Huaaa Lala..congratz yachh..
Buat yang belon tau, Lala jadi juara 1 Spelling Bee Competition di e.COM 2004 loh.
Ckck spelling nya hebat banget donk la hehe..:P

Besok kelas baru dah mo mulai lagi..
Sedih plus senenk sich..
Sedih soalnya masih pengen libur:P trus dah ga sekelas ama Lina, Nye2, Tommy, Puja, Isdi, Edwin, Cecep, Irine, Hasina, Bea *and others whose schedule I haven't known yet* trus juga Jumat nya ga liburr..Huaaaa curank anak2 kelas PBC hehe..Ga dapet Mr. Basuki pula...hixx
Senenk soalnyaa dah cape juga sich sebenernya libur *apa sich cha haha..tadi pengen libur..skr bosen:P*
truss sekelas ama orang2 baru kayak Ardo, Makoto, trus ga tau sapa lagi hehe..
Sekarang dah taon ke-3 kul..
Cepet banget yach kalo dipikir2.
Setengah taon lagi, dah pada mau pegi ke Oz.
Masih ga kebayang aja gitu hehe..ntar kalo loe orang pada pegi semua *You know who you are*
Yaa eniwei, jangan lupa loh beli buku (buat yang mau) hehe..trus kumpulin semua energi yang ada buat mulai hari pertama hehe..Ntar bakal bisa ketemu anak2 baru juga loh hehe..

"There's this person that you want to be for other people. TO make them happy. To make them proud of you. And then there's yourself. And sometimes it's hard to tell where one ends and the other begins. DOes that make any sense?" -NORTHERN LIGHTS 313-

Nah loh...double personality donk namanya?
Hmmm iya ga sich? Menurut gue sich ga juga..
Yang gue percaya itu, di dalam diri kita semua ada satu perasaan pengen disukai semua orang..
Yaaa ga mau punya musuh gitu dech. *sapa coba juga yang mau:P*..
Trus akhirnya kita selalu berusaha buat menjadi sempurna buat semua orang.
Ga gampank loh ngebuat semua orang senank..Yang ngebuat satu orang senenk, belon tentu ngebuat senenk orang laen.
Demi buat orang laen senenk, kadang2 kita ngelakuin hal2 yang sebenernya ga nunjukkin diri kita sebenernya..
Kadang2 juga kita ngerubah diri kita buat nyesuain diri dengan lingkungan kita..
I'm not saying that changes are a bad thing to do loh hehe

Ibarat make topeng donk kalo gitu?
Iya juga yach hehe..
Di depan si A, kita jadi pendiem..serba nurut..dkk..dkk
trus tiba2 di depan B, kita jadi fun banget, ketawa ketiwi gitu..yaa yang tolak belakang banget ama sikap kita kalo di depan A.
Ntar kalo kita tiba2 ada si A 'n B barengan..nah loh...kita jadi siapa donk???
Bingung kan..Hehe..itu dia kali yach kenapa semua orang always say 'Be Your Self'

Kalo gitu, apa ga cape tuh?
Cape juga kali yach..Kalo gitu kapan mo jadi diri kita yang sebenernya donk?
Apalagi kalo 'diri kita' sedikit berbeda dengan diri kita yang sebenernya (kenapa gue kasih tanda kutip? soalnya I'm referring to the person who we want to be for other people, to make them happy..nah ituu hehe)
Huaa apa sich, jadi bingung dech lama2 hehe..

Beda orang pasti beda pendapat soal ini..
Ada yang mungkin juga mikir 'Ngapain juga gue ngikutin mau nya semua orang. Ga mungkin lah gue buat semua orang senenk.'
atoo..'Ya ga ada salah nya lah berkorban buat orang laen' dll dll.. huahaha..gue belon jadi pembaca pikiran sich:P jadi nya ga tau dech hehe..