My Mac OS in my Macbook crashed last month.
I was in the middle of updating the software and the OS when it suddenly prompting an error message: "Failed to update ****." --> cannot remember the exact message.

Then my mac just stalled like that..Couldn't do anything with it.
I decided to force shutdown my mac and try to reboot it.
To my surprise...
I COULDN'T boot into Mac OS..
It displayed an error of something related to the kernel..

I tried to boot into my installed Windows..and it worked.
Ok...not the hard-drive then..

I brought my mac to Apple Service Center in Wheelock Place and was assured that I could save my data in mac os by re-install the os and select the archive function..
Something that I later on could not do..
There is no such thing as archive function in the cd..
On the other hand..
It alert me that since the previous OS was newer than the one in the CD, all the existing data in that partition is going to be erased..

Well anyway, this morning I was preparing everything to re-install the OS..
While waiting for backing up my data in Windows, *for the first time* I tried to google "accessing mac partition from windows"..

I found a software that actually allow me to browse through my Mac Disk!!!!!
For those of you who doesn't know..
In a dual-OS mac (Mac OS and Windows), you can access Windows Disk from Mac OS..
but NOT the other way around..(Not until I found this software hehehehehe *evilish laugh*)

Soo...I installed the trial version of the software..

I clicked on "Explore Mac disks"..
And VOILA.....

When I opened "My Computer", I have the additional drive "Macintosh HD" there..
Yuppe yuppe..I can browse through my files and backup the whole things...

PS: The trial version will last only for 7-days..

Ah more to go..
My battery is not working..
Somehow it stopped working about 3 weeks ago..
The 1-year guarantee has expired..
A new battery costs US$127..
Huyuxx...will describe more in the next post..
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It's been 5 weeks now..
Kalo boleh jujur, waktu terasa lambat banget berjalan.
Mungkin karena gue blum punya full-time activities juga kali yach..

Anyway, dalam 5 minggu ini gue dah berkelana sesuai agenda gue hehe
Rangkuman beberapa cerita nya:

1. Ke kampus tercinta buat ketemu dosen2 n makan makanan deket kampus;p
Tentu nya ga lupa ngelewatin pertigaan penuh sejarah *apaa coba* hahaha
2. Ngeliat Jakarta yang mendung n macet cet cet..
3. Akhirnya nyobain juga poke sushi di Crowne Plaza..Salmon Salad nya super duper yummy;p
4. Reuni kecil2an sama temen2 voli di poke sushi..
Atas ki-ka: Bdug Erlin Likiau
Bawah ki-ka: Vina me Vivi Ingrid
5. Maen voli bersama di UPH;p hehe ikutan pas xcul hari Sabtu pagi..pelatih voli TarQ pas jaman kita skr ngelatih di sana euyy hehe..Ada likiau, Ingrid, me, Vivi, Erlin, Clarissa n Rina.
6. Yayy..Adikku sekarang sudah resmi lulus dari 4 taon kuliah nya.. Congratz bro:D
7. Meritan nya ci Natalia (cc nya Tin) Kiki, is, me, Tin, Aw, Vivi, Berry, Vina n Wilson
8. is n me @ Greta's wedding party di Hotel Mulia
9. My lovely bro..pas mo jalan ke acara wisudaan..Gaya nya itu loh..ajubile hihihi

I'm loving almost each and every moment back in Jakarta;p
Excluding the traffic jam of course?!

I miss Singapore already..
Planning to visit there in the near future hehehe
Haix...banyak lagi foto2 nya di friendster hehe
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Someone intentionally pushing his luck by dialing random phone number!!
And his so-called-random-dialing resulted in my mobile number..

It began on Sunday evening, with numerous miscalls..
Ditambah lagi beberapa kali pas gue angkat, ga ada suara trus dimatiin.
Gue lagi di undangan...pegangin piring sambil makan..lantas hp nya bunyi mulu.
Ga mungkin hp nya gue matiin juga, secara temen gue mencar2 n hp itu berguna banget buat nyari mereka. (Rame nya luar biasa pas itu...)

Puncak nya itu kemaren siang..
That number called again.
Kali ini ada yang bersuara..

me: "Halooo???"
orang di ujung sana (co) : "Haloo.."
me: "Iya??"
co: "Ini siapa yach?"
me: "Lah..ini siapa? Darimana yach dapet nomor ini?" *mulai meninggu nada nya*
co: "Ooh..saya sembarang pencet aja..ini siapa yach..boleh kenalan?"
me: "Sorry yach..tapi ngeganggu banget..Ga usah diulangin lagi yach" *dengan segenap emosi..*

Langsung gue tutup abis itu..

Yang ga abis pikir...masih berani nelpon juga orang itu!!!!
Setelah itu gue sempet sms dia..yang isinya meng-highlight BETAPA MENGGANGGU nya tindakan dia..

Guess what he replied:
"Ma'"f de kl trgnggu. sy kn g" tau..emng nya stu krja ya.Skli ma"f ya.? oya blh dong sy tau nm nya? Aq ****** tng d jambi." (nama nya disamarkan karena gue ga mau dituntut bahuawhahaha)
Dan btw..itu adalah isi sms yang gue terima..yang gue samarkan cuman namanya doank. Hal2 laen tetep sebagaimana ada nya..


Ini bukan pertama kali nya gue ngalamin kejadian kayak gini.
Ada yang ngaku liat nomor nya di toko hp..
Ada yang nomor nya deket sama nomor gue, jadi *again* dia random calling aja..

Reasoning buat tindakan itu yang bisa gue pikirin:
1. Ajang cari kenalan (kali aja ketemu jodoh?)
2. Iseng2 berhadiah (mana tau bisa nyambung ke nomor telpon selebriti)
3. ......(apalagi toh)
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