Waduhhh gawattt dechh..
Begitu liburan, pasti mulai susah tidur sebelum jam 12 malam.
Padahal waktu awal taon dah janji mau biasain tidur bfore midnite.
Anyway, gue baru aja off dari msn.
Tadi sempet sedikit berdebat sama temen gue ttg Mr.XY

Perdebatan berawal dari
him:So? Kenapa dia akhirnya jadian sama ce laen?

Dan gimana ga berdebat pada akhirnya.
Gue dalam posisi ngebela Mr.XY. Dia dalam posisi ga mempercayai keputusan gue.
Gue tau kalo Mr.XY was a "bad-boy". Gue juga tau kalo dia dah nyakitin gue n beberapa ce laen di luar sana.
Tapi gue percaya yang namanya manusia bisa berubah..
Gue juga ngerti banget kenapa temen gue itu mati2an ga setuju gue masih temenan sama Mr.XY.
Dia takut kalo nantinya *amit2* Mr.XY putus, trus gue bakal sukarela be a shoulder-to-cry-on buat dia..
Dia takut kalo2 gue disakitin lagi sama dia..
Gue cuman bisa bilank trust me on this one. And hopefully i'm not wrong. He's serious with this girl, and no..I'm not willing to be a rebound. So if that time comes, I'll surely be there to comfort him, but that's it..No longer falling for his words

Gue ga mau berdebat over and over again about this same issue with my friend..
What should I do?
He's one of my best friend..
Mr.XY is also my friend..
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