Kemaren ini salah satu temen gue cerita ttg betapa dia kecewa sama sikap salah satu temen dia *which happen to be my friend too*.
I listened to her for a while, before finally she brought up a topic:
"Gue rasa gue expect too much dari dia. Tapi apa itu berarti gue mesti berhenti berharap dari orang2 di sekeliling gue? Justru karena gue menganggap dia itu temen bae gue, mangkanya gue expect a lot dari dia"
This is very interesting for me..
Dulu gue sempet bertanya hal yang sama ke diri gue.

The thing with relationship is,
the more special someone is then the more expectation we put on that person.
Let's see..
Kalo ortu ato sodara kita lupa sama ultah kita, apa iya kita ga kecewa?
Bisa jadi kita malah berpikir "Jangan2 gue ga ada makna nya di mata mereka"
Ketika sahabat kita 'lupa' buat ngabarin kabar penting ke kita..
Bisa deh mulai kepikiran macem2..

Ga bisa di deny kalo justru rasa kecewa itu besar banget ketika datang nya dari orang2 yang punya special places in our hearts.
Tapi apa itu berarti we shouldn't put any expectation to anyone?
But gue pribadi, selama it's not TOO MUCH then it's fine.
Ga mungkin kita menghindari yang namanya rasa kecewa.
Rasa kecewa itu satu paket dengan yang namanya pengharapan dan kepercayaan.
Kalo kita ga mau kecewa, minimize rasa percaya dan harapan2 kita terhadap sekeliling..
Tapi apa itu yang namanya hidup?
1 Response
  1. Anonymous Says:

    i think expectation can can be put only to 'someone special' we thought to be.
    Of course we knew her or his personality well to put our trust.
    klo emg org yg kita expect lupa itu wajar dong..
    klo gak sesuai ama yg kita arepin itu emg hidup, which way you choose is ur decision.
    which person ur careness or love will u give is ur choice.
    if u dont make a spontaneou, life wouldnt be whorthed.
    watakushi mo.., ai suru hito ni shinji ga nai da. muzukashii jaanai ka, nanka takusan kangaeru koto omotte iru kamo shirinai
