I'm being transfered to another project..
Currently assisting in testing the applications that were developed by one of the software team in my office.

I started the testing yesterday..
As I ran through the scenarios available, it all worked just fine.
Happy? Of course NOT?!!

Huixx how can I found no error or such thing?
I remembered someone once said to me that if a tester tested something and found no bug, it is because of either:
1. The application is bug-free *which is less likely*
2. The tester is not good enough
7 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    Executing a test seems easy, wait till you make the scenarios :(

  2. Lisiani Says:

    ;p hehe gue dah mulai dikit2 bikin skenario nya.
    ngejelimet euyy..bacain biz process nya..
    ada 17 project pula..gue suka lost track huixx

  3. Anonymous Says:

    if u found no error, make the error urself. buka codenya n ganti sana sini...eh g bole y huhuhu :p

  4. Lisiani Says:

    bwahuahahhaaha boleh koq be..
    abis itu gue dapet surat buat gue santai2 di rumah *alias dipecat euyy *hahahhahaha

  5. Unknown Says:

    Huhuhu... testing menyebalkan yak kalo ga nemu terus masalahnya. Tapi sekali ketemu masalahnya bisa dengan bangga bilang ke programmer-nya: "Nih.. salah mrogram lo" *dengan ekspres muka super mengejek dan penuh kemenangan* :D

  6. boy Says:

    3. The bugs are smarter that the testers :)

  7. Anonymous Says:

    ya moga2 lancar2 aja deh cha project baru nya :)

    blm dpt brgnya neh hiks2... no hp vivi brp ya? (imel aja ok!) gw lupa2 inget yg mana..yg dulu makan2 bareng di beppu bukan?