This post is specially dedicated for someone who has occupied my mind and filled the empty spot left in my heart
I'm glad you made that phone call the other day
I'm glad you told me everything I need to know from the very beginning
I'm glad you didn't step back as you know that I have a lot of friends who happened to be boys
I'm glad I finally understand how I feel
I'm glad that all my choices have brought me here..
I'm glad my heart chooses you
I'm glad you made that phone call the other day
I'm glad you told me everything I need to know from the very beginning
I'm glad you didn't step back as you know that I have a lot of friends who happened to be boys
I'm glad I finally understand how I feel
I'm glad that all my choices have brought me here..
I'm glad my heart chooses you
baru jadian cha? selamat yahh!! makan2 dunkz :p
Waa... ternyata ini hasilnya menghilang dari peredaran selama enam hari ya??
Congratz and wish you all the best.
hahahaha *terpana*
dev, dee..status gue masih tetap koq *masih ga stop senyum2*
entry yang satu ini khusus pencurahan isi hati gue aja hihi
tapi thanx dah didoain;p
btw dee, alasan kenapa gue menghilang berhari2 itu adalah karena internet connection yang hhmmm ya loe tau sendiri dech.
Starone ga jalan2...telkomnet putus mulu...
What a shame... I thought your heart chooses me.. *grin*
Hehe so how's your love life dee?
I'm glad you have always answered every single call that i made
I'm glad you are genuinely open to differences
I'm glad you have many friends to cheer you up especially when i was not there
I'm glad I apparently feel the same way since the beginning
I'm glad knowing that I am part of those choices
I'm glad my heart finnaly told me that I love you
Wah apaan neh traktir2? Ha2 pokoqnya klo traktir gw minta Duck King + Burger Blenger. Huehe, nopi jg pasti mau tuh :p
My motto is "Being single is a choice". So.. my status is still "single and looking".
Don't tell me that your heart really chooses me.. *big grin* wakakakakakaka....
huhuy! ada kabar gembira apa aja lis? :D
kabar sangat gembira apparently. MWAHAHAH congrats ichas!
you-know-who-you-are: the same goes back to you:)
bro: bukannya kemaren kata loe, loe yang mau traktir gue n nopi? hayoo loh...koq memutar balikkan fakta hehe
dee: hahahaha yuppe being single indeed is a choice. Gue doain all the best yach dee hehe
hengky: kabar bahagia nya "hengky baru pulank dari semarang trus bawain gue n mina oleh2. katanya sich mau dikirim ke jakarta;p"
reren: errr..rin? congratz for what toh? btw gmana rin sf sekembali nya loe dari jakarta? hmmm pic dah di upload kah?
Hm, menarik juga tulisannya.
congrats for what? ahh pura2 aja lo cha HWAHAHAH.
sf? sucks.
pic udah di upload? belom. HAHAHA lagi dalam proses. gw kirim ke gmail lo mo cha? ato bisa juga sih lu minta dari tin/henry. palign ada beberapa yang mereka ga ada bisa gw kirimin ke lo. termasuk yang foto bedua kemaren itu loh di pandan HAHA ^^
Hehe... thank you..
presiden idiotnesia:
reren: ^^" gue sampe speechless..haha congratz because i finally fell for someone?
dee: hehe you're very welcome..
ahahahha adu icha ngomel yah.. mateng gw deh. ga chaa, iseng doangg, kan joking joking only looorr, no harm intended leh.. HAHAHA yah, congrats buat itu jgua gapapa deh.. or err.. wel i better shut up now lah. HAHAHAH
bwahuahahahaha ren..dikau lucuuu sekali tohhhh ahhahaha
gue lagi ngebayangin raut muka loe yang lucuuu ituuuu hahahahaha