Hipotesa : Action movies rarely satisfy my appetite of good movies.

Yesterday I spent 2 hours in the cinema watching Miami Vice.
It was just an okay movie for me.
Jamie Foxx was hot!!!
Gong Li looked old. Can't tell whether it's the make up, or else..
Colin Farrell..errr hot as usual;p

The film was incredibly long..
Even longer than Pirates of The Carribean.
Well, my point is haha I don't really recommend the movie for people who are not big fan of action movies;p
5 Responses
  1. Unknown Says:

    Just not your taste I think.. :D

  2. Lisiani Says:

    yuppe dee hehe not my type of movie;p
    loe demen action movies?

  3. emang selama apa cha? tadinya mo nonton itu tp gara2 temen gw ga suka film action yg katanya cuma liatin org balap2 mobil doank hahahaha jdnya nonton the lake house deh...

  4. Lisiani Says:

    Hmmm kalo lama film nya sendiri *sesuai di 21cineplex.com* 146 menit. Tapi yang bikin terasa lama buat gue itu, alur film nya yang lambatt banget. Ok sich benernya dev. Action nya nice, hhmm yang maen juga cukup ok;p
    Btw, lake house bagus dev?
    Gue nonton juga tuh minggu lalu..

  5. Unknown Says:

    Biasa-biasa aja sih. Buat gue kalo ga ada sesuatu yang spesial (mungkin termasuk cewe-cewe seksi.. LOL :D) jadi males nontonnya. Apa lagi kalo ceritanya ga jelas.