I was one of those people who were willingly enough to watch the movie even if I had to sit 3 rows from the front.
Together with my bro, his gf and 8 of my friends..we occupied 4 rows in J row..and another 8 in K row..
The first thing that caught my attention is..
Brandon Routh was smoking hot!!
What I mean by HOT is H.O.T!?!?!?
*kecuali pas rambut nya tiba2 ada poni nya satu keriwilan gitu*
The overall story was just ok..
It didn't really satisfy my appetite for good movie,
though it was another proof that a man is at his strongest and his weakest point when there is a woman by his side.
Superman has Louis Lane,
Spiderman has Marie Jane,
Hulk has Betty Ross,
Wolverine has Jane,
Batman hhmm he has a lot of woman? Haha dunno about this one, cause I don't really follow Batman story.
As I said to one of my best friend:
"Love brings us to the highest point, yet it has the capability of bringing us to the lowest point that we'd never imagined before."
Together with my bro, his gf and 8 of my friends..we occupied 4 rows in J row..and another 8 in K row..
The first thing that caught my attention is..
Brandon Routh was smoking hot!!
What I mean by HOT is H.O.T!?!?!?
*kecuali pas rambut nya tiba2 ada poni nya satu keriwilan gitu*
The overall story was just ok..
It didn't really satisfy my appetite for good movie,
though it was another proof that a man is at his strongest and his weakest point when there is a woman by his side.
Superman has Louis Lane,
Spiderman has Marie Jane,
Hulk has Betty Ross,
Wolverine has Jane,
Batman hhmm he has a lot of woman? Haha dunno about this one, cause I don't really follow Batman story.
As I said to one of my best friend:
"Love brings us to the highest point, yet it has the capability of bringing us to the lowest point that we'd never imagined before."
Wew, you girls must have been really crazzy. Sitting in my left is you, said that Clark was hot, and in less than a second, my gf said the same thing. omgd, how comeeeee?
hahaha karena itulah fakta yang ada adikku tersayang weqqqqqqqqqq
Hahaha baru kali ini liat lo comment Fer! emank gw agak heran2x juga waktu my gf 'directly' said the same thing when Clark first appear on the screeen... =)
Btw it's a really nice blog you have here, you really good at the words.
Wahh agau..selamat datang di blog gue hehe yuppe..Ferry minim comment di blog gue, padahal kalo di rumah comment nya luar biasa banyak nya hahaha jangan bosen2 mampir yach gau;p