I had a psikotest at a bank yesterday.
One word..Exhausting!!!!
The worst part is when I were given a paper (A3) with columns of numbers,
and I had to write down the value of ones of the two corresponding numbers di samping dua nomor itu.
For example:

Hahaha ilang konsen dikit..nomor nya dah berantakan.
Not to mention..nomor2 nya itu berderet panjanggggg banget....
Well, anyhow..me and my other 6 friends passed the psikotest
and all of us must go for interviews next Monday..
8 Responses
  1. Unknown Says:

    Conrats buat interviewnya.. Lembar A3 itu memang menjengkelkan :P

  2. Lisiani Says:

    thanx dee:) hehe iyaa betul..seru sich..tapi mata nya butek..;p

  3. Anonymous Says:

    been there... done that... waktu SMA sih... hehehe... tapi ada perasaan seru juga waktu kerjain...

    sayang waktu itu gue lagi pilek berat, akhirnya tiap 10 angka, srotttttthhh.... *ingusan*

  4. Lisiani Says:

    hehe iya van..waktu smu gue juga pernah tuh..seruu sich seru banget vann..
    mungkin salah satu saran: Jangan pake pensil cetek2 hahaha karenaa kalo pas abis isi nya, makan waktu gitu cetek2 lagi;p

  5. irine Says:

    Duh Cha, besok interview...hix hix. Gue deg2an dobel, interview plus sidang. Gud luck to us all (even thou we're not really sure we want the job! hehe)

    Btw, gue akhirnya beli sepatu pantofel-like kemaren...gue bingung, Burhan bilang boleh pake yang depannya terbuka tapi Mbk Artha dari SS bilang harus pantofel. Just play it safe yah...

  6. Unknown Says:

    How's the interview?? Wish you the best for the interview..

  7. Lisiani Says:

    irine: hehe interview dah lewat. tinggal sidang..jia yooo rinn:) jadwal loe lengkap nya kapan yach..pantofel yang tadi loe pake kah? Hehe it's nice.. I mean..gue ga nyangka kalo pantofel bisa terlihat begitu bagus..

    dee: interview went ok hihi tinggal menunggu kabar sambil mikir2 nich thanx dee:)

  8. Unknown Says:

    Selamat deh buat interviewnya. Sabar ya nunggunya.. :)