Good day everyone:)
Let's start today with a big S.M.I.L.E:D
Yesterday I went to a sushi buffet with a friend of mine.
We took the Student buffet *since we're technically still registered in our university and still hold a student card;p*
Anyway, the buffet cost S$13.90 and the tea was S$1.00..
We paid S$34.40 for the two of us..(including the tax)..
We basically were allowed to ordered anything in the menu with the label of S$1.90 on it..
We were there from 3.30 - 6.00..
I was bloated due to the 11 plate of sushi, 1 plate of fried salmon, 1 plate of fried tofu, 1 chawan mushi, fruit and dessert that I ate;p
My other friend? Total of 20 something..
It was quite something..Hehehe
These past few days I practically have nothing to do..
I am waiting for next Monday to be able to review the offer letter,
and once I sign that..I'm gonna have to start working the following Wednesday.
Which means I'm gonna have to postpone me coming back to Jakarta until late November for my graduation.
Well then, I'm gonna have to go for now..
Have a nice day everyone:D
Let's start today with a big S.M.I.L.E:D
Yesterday I went to a sushi buffet with a friend of mine.
We took the Student buffet *since we're technically still registered in our university and still hold a student card;p*
Anyway, the buffet cost S$13.90 and the tea was S$1.00..
We paid S$34.40 for the two of us..(including the tax)..
We basically were allowed to ordered anything in the menu with the label of S$1.90 on it..
We were there from 3.30 - 6.00..
I was bloated due to the 11 plate of sushi, 1 plate of fried salmon, 1 plate of fried tofu, 1 chawan mushi, fruit and dessert that I ate;p
My other friend? Total of 20 something..
It was quite something..Hehehe
These past few days I practically have nothing to do..
I am waiting for next Monday to be able to review the offer letter,
and once I sign that..I'm gonna have to start working the following Wednesday.
Which means I'm gonna have to postpone me coming back to Jakarta until late November for my graduation.
Well then, I'm gonna have to go for now..
Have a nice day everyone:D
Very cool page and very pretty woman.
thanx for dropping by alex:)
..... Very pretty woman? .........
Anyway, speaking bout sushi...... Kmrn gw ke TA mann, trs gw liat Sushi Groove buka di TA lhoo, di tempat yang dulunya Music Cafe. Haha, jd klo lu mo traktir gw Sushi Groove, gk usa jauh2 ke PIM lage. Kapan lu traktir gw cui?
Very pretty woman.... couldn't give any comment to this :P
Sluurpp... sushi... anyway have a good work chaa.
hm gw cuma di rumah aja, sore baru ke party, makanannya ga gtu enak. jam 11 cabut ke karawaci buat ngafe di dixie. hahahaha...pulang jam 1 hohoho
bro: hahaha nanti akhir nov gue pulank, loe traktir yachh..kan gue graduation:D
dee: hushhh dikauu tega kaliiii...hihihihi iyaa thanxx dee:D dikau juga yachh good luck dengan semua tugas2 mu yachhh:)
devi: huaiixx...sweet 17an itu yach? gilee ke karawaci malem2 hihihi
chaaaa... kemaren ini akhirnya gua ke SATOO di shangrila.. and i ate a lot of sushi (besides others, like makanan india gitu, chinese, grilled stuff, and bebek pekingg...) hahahahaha... makan salmon langsung habis 1 porsi (about 10 slices gitu deh).. senang,cha ^.^
congratz ya udah dapet... awas ketauan jadi employee selundupan :P
humm.. lumayan murah ya? november pulang ke jakarta lis? liburan berapa lama lis?
Loh.. loh?? Napa daku dibilang tega kalii??
Gue emang ga bisa kasih komentar apapun, karena gue blum pernah ketemu lo dan foto bisa menipu.. hehehehe.. :P
nye2: huaaaaa...salmonnn..maooooooooooooo...hehehe gue lagi ngebayangin sushi groove;p thanx nyee hehe iya nichh duhh amit2 dech dideportasi hahaha
hengky: dibilang murah sich kaga;p hihi tapi yaa berhubung emank lagi pengen banget makan sushi, jadi cukup untung juga ambil paket buffet nya *dengan modal kartu mahasiswa hihihi* nanti november gue balik cuman bentar sich. Buat wisudaan doank;p hehe mo ke jkt hengk?
dee: hahahaha iya iyaaa..dee foto2 lagi donkkk..foto kampus loe gitu?
Pengen foto-foto lagi sih Chaa... Cuma kamera gue ini udah ngambil 999 foto. Trus gue pengen foto yang ke-1000 agak spesial gitu. Ada usulan objek Cha?? Tadinya sempet kepikiran mo foto diri sendiri lagi :P (narsis mode: on)
aloe chaa...........
eh sushi....sori aq gak pernah makan [hue....hiks]jd gak tau rasanya apa !!
eh aq ada PR buat km ...
kerjain ya ayo deh ke blog aq
dee: aduh duh duh..memorable sekali loh..btw loe rajin banget itungin jumlah jepretan. Hhmm mending kamera nya dikirim ke tempat gue, trus gue fotoin object2 menarik di sini;p ehehehe
coky: hehe cok..cobain sekali2;p ga usah sashimi..sushi ajaa dulu hehehe
i'm opening your blog nic
Hahaha... ga diitung kali cha, kan setiap foto ada nomornya. Nah jepretan terakhir bernomor 0999, jadi yang berikutnya bernomor 1000. Harus memorable lah. Hihihi... sedikit menyesalkah dikau tidak membeli kamera digital?? (Rasa-rasanya gue pernah menawarkan kamera gue ke lo kan?? Iya ga sih... *mengingat-ingat*)
dee: huixx tidak pernah sepertinya...hehehe so..apa nich foto ke 1000 ituu
Great work!
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Hmmm.. ngga pernah ya... Tapi kalo mengingatkan buat beli kamera pernah kan?? :P
Hehehe... foto ke 1000 gue dah di-upload di sini Cha.