Ternyata telpon2 yang sifatnya marketing ga cuman terjadi di Indo, tapi di Spore juga.
Dulu pas di Indo,
sering banget ada telpon dari Ce******y F****ss, trus dari beberapa perusahaan lain yang sifatnya menawarkan produk2 mereka ato pun sejenis nya.

Tadi pagi pas lagi di bus santai2..
Ada telp dari nomor tak dikenal.
Pas diangkat, kirain mau panggil interview kerja gitu..
Ehhh dia ngomong cepet banget..yang gue tangkep kurang lebih:
"Hi there..good morning. Congratulations..Our client has just opened a new branch *something something*. You have just won a holiday package to Thailand *something something*. I can assure you this is not *something something*. Could you please come this afternoon to pick up the price?"
-->Dia ngomong ga pake titik koma.....
Gue terbengong2 dan bilang "ooo..sorry..I don't think I can go there. I'm really busy"
Dan dia tetap "That's ok..How about tomorrow?"
And I was like "errr..well thanx, but I think I'm gonna skip..Good day"

Makes me wonder..
I've only been here for 1 week.
Haha and the only place where I left my phone number is the job portal.
That means they get my numbers from there?
I've never read the agreement offered to me in the portals hahaha
*Have any of you read it?*

Ya well..still we need to appreciate their jobs.
At least they're not doing some illegal work hehe
8 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    I'm really busy"
    Dan dia tetap "That's ok..How about tomorrow?"
    And I was like "errr..well thanx, but I think I'm gonna skip..Good day"

    nyebelin banget tuh....

  2. Lisiani Says:

    hahahaha yaa lumayan sichh cok..
    abis piye toh..namanya orang marketing. Harus gigih..ya ga toh;p

  3. Anonymous Says:

    gw tau itu!! celebrity fitness!!! hahahahahahaaha :p

  4. Lisiani Says:

    ;p hehe sudah rahasia umum ya ga toh dev

  5. Anonymous Says:

    haha fitness first juga sama kok..gencar juga..pernah ditlpin mo apply credit card ga cha? itu juga nyebelin..dia blg gpp blm kerja yg penting da punya cc (pdhl jelas2 cc gw kan compliment) buntut2nya ga bisa! rese ngerepotin doank hahaha

  6. Lisiani Says:

    hehehe kalo sama credit card untung blum dev..
    perjuangan yach kalo mo matiin telpon nya..

  7. hengky Says:

    nikmati aja lis.. lebih nggak enak yang kerjanya kok :p