Some told me to go ahead and take the job offer..
Some told me to wait around and find another one..
As for me..
I keep asking myself..
How confident am I that I'm gonna get another job offer..or at least job interview..
I'm having another job interview this evening..
Wish me luck all..
Some told me to wait around and find another one..
As for me..
I keep asking myself..
How confident am I that I'm gonna get another job offer..or at least job interview..
I'm having another job interview this evening..
Wish me luck all..
hm in my opinion sih namanya juga baru kerja, jgn terlalu ngarepin gaji tinggi, ntar klo uda pengalaman baru bisa. hehehe...tapi terserah aja sih cha, pertimbangkan lingkungan kerja, akomodasi, transpot dsb dsb..klo enak dan ga merugi sih ya ambil aja hehehe
congratzz yaaa,chaaa!!! moga2 betah deh :)
woh congrats cha! relocate jadinya neh? when? kapan mulai kerja cha?