*screaming mode on*
possible case:
i'm being deported?
i'm not sure where i put my embarcation card
*i remembered putting it inside the cover of my passport,
but i can only be sure tomorrow morning since the person who held my passport has left the office*
other option?
The embarkation card is indeed inside the cover of my passport..
The person who's responsible for me from my office just called and told me that everything is in there..
--Happy Mode on--
A great relief it is..
possible case:
i'm being deported?
i'm not sure where i put my embarcation card
*i remembered putting it inside the cover of my passport,
but i can only be sure tomorrow morning since the person who held my passport has left the office*
other option?
The embarkation card is indeed inside the cover of my passport..
The person who's responsible for me from my office just called and told me that everything is in there..
--Happy Mode on--
A great relief it is..
maksudnya embarcation card itu apa ya? kartu imigrasi yg putih kecil itu ya?yg dicap dari indo trus mesti dibalikin halaman berikutnya nanti pas balik ke indo lg? klo bener itu sih gpp kok hahaha...gw dulu juga sempet lupa, gw buang! hahaha...pas ke melb..gila uda antri cape2 ga taunya disuruh ambil form baru di bagian deket travalator, isi lagi! haha..trus lewat deh..cincay..LOL
huaaa seriusan tuh dev?
hehe eniweii gue punya ternyata ada di cover passport nya..
semalem dah panik2 sendiri gitu..
seinget gue..iya koq ada di passport..koq bisa dibilang ga ada yach..:)
sip deh..serius..gw buang...gw lupa! hahaha..gw pikir sampah2 aja penuh2in tas gw yg emang uda byk kertas2 ga jelas LOL..*stupid me* jgn sampe kejadian lagi deh...rese bgt uda antri paling depan trus dibuang aje gtu suruh antri di blkg lagi *cape deehh* LOL
Padahal bisa dibikin film tuh ceritanya. Sayang sekali ga jadi dideportasi.. kekekeke....
i just want to say, please come to my world, and u will not deport!?!?
keep my word
devi: hehe skr dah tersimpan dengan rapi semua nya..
dee: aji gile..
hans: hahaha nice to meet you