Yes friends..
I am going back to Jakarta for good by the end of this month.
The top 3 questions that I received from most people are:
1. "Are you getting married?"
2. "Loh kenapa? Bukannya di Spore enak?"
3. "Balik gara2 co loe yach?"
Here is my clarification..
Noup..I'm not getting married *just yet*.
The reason of me coming back to Jakarta is NOT..
i repeat..IS NOT to prepare my wedding?!
And we haven't had any plan to get married in the next one year..
So there you go..
Yeapp...Di Spore itu enak dalam artian semua serba teratur..
Bebas macet, accessibility-nya tinggi, dkk..
Gue pastinya bakal kangen banget sama tempat ini n sama semua teman2 gue yang ada di sini..
For the last question, boong banget kalo gue bilang "kaga"
Gmana pun juga, pasti itu masuk dalam pertimbangan..
So there you go..
Moga2 pertanyaan2 mendatang akan lebih bervariasi;p
I am going back to Jakarta for good by the end of this month.
The top 3 questions that I received from most people are:
1. "Are you getting married?"
2. "Loh kenapa? Bukannya di Spore enak?"
3. "Balik gara2 co loe yach?"
Here is my clarification..
Noup..I'm not getting married *just yet*.
The reason of me coming back to Jakarta is NOT..
i repeat..IS NOT to prepare my wedding?!
And we haven't had any plan to get married in the next one year..
So there you go..
Yeapp...Di Spore itu enak dalam artian semua serba teratur..
Bebas macet, accessibility-nya tinggi, dkk..
Gue pastinya bakal kangen banget sama tempat ini n sama semua teman2 gue yang ada di sini..
For the last question, boong banget kalo gue bilang "kaga"
Gmana pun juga, pasti itu masuk dalam pertimbangan..
So there you go..
Moga2 pertanyaan2 mendatang akan lebih bervariasi;p