How was Bandung?
Pretty nice actually, except for the part when I missed home so much;p
I only spent 2 nights there yet it felt really nice to step away for a while from my 'ordinary' life in Jakarta hehe
Bandung was not as crowded as last year *according to my friend's boyfriend*
but hey almost everywhere I went, there're cars with "B" sign di plat mobil nya..
Bahkan bokap gue ketemu ama temen2 nya gitu yang kebetulan nginep di hotel yang sama.
Ckck orang Jakarta emank hehe *LOL*

You know what I always do when I've got nothing else to do?
I fill out the questionnaire in Friendster Bulletin Board.
Just for fun..
but it does really help me to learn things about people..and about me.
Everytime I fill out a questionnaire, I always learn something new.
What was your dream when I was a child? Where would I be 5 years from now.. and so on
A couple of days ago, as I was reading The Curious Incident of the dog in the night-time,

I found this line:
"Tapi dalam kehidupan kau harus mengambil banyak keputusan dan kalau kau tidak mengambil keputusan maka kau takkan berbuat apa2 karena kau menghabiskan seluruh waktumu untuk memilih di antara sekian banyak hal yang bisa kau lakukan. Jadi ada baiknya kalau kau mempunyai alasan untuk membenci suatu hal dan menyukai hal lainnya. Ini seperti berada di restoran kalau sesekali Ayah mengajakku ke Berni Inn dan kau membaca menu dan kau harus memilih apa yang mau kau pesan. Tapi kau tidak tahu apakah kau akan suka sesuatu karena kau belum pernah mencicipinya, jadi
sebaiknya kau mempunyai makanan kesukaan dan kau pilih makanan itu, dan kau mempunyai makanan yang tidak kau suka maka kau tidak pilih makanan itu, dan kemudian semuanya jadi mudah"

Ngena banget...
Because once I encounter questions such as
2 songs you listen the most, 2 favorite foods, etc
I just found those kind of questions difficult to answer.
Not that I don't have the answer to that..
I have so many answer to that kind of question, till I don't know which I like the most..
Why am I writing this anyway?
Hehe I don't just came through my mind the other night..

Here are the assignments that unfortunatelly we have to work on;p

Monday, 22 November 2004 - HCI Paper # 5 and 6
Tuesday, 23 November 2004 - TPT Grammar
Wednesday, 24 November 2004 - Project Orientation (HCI)
Thursday, 25 November 2004 - ISPM HW#7 page 175
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