Java jazz is happening...
huaaa keren bangettt...
Kemaren gue ke Trisakti bareng Nye2, Yuli, Slamet 'n Cecep..
Pas nyampe dah mulai gitu dech acaranya, tapi tetep aja
kita sempet ngeliat yang namanya Jacque Mate ama Jeff Kashiwa.
gile boonk keren banget.
Gue ga kebayang ntar kalo di JCC gimana yach.
Jacque Mate, trio dari indo gitu.. (kalo mo info lanjut liat aja di
web nya java jazz)
Musiknya jazz yang dikit rock gitu kali yach haha
gue ga gitu ngerti dech;p yang pasti gitarisnya mantap..
kalo drummernya sich cukup enak diliat *dibaca:ganteng* haha
Dia orang bawain sekitar 2 ato 3 lagu gitu.
Ada sempet bawain lagu Jimi Hendrix yang gue ga tau judulnya;p
Moving on ke highlight of the night nya
Jeff Kashiwa beserta bandnya *yang gue ga tau sapa2 namanya*
Pas dia orang lagi sound check gitu, sempet rada2 gerimis mengundang.
Untungnya pawang ujan nya cukup ahli haha jadi ga ujan lah;p
Di tempat yang cukup kecil itu *dan memank ga terlalu padat banget2*,
bisa muat:
jeff kashiwa, 3 orang pemaen alat tiup, 1 drummer, 1 keyboardist,
1 guitaris, 1 basist dan 1 orang pemaen perkusi (apa tuh namanya? perkusist? emanknya ada? haha)
Yaa keren dch keren..
Gue dah cukup speechless, alias ga bisa mendescribe rasa terpesona gue kemaren.
Pas dah kelar, gue 'n nye2 hunting foto gitu haha
Sayang sich ga gitu jelas hasil2nnya.. hix hix
Tapi it was really really nice loh..
Yukkk dateng besok ke atma.
Ada george duke, glenn fredly dkk loh:)
Ok..gue dah lama banget ga berkisah ttg segala sesuatunya.
I've been completely lost in my own feeling and my own thinking.
The more I thought about things, the more I found myself confused with the choices I had to make.
I mean..I knew that something was not right for me..It will eventually hurt me.
However, the more people convince me that I was wrong,
the more I tried to make myself believe that it was right.
Does it make any sense? *starting to sound like someone huh:P*
For this time being, I just wanted to take sometimes alone
Trying to figure things out..
What I really want..How I really feel..
218 - "Last Looks" Closing Narration
Narrator: A heart is a fragile thing. That's why we protect them so vigorously, give them away so rarely, and why it means so much when we do. Some hearts are more fragile than others. Purer, somehow. Like crystal in a world of glass, even the way they shatter is beautiful.