Ho ho ho...
Merry X'Mas everyone...

~Don't Save It All For X'Mas Day~
Don't get so busy that you miss
Giving just a little kiss
To the ones you love
Don't even wait a little while
To give them a little smile
A little is enough

How many people are crying
People are dying...
How many people are asking for love

Don't save it all for Christmas Day
Find a way
To give a little love everyday
Don't save it all for Christmas Day
Find your way
Cause holidays have come and gone
But love lives on
If you give on

How could you wait another minute
A hug is warmer when you're in it
And Baby that's a fact
And saying "I love you's" always better
Seasons, reasons, they don't matter
So don't hold back
How many people in this world
So needful in this world
How many people are praying for love

Don't save it all for Christmas Day
Find a way
To give a little love everyday
Don't save it all for Christmas Day
Find your way
Cause holidays have come and gone
But love lives on
If you give on

Let all the children know
Everywhere that they go
Their whole life long
Let them know love

Don't save it all for Christmas Day
Find a way
To give a little love everyday
Don't save it all for Christmas Day
Find your way
Cause holidays have come and gone
But love lives on
If you give on
Udah beberapa hari ini gue bangun di pagi hari dan tersenyum..
*bukan berarti gue mulai mengalami gangguan kejiwaan ato apa loh*
Kalo kata pepatah, habis gelap terbitlah terang..

Yuppe yuppe..this is it hehe
Natal dah deket, taon baru jugaa..
Sahabat2 dari melb dah pada balik di sini..
Entah mengapa, gue ngerasa lega banget juga...
Beban2 pikiran dah mulai ilank *kecuali tentu nya pikiran soal skripsi huhuhu*
Truss apa yach...
Perlahan2 gue dah bisa menata rencana2 gue buat ke depan nya..
Love is in the air..
I feel like I finally find my way back home:)

Tadi abis makan2 di ultah temen..
Truss pas lagi di mobil perjalanan pulank..
Gue ngeliat ke kursi belakang dan kursi depan..
I took a deep breathe and say
"I feel lucky.."

Gimana ga..
Mereka itu adalah orang2 yang udah menemani gue selama hampir 10 tahun..
Mereka tau perkembangan gue dari jaman2 smp dulu..
Tau hampir semua tipe rambut yang pernah gue coba,
tau kalo udah jam 10 malam biasa gue dicariin orang rumah;p,
tau hampir semua cerita2 gue selama ini..
tau what to do kalo gue lagi sedih..
tau macem2 dech...
With them I feel home..
I feel a sincere love..No need to hide the real me nor to feel afraid that they will forever hate me if i made a mistake..

Thank you so much..
Went to the cinema last nite with my parents to watch king kong..
It was great..Adrian Broody was hot..
Err..okay..I barely watched the movie hehe so there's no movie review from me this time;p
This is why...

Just before entering the cinema, all of the sudden i felt so cold..
I was thinking "okay..not a good sign"

Entering the theater, I was seated next to a boy..He's about 7-10 years old.
*it's 10.50pm already..and he's in the cinema?? With her mom sitting infront of him with his younger brother..unbelievable hehe*
I wasn't feeling any better..Instead I started having a terrible headache..
The worst part was I felt like throwing up..urrghhh

So there I was struggling not to throw up in front of everyone^^"
Couldn't bear with the cold and headache, I decided to sleep*lol*
I slouched myself and tried to find my comfort position;p
The last thing I remembered before I closed my eyes was the Kong fighting the dino..
The next thing I knew, the Kong was already in New York? hahahaha
I turnt my head to the left *to the boy* and he was looking back at me with the "you-slept-during-the-movie?" kinda look..
So embarassed, I managed to make myself stay awake for the rest of the movie, which was about 10-15 mins to end;p
Couldn't find any better line than this to describe my state of feeling..

The more things change, the more they stay the same. I'm not sure who the first person was who said that. Probably Shakespeare. Or maybe Sting. But at the moment, it's the sentence that best explains my tragic flaw: my inability to change.

I don't think I'm alone in this. The more I get to know other people, the more I realize it's kind of everyone's flaw. Staying exactly the same for as long as possible, standing perfectly still... It feels better somehow. And if you are suffering, at least the pain is familiar. Because if you took that leap of faith, went outside the box, did something unexpected... Who knows what other pain might be waiting out there. Chances are it could be even worse.

So you maintain the status quo. Choose the road already traveled and it doesn't seem that bad. Not as far as flaws go. You're not a drug addict. You're not killing anyone... Except maybe yourself a little.

When we finally do change, I don't think it happens like an earthquake or an explosion, where all of a sudden we're like this different person. I think it's smaller than that. The kind of thing most people wouldn't even notice unless they looked at us really, really close. Which, thank God, they never do. But you notice it. Inside you that change feels like a world of difference. And you hope this is it. This is the person you get to be forever... that you'll never have to change again.

Remember when I mentioned how I was deciding to move on from 'him'?
I was no where near having-the-strength to do so..
I gradually took a step back from him, but when I was beginning to sense a change..I drag myself back to him..
It's been quite a while now..
Things have changed slowly..Still moving in an arbritary direction, but really struggling to survive..

Wherever I turn to..
They always say "just follow your heart"
The thing is, how do i move on when a part of me believe that he's the other half part of me?
but again...
how do i know that it's my heart that speaking..not my emotionally thinking only..
Why does it against my logical point of view?
Am I thinking too much?
Am I making things more complicated than what they are?

No body says it's gonna be easy..
Just praying that soon it will be over..
I'm done..I'm tired of stepping forward into a no-direction..