QB on sale..
Yuppe..not a hoax!!!
Bayangin...Buku di sana yang rata2 100rb dech,
bisa loe dapetin dengan harga rata2 30rb-an..
Jadiiiii kalo biasa ngeborong 5 buku di sana n pas di kasir mesti rela merogoh kantor 500rb..
Sekrang tuh 5 buku bisa didapetin dengan 150rb!!!
Kapan lagii hayooo
Hehe tapi emank sich buku nya dah tinggal dikit..
Jangan nyari buku2 best seller gitu dech di sana.
Dah pasti ga ada punya..

Kemaren ini pas gue pergi, dah nenteng2 5 buku tuh..
Tapi berhubung dah janji kalo mo beli max 2 buku aja..
akhirnya dechh dipilah2 hahaha

Benernya sich ke sana mo nyari :
The time traveller's wife, The world is flat, Anna Karennina, The Good Earth sama Chinese Cinderella Story..
Hehe thanx buat dd-nya Sasa....
Gue dapet pinjeman The Time Traveller's Wife *yang kata orang2 sich bagusss bangetttttttt*

Alkisah 5 orang yang penasaran pengen nyobain es krim Ben n Jerry..
Hehe kemaren ini kita ber-5 pegi beli pas jam kosong di kampus.
Setelah browsing di official web nya Ben n Jerry,
kita dah dapet nich gambaran kira2 mo beli apa.
Pas nyampe di tempat nya, ternyata stock nya dah tinggal dikit gitu...
Runding punya runding, kita ambil Chocolate Fudge Brownies sama Half Baked...

Karena packaging nya yang kurang memadai buat perjalanan jauh
(pint nya cuman dibungkus ulank sama plastik putih n dikasih dry ice dikit),
akhirnya kita mampir dech ke Pa-Un sekalian buat lunch..
Sambil nunggu, kita buka dech satu pint rasa Chocolate Fudge Brownies
Ga terlukiskan dech dengan kata2..
Brownies nya enak..coklat nya juga coklat banget..
Urrghhh inginn lagiiiii hehehe

Coklat coklat dan coklat...yummyyyyyy:)

Ga pake ba bi bu lagi..langsung diserbu..Ehh tunggguuu gue lagi fotoooo!!!

Ga nyampe 10 menit dah abis...Mau lagiiiiii..

Hehe kelar makan siang *yang kita makan dengan cukup cepat*, kita buka dech pint terakhir rasa Half Baked..Nyendok nya dengan penuh perasaan hahaha

Sayang ga sempet foto expresi muka kita2 pas lagi makan hahha
Dah ga konsen;p
Minggu depan mau lagi ahh...
Apa sich sebenarnya pacaran itu?
Kalo menurut banyak orang sich, proses pengenalan diri pasangan kita..
Ada juga yang bilank itu cuman status doank..
Lantas, what's the whole point???
Ga harus pacaran donk???

Tadi nyokap ngasih 'seminar' singkat pas di mobil.
"Ya kamu mulai lah liat2..Masa di antara segitu banyak ga ada yang serius?
Ya tapi kamu jangan kayak dia, begitu kecantol ga mau liat2 yang laen lagi"

*Urrrghhhh!!!!!* -->in screaming mode
Yaa ampunn momm?!?!
Gimana gue ga jadi bingungg cobaa!!!!
Kalo dah pacaran, trus sah2 aja gitu ngelirik2 lagi?
Kalo ketemu yang jauh lebih sreg, trus ditinggalin aja gitu yang lama?
Itu namanya ga setia donk????
Lahh ya ga usah pacaran lohh kalo gitu..
Kenal aja sama banyak orang..trus nanti langsung merit aja..

Dan memang soal ini udah jadi perdebatan pas lagi nginep tempat sasa kemaren itu..
Hasil mufakat kemaren itu:
pacaran itu yach kita belajar komitmen aja sama satu orang. Kalo ga ada status itu, ya berarti kita masih bebas lirik2 gitu donk?

Ahhhhhh bingung bingung...
Somebody please help me!!!!!
Kegiatan baru gue:
Les mandarin 2x seminggu.
Lanjut dengan les perancis 1x seminggu..
Voli lagi juga 1x seminggu.
Baca buku pelajaran di rumah kalo nganggur.. *IMAGINE THAT!!!* hahaha
Mulai susun strategi pemasaran baru buat nyokap..

Hasil dari semua itu di atas...
Gue pasti tidur sebelum jam 11 malam dari Minggu-Kamis
Hehehe ada pengecualian sich kalo Jumat n Sabtu;p
Who can say where the road goes,
Where the day flows, only time?
And who can say if your love grows,
As your hearth chose, only time?

Who can say why your heart sights,
As your live flies, only time?
And who can say why your heart cries
when your love lies, only time?

Who can say when the roads meet,
That love might be ,in your heart?
and who can say when the day sleeps,
and the night keeps all your heart?
Night keeps all your heart.....

Who can say if your love groves,
As your heart chose, only time?
And who can say where the road goes
Where the day flows, only time?

Who knows? Only time
Who knows? Only time

Lagu yang jadi soundtrack nya Sweet November..
Dinyanyiin sama Enya, judulnya Only Time

Kalo dipikir2, yaa sapa juga yang bakal tau apa yang bakal terjadi nanti.
Segimana pun kita merencanakan segala sesuatunya, pasti ada satu faktor X yang bakal membelokkan arah kita..
Faktor X yang kita mungkin ga kepikiran bakal ada..

Tapi apa itu artinya kita ga boleh berencana?
Kalo menurut gue sich, berencana ga ada salah nya..
Asalkan kita tetap terbuka kali yach pikiran kita, dan selalu nekanin kalo gimana pun kita berencana tetap aja Yang Di Atas yang menentukan..
Lagian kalo kita ga berencana, kita ibarat jalan ga ada arah tujuan donk..
Paling ga dengan rencana, kan kita punya satu tujuan yang mau kita capai..
Jadi semua yang kita lakukan itu bukan sambil lalu aja, tapi ada artinya hehe

Next topic sepertinya bakal tentang takdir...
Do you believe in a thing called fate?
There will be people around us who are upfront about our situation.
They will not tell us what we want to hear,
because they believe that we have to face the truth instead of running away or hiding from it.
They are those who use their logic more than their emotion when solving a problem.
They are the one that we probably hate at that particular moment.
Not because they did anything wrong,
but because they are trying to pull us out of our comfort zone and encourage us to immediately face the reality.
They will say "Reality sucks!! but still it's useless to hide"
We might avoid them for sometime, possibly because we're ashamed to have run away from reality; or
possibly because we feel intimidated by the fact that we don't know how to handle a certain situation and need other people to guide us.

And then there will be people who sympathetically listen to our endless "tragic" stories
and will say exactly what we want to hear..
They will say "It's gonna be okay", eventhough it's implausible to happen..
They will say "Everybody makes mistakes", to comfort us and letting us know that there are ups and downs in this life.
They know what we should do, yet they keep it to themselves
because they know what we need the most at that time is comfort..
They know that we're still not ready to face the truth.
They believe that when the time comes, we will be ready to fight;
and when we're taking too long, they will warn us about that.

I believe that those create a balance for us..
There are times when we just want to run away from our problems,
but there are times when the best choice is to directly face our problems..
Well..that's just a thought..hehe
I was about to leave my parking spot when I felt that the steer was so

difficult to handle.
I park my car again and...
Flat tire!!!

As I was about to dial home,
a dear friend of mine stepped off his car *he's just coming back from lunch*

and walked toward my car..

Tons of thank you to Makoto Ishijima, who was kindheartedly help me..
I really had no idea how to release the spare tire^^"
*I drove Kijang 2002*

Anyhow, later on I found a-7 cm-nail on the tire.
I don't know how it got there..
One thing I realize,
I really need to learn a lot about cars hehe