Bless those who mourn, eternal God,
with the comfort of your love
that they may face each new day with hope
and the certainty that nothing can destroy
the good that has been given. May their memories become joyful,
their days enriched with friendship,
and their lives encircled by your love.

by::Vienna Cobb Anderson
How was Bandung?
Pretty nice actually, except for the part when I missed home so much;p
I only spent 2 nights there yet it felt really nice to step away for a while from my 'ordinary' life in Jakarta hehe
Bandung was not as crowded as last year *according to my friend's boyfriend*
but hey almost everywhere I went, there're cars with "B" sign di plat mobil nya..
Bahkan bokap gue ketemu ama temen2 nya gitu yang kebetulan nginep di hotel yang sama.
Ckck orang Jakarta emank hehe *LOL*

You know what I always do when I've got nothing else to do?
I fill out the questionnaire in Friendster Bulletin Board.
Just for fun..
but it does really help me to learn things about people..and about me.
Everytime I fill out a questionnaire, I always learn something new.
What was your dream when I was a child? Where would I be 5 years from now.. and so on
A couple of days ago, as I was reading The Curious Incident of the dog in the night-time,

I found this line:
"Tapi dalam kehidupan kau harus mengambil banyak keputusan dan kalau kau tidak mengambil keputusan maka kau takkan berbuat apa2 karena kau menghabiskan seluruh waktumu untuk memilih di antara sekian banyak hal yang bisa kau lakukan. Jadi ada baiknya kalau kau mempunyai alasan untuk membenci suatu hal dan menyukai hal lainnya. Ini seperti berada di restoran kalau sesekali Ayah mengajakku ke Berni Inn dan kau membaca menu dan kau harus memilih apa yang mau kau pesan. Tapi kau tidak tahu apakah kau akan suka sesuatu karena kau belum pernah mencicipinya, jadi
sebaiknya kau mempunyai makanan kesukaan dan kau pilih makanan itu, dan kau mempunyai makanan yang tidak kau suka maka kau tidak pilih makanan itu, dan kemudian semuanya jadi mudah"

Ngena banget...
Because once I encounter questions such as
2 songs you listen the most, 2 favorite foods, etc
I just found those kind of questions difficult to answer.
Not that I don't have the answer to that..
I have so many answer to that kind of question, till I don't know which I like the most..
Why am I writing this anyway?
Hehe I don't know..it just came through my mind the other night..

Here are the assignments that unfortunatelly we have to work on;p

Monday, 22 November 2004 - HCI Paper # 5 and 6
Tuesday, 23 November 2004 - TPT Grammar
Wednesday, 24 November 2004 - Project Orientation (HCI)
Thursday, 25 November 2004 - ISPM HW#7 page 175

Suatu hari, Plato bertanya kepada gurunya (Socrates), Apa itu cinta? Bagaimana saya
bisa menemukannya?
Gurunya menjawab:"Ada ladang gandum yang luas di depan sana. Berjalanlah, tetapi jangan mundur kembali, kemudian ambillah satu buah ranting. Jika kamu menemukan ranting yang kamu anggap paling menakjubkan, artinya kamu telah menemukan cinta."
Plato kemudian berjalan, tidak berapa lama kemudian ia kembali dengan tangan kosong
tanpa membawa apapun.
Gurunya bertanya," Mengapa kamu tidak membawa satu ranting pun?"
Plato menjawab,"Aku hanya boleh membawa satu saja dan saat berjalan tidak boleh munduk kembali (berbalik). Sebenarnya aku telah menemukan yang paling menakjubkan, tapi aku tidak tahu apakah ada yang lebih menakjubkan lagi di depan sana, jadi ranting tersebut tidak kuambil. Setelah aku melanjutkan perjalanan, baru aku sadar
bahwa ranting-ranting yang kutemukan kemudian tidak sebagus ranting yang tadi, jadi akhirnya tak sebatang ranting pun yang kuambil."
Guru menjawab, 'Itulah yang dimaksud dengan cinta.'

Beberapa hari kemudian, Plato kembali bertanya kepada gurunya, ";Apa itu perkawinan?
Bagaimana saya bisa menemukannya?";
Gurunya menjawab, "Ada hutan yang subur di depan sana. Berjalanlah tanpa boleh mundur kembali (menoleh) dan kamu hanya boleh menebang satu pohon saja. Jika kamu menemukan pohon yang paling tinggi, tebanglah. Dengan begitu artinya kamu telah menemukan apa itu perkawinan.";
Plato kemudian berjalan dan tidak berapa lama kemudian ia kembali dengan membwa
sebuah pohon.
Pohon tersebut bukanlah pohon yang tinggi. Pohon itu biasa-biasa saja.

Gurunya bertanya, "Mengapa kamu memotong pohon yang seperti itu?";
Plato menjawab, ";Berdasarkan pengalamanku sebelumnya, setelah menjelajah hampir
setengah hutan, ternyata aku kembali dengan tangan kosong. Jadi pada kesempatan ini, aku lihat pohon ini dan kurasa tidak terlalu buruk. Jadi kuputuskan untuk
menebangnya dan membawanya ke sini. Aku tidak mau kehilangan kesempatan untuk
Gurunya menjawab,"Itulah yang dimaksud dengan perkawinan."

Cinta itu semakin dicari, semakin tidak ditemukan.
Cinta adanya di dalam lubuk hati, ketika kita dapat menahan keinginan dan harapan
yang lebih. Ketika pengharapan dan keinginan berlebihan akan cinta, maka yang didapat adalah kehampaan.
Tak ada satupun yang didapat serta tidak dapat dimundurkan kembali. Waktu dan
masa tidak dapat diputar mundur. Terima cinta apa adanya.
Perkawinan adalah kelanjutan dari cinta.
Perkawinan merupakan proses mendapatkan kesempatan. Ketika kau mencari yang
terbaik diantara pilihan yang ada, maka kau akan mengurangi kesempatan untuk
Ketika kesempurnaan ingin kau dapatkan, maka sia-sialah waktumu untuk mendapatkan
perkawinan itu.
Karena kesempurnaan itu hampa adanya

Gue dapet dari bulletin board frenster nich..Cukup bagus menurut gue hehe eniwei, this is my last post before pegi ke puncak 3 jam lagi;p Nite everyone..
Saatnya ku berkata mungkin yang terakhir kalinya.
Sudahlah lepaskan semua..
Ku yakin inilah waktunya.
Mungkin saja kau bukan yang dulu lagi,
mungkin saja rasa itu telah pergi..

Dan mungkin bila nanti kita kan bertemu lagi,
satu pintaku jangan kau coba tanyakan kembali
rasa yang kutinggal mati seperti hari kemarin saat semua di sini.

Dan bila hatimu termenung,
menghindari mimpi2mu..
Membuka hatimu yang dulu, cerita saat bersamaku.
Mungkin saja kau bukan yang dulu lagi,
mungkin saja rasa itu telath pergi..

Dan mungkin bila nanti kita kan bertemu lagi,
satu pintaku jangan kau coba tanyakan kembali
rasa yang kutinggal mati seperti hari kemarin saat semua di sini.
Tak usah kau tanyakan lagi, simpan untukmu sendiri
Semua sesal yang kau cari, semua rasa yang kau beri..
~Peterpan : Mungkin Nanti~

I once believe that this person is my love..
The one whom I should wait for..
THe thing is, no matter where I went..or how I tried myself to give my heart to other man,
I always came back to him..
Just when I started to forget about him, there he was..coming back to my life again.
It went on for uuhhmm about 4 years..
Right now, I still cannot decide where I should move on..
It feels like there's something hanging between us.
Could it be that it was the reason why I couldn't move on for so long?
To be honest, I'm starting to feel tired.
For the time being, I would like to dedicate that song for that particular person..

Noo..don't mis-intepret the subtitle hehe..
I'm not in desperate for love..
Well, I'm not in desperate for a date haha not yet;p

This is the story about 4 girl in the middle of traffic jam..
The time was 16.30 WIB in my lovely purple Kijang;p
Me and the other 3 girl were talking about girl stuff..
Well, you know what girls usually talk about;p
DUring the conversation I was asked so many question that finally led us to these question:
"Is there still exist such thing called pure love? What is pure love?"
Haha you know what, the other 3 girls..They are from the debate team.
Just imagine how the discussion going on..
One of them came up with the idea that "Pure love is the kind of love that exist by nature..It's unconditional thus it offers no pain.."
And the other said "Love comes in the same packet as pain. No pain no gain.."
It goes on and on..
I myself, cannot define what is love..apalagi pure love..
but hey, it really hit me hard.
Especially after watching The Notebook.
I keep on questioning my self the existence of that kind of love..
Blessed them who've been given the opportunity to feel that.
What do you think about that?

I'm going to Bandung in about 6 hours from now..
So, this blog is going to be abandonned for a few days.
Have a nice holiday for everyone..
Met lebaran juga buat yang ngerayain nya..
Minal Aidin..
Mohon maaf lahir dan batin:)
*Am I gonna survive 2 nights without computer?* lol haha
For one of my friend who's going through a big change in his life..
Don't give up now.
What you need is some more time..
Not the time to heal the pain..Time won't heal the pain
but time to get use to your current condition.
time to adjust yourself, to learn about new things.
Eventually, life will go on...
well, just remember that we will always be here for you..OK

There are certain milestones in our lives that give us the opportunity to reflect on where we've been and to look ahead to where we're going. If you're lucky, the looking ahead is as much fun as the looking back
But not everyone is lucky.

We're taught to remember only the significant moments, the rites of passage. In truth, the smallest steps that get us to these momentous occasions are just as significant. Looking back, we see it's not just the high points, but the low points that also define who we are and who we will become.

It's holiday alreadyy..*Pyuh*
You know what's funny about this holiday for me?
I'm feeling lost
Hehe I think I'm used to the "stressfull" days..
You know, those 'good old days' when I had to finish my paper, study for my exam..
Oh my...what's gotten into me *lol*

Anyway, Met Puasa buat yang ngejalanin nya..
Happy holiday for alll:)

As always, I'd never forget to spoil a little about the new books that I bought couple of days ago..and of course a new movie that's played in the cinema now.

by Mark Haddon
*the indonesian translation: Insiden Anjing di Tengah Malam yang Bikin Penasaran*
What a weird translation huh ;p
Why did I bought this book?
Hmmm good question..I've never even heard about this book.
One thing that caught my eyes at first was the colour of the cover.
It is pink (oh noo..it's as if the colour of stabilo)
I picked up that book, and there's something in the cover said:
"The winner of Bookers Prize of Fiction 1981 and Shakespeare Prize 1999)
Haha now you know why I bought that book;p
I haven't read it yet..
Something that's quite odd is that the pages are based on the prime number.
So don't expect to find page 1, 4, 6, 8, etc... in the book..
go here to read the review

I loveeeee this film...
I haven't read the book yet, but I definitely will.
For those who doesn't know..this film was based on the book written by Nicholas Spark
*He is the one who also write A Walk to Remember and Message In the Bottle"
Hmmm I don't find anything phylosophical in this movie..
I was just amazed by the pure love shown in the movie..
Arrghh better not mention anything further more..
I'm afraid I'll spoiled the story haha
Just check it out for yourself:)
click here

Haha most of you probably notice that I now spend most of my time in front of my lovely computer..
Can you imagine that..I've spent 10 hours online today..
*Pyuh* better start to keep my self away from computer huh haha

You're a Winter. You very much enjoy your time
alone but do like other people's company
sometimes. You just need your space. You have a
few priviledged friends who saw past your
colder exterior to find the true you. You can
have pretty bad mood swings (though you hate to
admit it) so you could be soft one second then
storming around the next! But over all, you're
a very pleasant person once people take the
time to get to know you. You're a good friend
for in-depth talks. You're very talanted when
it comes to creative things.(If you can't see
tje pics, go to my homepage and look near the
bottom and find your result)

What season are you? (pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

I finally reached my limit yesterday..
I woke up in the morning with this sore throat and feeling so weak..
After took a bath, suddenly this headache came.
It just made me so sick that I could not even stand on my own without holding on to something^^"
I finally decided not to attend the class..
Anyway, I'm back to the normal mode hehe
Feeling so healthy..It feels so good:)
I just would like to thanx all of you who spent your time *and money* to message and made a phone call to ask my condition..
Really appreciate that^^

I'm sure all of us had our moment of being in the middle of something..
Ke kiri salah..ke kanan juga salah..
It's one of the feeling that I don't like.
Especially when it concerns two people who I consider as my friend..
I just can't never find what it's better for me to do.
Should I just stay put..pretend that I know nothing?
I can't..can I?
Eventually I'll end up hurting one of them..or even worse, both of them.

For someone, if you read this,
I really didn't mean to hurt you..I can't blame you if you're angry with me.
I don't have any excuse for you..
Nothing could ever turn back the time and prevent me for repeating the same thing.
Well hope you can forgive me..

Oh no, no, no, no

If love was a bird
Then we wouldn't have wings
If love was a sky
We'd be blue
If love was a choir
You and I could never sing
Cause love isn't for me and you

If love was an Oscar
You and I could never win
Cause we can never act out our parts
If love is the Bible
Then we are lost in sin
Because its not in our hearts

So why don't you go your way
And I'll go mine
Live your life, and I'll live mine
Baby you'll do well, and I'll be fine
Cause we're better off, separated

If love was a fire
Then we have lost the spark
Love never felt so cold
If love was a light
Then we're lost in the dark
Left with no one to hold

If love was a sport
We're not on the same team
You and I are destined to lose
If love was an ocean
Then we are just a stream
Cause love isn't for me and you

So why don't you go your way
And I'll go mine
Live your life, and I'll live mine
Baby you'll do well, and I'll be fine
Cause we're better off, separated

Girl I know we had some good times
It's sad but now we gotta say goodbye
Girl you know I love you, I can't deny
I can't say we didn't try to make it work for you and I
I know it hurts so much but it's best for us
Somewhere along this windy road we lost the trust
So I'll walk away so you don't have to see me cry
It's killing me so, why don't you go

So why don't you go your way
And I'll go mine
Live your life, and I'll live mine
Baby you'll do well, and I'll be fine
Cause we're better off, separated
Miss independent
Miss self-sufficient
Miss keep your distance, no
Miss on her own
Miss almost grown
Miss never let a man help her off her throne
So, by keeping her heart protected
She'd never ever feel rejected
Little miss apprehensive
Said ooh, she fell in love

~Kelly Clarkson : Miss Independent~

How you feel about a girl like this?
Try to control me, boy you'll get dismissed
Do what I want, live how I wanna live
Buy my own diamonds, and pay my own bills

~Destiny Child : Independent Woman~

Oh gosh..those songs reflect a little part of me..
Frankly, I don't like the feeling of depending to someone or something.
It makes me feel weak and I don't know..makes me feel like I'm nothing.
Not to mention, my fear of getting hurt if something or someone that I hold on to suddenly walk away from my life.
I'm not the type of girl who can throw myself to my boyfriend buat bermanja2 ria.
That is just so not ME..
but hey, it doesn't mean that I do not need attention haha
I do need that, but you know..not in the way most girl wants.

I always thought that I'd be this career-woman who still single during her 20s..
Doing my own biz and fulfilling my own need..
This is the idea that has become a part of me for so long.
I don't know if I'm ready to let that go.
Try to share my independence with someone else..
*Can't even think about that^^"*
What should I do..

Everything happens for a reason, right?
So, there must be a 'why' behind this post.
Hehe..I just finished watching 'Raising Helen'..
And it hit me..it hit me hard..
Watching how a woman who decided to let go of the life that she has already had..the life that she really loves to take care of her nephew and nieces..
It made me think..
Will I have that kind of guts?
To let go of something that has become a part of me.
For now, I don't think I have that guts..
I don't know about tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, or even next year..
Otanyoubi Omedetou..Happy Birthday
Yippeee hehe today is a very happy day for my dearest dad and my cute friend, Lina..

Dear Dad,
It's been a long and tough year for all of us..
Glad that we've made it through hehe
I just simply want to wish you a happy birthday..
I know you haven't celebrate your b'day since uumm i don't know..since a long time ago for sure.
Well, maybe you just don't feel like doing it anymore *hehe i don't know:P*
I haven't been able to give you anything in return for what you've done for me.
*I know you don't expect any favor in return..*
but I just want to promise you one thing..
I'll never leave you and mom no matter what.
That's the least thing I can do right now:P
Anyway, happy b'day dad^^

~As written in the b'day card addressed to my dad^^~

Lina..I've known you for about 3 years now, right?
The first time I knew her was when we both were on the same bus on the way to the teambuilding.
*what a team building we had back then yach:P*
My first impression of her was cute, quite, introvert but still friendly somehow.
My impression now about her? Huahahah not much different from three years ago.
She's still the same girl who I talked to 3 years ago.
Except for the quite part^^"
She's not that quite anymore haha..Isenk nya skr dah menjadi2.
One of so many things that is so impressing about her is her ability to draw..
She's sooooo imaginative and creative *Do I spell it correctly:P*
Any of you still remember her 'family tree' assignment for CB3?
Hehe I adore your work Lin..
She really likes barang2 berbentuk piggie..Trus pucca juga dia lumayan deemen hehe
Mobil kesayangan diaa?? Errr itu lancer bukan toh ahha yaa itu dech mobil merah bernomor B 1368 EH *bener ga yach haha*
Denger2 sich dia sodara jauuh nya Schummy:P
Huaa yang lucu dari lina itu, dia ga gitu tau jalan^^"
Haha gue masih inget pas kita mo ke TA dulu..
Linaaa loves her sister so much hehe..
Dari cerita2 yang gue denger dari Lina, she's really different compare with her sister.
Lina is independent in someway..So far, she manage to enjoy her life and being a happy jomblo:D *Lin...icha tunggu kabar bahagia nya:P*
Anyway, I just drop by for now to say Happy B'DAY to you:):)
Some people say that another year means more responsibility for us.
Well, that's true in someway..but still, spare yourself a little to enjoy this life haha..*apa coba*
~As written in my testimonial for her written today:P~

Pyuhh here's the list of this week tasks:

Wednesday, 6 October 2004
Human Computer Assignment 2 (See milist for more detail:P)

Thursday, 7 October 2004
Compiler "Submitting a token table, keyword list, state diagram and scanner code or pseudo-coded"
ISPM 2nd Paper on "Selecting a Project"
ISPM 4th homework from book
Web Programming Homework "Creating a web based on the spec"

Gut luck everyone hehe..esp on the Compiler and the ISPM and the web..
Urrgg for everything:P

:::END OF PART 1:::

It's been said that seeing is believing. But the fact is, we all have our blind spots.
Sometimes we recognize them ourselves. Sometimes others recognize them for us.

Michelangelo said the best way to judge the essential elements of a sculpture is to throw it down a hill and the unimportant pieces will break away. Sometimes life is like that. It tosses us down a hill. But when we reach the bottom and only the important things are left, that's when our vision clears. That's when we hold on tight to what we know, while hope stirs inside us. It's all a matter of perspective.

Quote from Everwood
Hhhmm ini cuman sambungan dari post kemaren sich:P
What does it have to do with Everwood then?
Well, for those who haven't known..
Everwood is a tv serial.drama kind of movie:P
You can watch it every Friday @12pm on TV7 *promosi abis haha*
Anyway, tadi gue inget gitu kalo di salah satu episode nya pernah ada lines ttg how people change bla bla itu dech..Ya seperti yang kemaren gue post..
Trus setelah mencari2 hehe..akhirnya ketmeu juga..

The following is taken from Everwood episode 4 Season 2
For people to change, it takes other people.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.
I'm not sure who the first person was who said that.
Probably Shakespeare, or maybe Sting.
But at the moment, it's the sentence that best explains my tragic flaw: my inability to change.

I don't think I'm alone in this. The more I get to know other people, the more I realize it's kind of
everyone's flaw.
Staying exactly the same for as long as possible, standing perfectly still.
It feels better somehow.
And if you are suffering, at least the pain is familiar.
So you maintain the status quo, choose the road already traveled, and it doesn't seem that bad, not as
far as flaws go.
You're not a drug addict, you're not killing anyone...except maybe yourself a little.

When we finally do change, I don't think it happens like an earthquake or an explosion, where all of a
sudden we're like this different person.
I think it's smaller than that.
The kind of thing most people wouldn't even notice unless they looked really, really close.
Which, thank God, they never do.
But you notice it.
Inside you, that change feels like a world of difference, and you hope that it is...
That this is the person you get to be forever. That you'll never have to change again.
Hehe sebelon gue lupa..
Barusan orang Binus ada yang telpon buat ngabarin kalo lab Computer Graphic kita yang mesti nya Hari Rabu jam 13.00 kemaren, diganti jadi Senin, 27 September 2004 jam 15.30
Jangan lupa loh hehe..

Lalalala..belakangan ini cape banget yach..
Bukan cape physically, tapi lebih ke cape pikiran:(
Mostly sich mikirin tugas2 kampus yang tiada henti mengalir
*Pak dosen..dengarkan jeritan hati kami.* Huee apa coba huahaha..ga jelas banget..
Yaa eniwei, gue cukup senang dah mo lewatin minggu ini.
Kemaren itu sempet rada2 kesel ama seseorang gara2 dia dengan nyantai nya 'nyerahin' tugas ke kita2,
trus pas hasil nya ga sesuai..dia seakan2 mempertanyakan kerjaan kita..
Trus sempet dibuat panik juga gara2 Sim Project nya delay banget haha
Sempet kecapean juga..trus sempet males banget sampe2 gue skip kelas hari Rabu kemaren kalo ga salah:P
Yaa campur aduk dech hehe..
Hari ini gue dah tidur cukup lama dan tiba2 jadi inget buat update blog.

Hehe this is an explanation to all of you who message me the other night in the messenger..
There's nothing wrong with me koq hehe..
Gue cuman lagi mikir..
Kenapa yach kita tuh bisa berubah banget demi co ato ce kita?
Kadang2 kita ngerubah hal2 yang udah jadi identitas diri kita hanya karena diminta ama dia..

I'm not talking about a big change yang ngerubah sifat ato kelakuan seseorang..
Misalnya nich..kita itu dari dulu ga demen ama satu jenis makanan..
Ya emank itu lah kita gitu..Truss dengan satu kalimat dari co ato ce kita, kita mulai membiasakan diri dengen tuh makanan..
Atoo dulu itu kita independent tapi not in the sense of cuek..
Trus skr kita tuh jadi manjaaaaaa banget..
Emang sich ga ada yang salah dengan itu..
Lagian ga semua orang koq kayak gitu.
*PS: ini pure pemikiran gue loh..ga ada maksud buat nyinggung anyone out there*
Okay, I understand that in some point we have to adjust ourselves to our partner's behavior.
Tapi ga mesti dengan berubah kan..
Kadang2 hal2 kecil seperti itu yang menjadi identitas kita..Jadi hal2 yang unik dari kita.
Apa itu berarti co ato ce kita ga bisa nerima kita just the way we are??
Kan kita juga bukannya punya sifat2 jelek ato apa yang emank mestinya diubah..
Yaaa pendek kata, kalo menurut gue co ato ce kita itu tuh punya pengaruh yang cukup gede buat what we will become one day..
Huaaa bingung ah jadi nya.
*jitak jitak* maap..gue baru bangun tidur soalnya haha:P
Menurut loe orang, sampe seberapa sich kita perlu melakukan perubahan2 buat co ato ce kita?
Do I sound like orang yang cuek?
Errr gue ga men-deny itu koq..
Di satu point tertentu, gue emank cuek banget..
Apalagi kalo itu dah menyangkut hal2 yang gue yakinin.
Gue kadang2 ngerasa kalo gue tuh susah banget buat ngubah diri gue..
Perubahan sementara, maksudnya buat menyesuaikan dengan lingkungan sekitar, itu gue masih bisa.
Tapi kalo disuruh ngubah cara pandang gue ato keyakinan gue ttg apa pun juga.
Itu rada susah kali yach..
*Koq jadi curhat pribadi gini hihi;p*

Eh tapi kalo kadang2 gue pikir yah,
mau ngerubah sesuatu itu ga susah2 banget.
Emank sich pas pertama nya itu susah minta ampun..Soalnya kita mesti deal with keinginan dari diri kita nya dulu..
Nahh tapi kalo kita dah survive tahap pertama, yang perlu kita lakukan itu basically try to push ourselves to do it everyday..
Niscaya lama2 bakal jadi satu kebiasaan baru gitu buat kita hehe..
*Niscaya loh ckck hehe*

Huaaaaa tadi gue totally blank pas di lab Web Programming.
Tiba2 disuruh buat applet pake multi threading^^"
Untungnya dikasih coding buat applet nya, jadi tinggal buat multi threading.
Trus yachh bodoh nya gue, gue tuh kayak merevise ulank tuh coding.
Buntut2nya gue jadi rada bingung sendiri dech hihi..
Stress sich iya banget haha tapi sok cool gitu:P
Buka buka buku..trus add coding di sini..apus yang di sono..bla bla..
'Jadi' dech haha..
Asli nya itu disuruh buat applet yang ada button "Add image"
Ntar tiap kali kita press tuh button, bakal nambah satu gambar yang bisa bouncing2 gitu kalo kena pinggiran frame nya.
Nahhhh gue punya jadi kayak gimana??
hehe gue punya yachh..kalo gue klik add image, dia muncul satu gambar..
Kalo gue klik lagi..tuh gambar jadi pindah ke tempat laen..Gitu2 mulu
Huahaha ga nyambung banget ga sich ama tugas asli nya:P
Yaaa udah dechh..itu aja selesai nya dah molor banget waktunya..
Dikumpul lah tugas itu..Truss AK bantuin gue buat menyelesaikan masalah itu..
Dan dia rada bingung waktu liat gue pake coding dari Irwan yang gue modif2 haha..
Yaaa eniwei, akhirnya dah bisa jalan cuman kurang bouncing nya aja..
Ckck emang lemot kadang2 gue huahaha..

2 years in my campus
Ga kerasa yach kita dah masuk taon ke 3 di kampus..
Gue ngerasa banget loh kalo gue dah lumayan berubah..
Liat aja, bahasa gue skr dah terkomputerisasi dengan baik..
Apa coba haha..
Contoh yang baru2 nich yach..
Gue kan lagi pegi ke mana gituu ama keluarga gue..
Trus kalo gue ngomong ama dd gue, biasa nya ngebahas soal hal2 komputer gitu dech.
Nahh pasti tuh pada bingung gitu yang denger nya.
Trua kalo lagi ngomong ama temen2 sma gue gitu,
kadang suka keceplosan pake bhs2 di kampus such as:
'extend', 'implement', 'switch', 'assign' ya gitu2 deh...
keyword2 yang biasa kita pake di tiap pelajaran haha..
Beneran dah..lama2 jadi kebiasaan gitu.

Have you ever felt some kind of emptiness inside
You will never measure up, to those people you
Must be strong, can't show them that you're weak
Have you ever told someone something
That's far from the truth
Let them know that you're okay
Just to make them stop
All the wondering, and questions they may have

I'm okay, I really am now
Just needed some time, to figure things out
Not telling lies, I'll be honest with you
Still we don't know what's yet to come

Have you ever seen your face,
In a mirror there's a smile
But inside you're just a mess,
You feel far from good
Need to hide, 'cos they'd never understand
Have you ever had this wish, of being
Somewhere else
To let go of your disguise, all your worries too
And from that moment, then you see things clear

I'm okay, I really am now
Just needed some time, to figure things out
Not telling lies, I'll be honest with you
Still we don't know what's yet to come

Are you waiting for the day
When your pain disapper
When you know that it's not true
What they said about you
You couldn't care less about the things surrounding you
Ignoring all the voices from the wall..
What is happening to this world??
The news about some 'terrorist' who took school children as hostage in Russia still fresh in our mind..
Now, the world once again is shocked by a huge explosion that took place in Jakarta yesterday.
All the news in the TV..Stories written in the newspaper..
Seeing all of those, I wonder how could people did something like that?
Didn't they realize that their act would harm another people.
Should we still consider them as a human being??
Look at all those victims..
They were just innocent people..
People who happended to be in a wrong place and a wrong time.

Do the bomber think that by doing this, they prove theirselves as a hero or so-whatever they want to name it????
Well, for what it worths...I DON'T THINK SO!!!!!!!
If you think that you're right, then fight for it but not with this way!!!!
Violance won't solve any problem..
You want to be a patriot?? Look at people like Munir (alm.)..
He fought for what he think was right..
If later on you find out that what you believe is wrong,
than beat it!!! Admit that you're wrong..
It took a lot of courage to admit that we are wrong!!
I guess you just don't have that courage to admit that you're wrong huh???

My deepest condolences to all the family of the victim from the bombing that took place yesterday...

Little child dry your crying eyes.
How can I explain the fear you feel inside.
Cause you were born into this evil world.
Where man is killing man and no one know just why.
What have we become, just look what we have done.
All that we destroyed you must build again.

When the children cry, let them know we've tried
Cause when the children sing, then the new world begin.

Little child you must show the way to a better day for all the young.
Cause you were born for the world to see that we're all can live with love and peace.
No more presidents and all the wars will end
One united world under GOD.

When the children cry, let them know we've tried
Cause when the children sing, then the new world begin.

What have we become, just look what we have done
All that we destroyed you must build again.
No more president and all the wars will end.
One united world under GOD.

When the children cry, let them know we've tried
Cause when the children fight, let them know it ain't right
When the children break, let them know the way
Cause when the children sing, then the new world begin

How could I be more fool than this..
Last Saturday, I have to ask Nopi to bring home my bag since I can't go back to campus after the e.COM closing in STC..
Today, she brought my bag and handed it to me..*I ended up bringing 2 bag at the same time hehe*
I put it in the floor in room 208 during the last lesson..
And stupidly, I forgot to bring it back..
OH MY...How could this happened^^"
I left my bag at campus hix hix..
I just called the Building Management of my campus, and they said they haven't found any bag yet..
Hix hix someone please save my bag hehe..
Seminggu belakangan Icha lagi cape banget hehe..Jadi ga bisa update blog. Sorry for dat^^
Seminggu ini kan di kampus ada e.COM, jadi ikut bantu2 di kampus.
Kemaren baruu aja selesai..Pyuh..
Gue ga bisa komen apa2 dech soal e.COM kemaren hehe..

Entah kecapean ato salah makan..
Kemaren gue muntah ampe 2 kali selama perjalanan pulank.. *Maap yach Met:P*
Sekali itu waktu di Mangga Besar abis temenin Memet makan..
Sekali lagi waktu dah nyampe Muara Karang..
Ckck trus pulank2 lap badan bentar..langsung minum obat 'n tidur hehe..
Sempet sich ngeliat pengumuman Indonesian Idol bentaran.

Huaaa Joy menank loh hehe..
Emank dia ok banget yach. Delon juga patut diancungin jempol koq..
Di atas semua kontroversi yang terjadi,
rasa2nya ke 10 Indo Idol dah jadi cukup beken yach haha..
Loh koq 10??BUkannya 11?
Menurut berita dari Tommy, yang ada juga di detik.com katanya Helena dah keluar dari Indo Idol.
Yaa baca sendiri aja kali yach biar lebih jelas hehe..
Koq gue jadi infotainment gini..

Edoo hehe..hepi b'day yach..
Yaa gue doain dech yang bae2 buat loe.
Seperti yang tadi gue sms dech..

Huaaa Lala..congratz yachh..
Buat yang belon tau, Lala jadi juara 1 Spelling Bee Competition di e.COM 2004 loh.
Ckck spelling nya hebat banget donk la hehe..:P

Besok kelas baru dah mo mulai lagi..
Sedih plus senenk sich..
Sedih soalnya masih pengen libur:P trus dah ga sekelas ama Lina, Nye2, Tommy, Puja, Isdi, Edwin, Cecep, Irine, Hasina, Bea *and others whose schedule I haven't known yet* trus juga Jumat nya ga liburr..Huaaaa curank anak2 kelas PBC hehe..Ga dapet Mr. Basuki pula...hixx
Senenk soalnyaa dah cape juga sich sebenernya libur *apa sich cha haha..tadi pengen libur..skr bosen:P*
truss sekelas ama orang2 baru kayak Ardo, Makoto, trus ga tau sapa lagi hehe..
Sekarang dah taon ke-3 kul..
Cepet banget yach kalo dipikir2.
Setengah taon lagi, dah pada mau pegi ke Oz.
Masih ga kebayang aja gitu hehe..ntar kalo loe orang pada pegi semua *You know who you are*
Yaa eniwei, jangan lupa loh beli buku (buat yang mau) hehe..trus kumpulin semua energi yang ada buat mulai hari pertama hehe..Ntar bakal bisa ketemu anak2 baru juga loh hehe..

"There's this person that you want to be for other people. TO make them happy. To make them proud of you. And then there's yourself. And sometimes it's hard to tell where one ends and the other begins. DOes that make any sense?" -NORTHERN LIGHTS 313-

Nah loh...double personality donk namanya?
Hmmm iya ga sich? Menurut gue sich ga juga..
Yang gue percaya itu, di dalam diri kita semua ada satu perasaan pengen disukai semua orang..
Yaaa ga mau punya musuh gitu dech. *sapa coba juga yang mau:P*..
Trus akhirnya kita selalu berusaha buat menjadi sempurna buat semua orang.
Ga gampank loh ngebuat semua orang senank..Yang ngebuat satu orang senenk, belon tentu ngebuat senenk orang laen.
Demi buat orang laen senenk, kadang2 kita ngelakuin hal2 yang sebenernya ga nunjukkin diri kita sebenernya..
Kadang2 juga kita ngerubah diri kita buat nyesuain diri dengan lingkungan kita..
I'm not saying that changes are a bad thing to do loh hehe

Ibarat make topeng donk kalo gitu?
Iya juga yach hehe..
Di depan si A, kita jadi pendiem..serba nurut..dkk..dkk
trus tiba2 di depan B, kita jadi fun banget, ketawa ketiwi gitu..yaa yang tolak belakang banget ama sikap kita kalo di depan A.
Ntar kalo kita tiba2 ada si A 'n B barengan..nah loh...kita jadi siapa donk???
Bingung kan..Hehe..itu dia kali yach kenapa semua orang always say 'Be Your Self'

Kalo gitu, apa ga cape tuh?
Cape juga kali yach..Kalo gitu kapan mo jadi diri kita yang sebenernya donk?
Apalagi kalo 'diri kita' sedikit berbeda dengan diri kita yang sebenernya (kenapa gue kasih tanda kutip? soalnya I'm referring to the person who we want to be for other people, to make them happy..nah ituu hehe)
Huaa apa sich, jadi bingung dech lama2 hehe..

Beda orang pasti beda pendapat soal ini..
Ada yang mungkin juga mikir 'Ngapain juga gue ngikutin mau nya semua orang. Ga mungkin lah gue buat semua orang senenk.'
atoo..'Ya ga ada salah nya lah berkorban buat orang laen' dll dll.. huahaha..gue belon jadi pembaca pikiran sich:P jadi nya ga tau dech hehe..
"Listen to what your heart tells you.."
That probably is what we hear when asking other people for advice..
I personally usually say that just to assure other that no matter what I say, in the end it's their decision to make.
Well, okay..I think I've said that line quite often:P
I do realize, how hard it is to actually live with that..
I mean,
How do we know what my heart tells us?
Some might say that sometimes, just sometimes, our conscience just doesn't make any sense..but it is indeed the right choice to be made.

To be honest with you, I'm not the type of person who can easily make decision.
Most of it because I'm afraid to make mistakes..
*Who on earth won't make mistake, right hehe*
So, instead of just following what my heart tells me..
I'm usually blown away with lots of stuff.
like "What if that's not the right thing to do?"; "I don't think that make any sense"; "What should I do?"..etc..
Hueee macem2 hal berkecamuk dalam benak gue hehe..
Dan macem2 hal itu biasanya bertentangan satu sama lain.
Doesn't help at all yach:P
Yaa bisa dibilank kadang2 gue sedikit plin-plan kali yach hehe

My point here is,
Is it possible that our conscious is wrong?
If it's not possible, then how to assure that we're following our consious..not our emotional intuition?
Perbedaan yang kecil tapi cukup bermakna:P
*Oh my..what am I talking here.. Starting to talk without direction :P*

There comes a time when you must stand alone.
You must feel confident enough within yourself to follow your own dreams.
You must be willing to make sacrifices.
You must be capable of changing and rearranging your priorities so that your final goal can be achieved.
Sometimes, familiarity and comfort need to be challenged.
There are times when you must take a few extra chances and create your own realities.
Be strong enough to at least try to make your life better.
Be confident enough that you won't settle for a compromise just to get by.
Appreciate yourself by allowing yourself the opportunities to grow, develop, and find your true sense of purpose in this life.
Don't stand in someone else's shadow when it's your sunlight that should lead the way.

e.COM 2004
Tomorrow is almost the D-days hehe..
There's going to be a technical meeting for Story Telling in my campus tomorrow.
What actually e.COM 2004 is?
Hhmm how should I explain diz..
It's an annual English Competition, held by BiNus IUP University, that will take place on 1-4 September 2004.
We're going to have Debate, News Casting, Scrabble, Spelling Bee and Story Telling for this year's e.COM.
The closing ceremony will take place in STC Senayan:)
Apart from the award giving, We will have performances by bands and BiNus IUP's Modern Dance.
Should any of you interested to come to e.COM..
You can come to :
Joseph Wibowo Center
Jl. Hang Lekir I No. 6
Kebayoran Baru
(Beside Universitas Mustopo)

I love this song for no particular reason hehe..
Lagu nya Tara McLean enak2 koq hehe..Ada yang judul nya 'Settling', itu mellow banget hehe..
macem2 dech hehe..

Tara McLean : If I Fall
It seems so far to go, It took so long to get here
Now I’m saying things I swore I’d never say
And I’m afraid again

I thought I had it in me, I used to be so sure
There I was stronger than ever
And here I am blaming the hurt

And if I fall, I will find a way back to my hands
I’m the only one who can help me find my feet again

Sweet little fighter. Sweet little scar
Sweet little fire. In my heart

It seems so easy now, everything I dreamed about when I was a child
It looks like a good thing’s here and I think I’ll stay for a while

And if I fall, I will find a way back to my hands
I’m the only one who can help me find my feet again

You came in screaming
And never stopped to listen to your one and only prayer
A place for you somewhere
Some of you might have already known how I love my highschool.
I went to Tarakanita 2 High School in Pluit.
Noo..it's not a homogen school:P hehe..We do have boys in our school.
*If you went to Tarakanita 1, then you will meet all girl students hehe..*

What I miss from my highschool?
Hmm let's see..
I miss the time when I had to run to the gate and 'beg' the security guy to let me in..
I miss how I managed to still time to play volleyball, even when I still had a lesson in class:P
I miss the break time, when we all rushed to the gate and crowding Asius's place, bakmi Ibu, robak Eddie, Hasan's place, batagor, telor-guy, hamburger, dkk dk..
I miss the hall; the place when we usually ate our lunch or just have a talk..*istilahnya, tempat ngetem nya anak2 TarQ hehe*
I miss the rush before volleyball game..
I miss the classes, with the old-ceiling-fan that ready to fall in anytime:P, the dusty blackboard and window, the desk where we usually kept our stuff..
I even miss the small-dirty-stinky toilet hehe..
I miss my highschool a lot..


Owalah..what a strange movie:P
I think it's supposed to be an action movie, but me and many others laughed a lot during the movie..
There were a lot of part in the movie that just didn't make any sense hehe..
For example, how Zang Yiyi suddenly recovered from the wounds..things like that hehe.
*try not to be a spoiler:P*

However, the scenes were very beautiful and the fighting scene was also great..
Overall, Hhhmmm not really my type of movie:P

Silly thing happened to me just before I watched the movie..
Because some miscommunication, me and my friend ended up with 4 extra tickets hehe..
Thus we stand near the locket and ask people around whether they want to watch teather 5 or not:P
Oh my..what a silly thing..

Oh my, I think I hurt my hip..
Hehe thanx to Felix, Agus 'n Ko BS who faithfully accompany me playing fuzball for about 2 hours *nonstop*
Ckck..ga ada kerjaan banget ga sich..
Selesai rapat, mestinya langsung pulank..eh ini malah ngetem di lobi kampus, maen fuzball hehe..

Okay..another movie review *Pyuhh do I started to sound like movie freak:P*
'Jersey Girl' is a drama, staring Ben Affleck, J-Lo and ....
Just another ordinary love-drama movie for me.
The message in the movie was quite touching though..
"Sometimes you have to forget about who you thought you were, accept who you are and acknowledge what makes you happy"

Do you still remember how we used to dream of what we want to be when we grow up?
I'm the type of person who got influenced easily..
I wanted to be an astronout, then I wanted to be a teacher..then again I wanted to be a sportwoman..and it goes on and on and on..
I've never stopped dreaming..Not even now.
I guess that's what keeps me going to be become a better person.
You know what..
When I set my goals, I actually can see how I fit the whole idea of what I want to become..

but hey..I'm not living one of my childhood dreams.
Maybe I haven't tried hard enough, or maybe I'd never thought to actually pursue them..
Maybe I'm just a dreamer:P
At somepoint, I wonder what would happen if I try hard to pursue my dream..
but I can't change what I've done, right..
And guess what!!
That doesn't make me an un-happy person.
I'm happy with what I am now..happy with what I'm doing and I can't wait to see what I will become.
Eventually I keep those "wannabe"-dream inside me.
I found what I actually love, and I'm working on it.

If we think about it,
How many of us who eventually living that dream, or at least on our way to live that dream?
I obviously not one of 'them' hehe..

I want to clear something here..
Hehe on the previous posts I used the GMT alias waktu Jkt - 7 jam hehe..
Nahh starting on this post, I change the time into Jakarta mode hehe..

It's a long long journey, till I know where I'm supposed to be.
It's a long long journey, and I don't know if I can believe
When shadows fall and block my eyes,
I am lost and know that I must hide..
It's a long long journey, till I find my way home to you.

Many days I've spent, drifting on through empty shore..
Wondering what's my purpose, wondering how to make me strong.
I know I will falter, I know I will cry..
I know you'll be standing by my side..
It's a long long journey and I need to be close to you..

Sometimes it feels no one understand..
And I don't even know why I do the things I do
When pride builds me up till I can't see my soul,
will you break down this wall and pull me through..

Cause it's a long long journey
Till I feel now I am worth a price
You paid for me on calvary
Beneath those stormy skies..

When Satan mocks and friends turn to foes
It feel like everything is out to make me lose control..
Cause it's a long long journey, till I find my home to you..

-Angela Chang : Journey-


Just as i promised, I'm going to give the detail of books that we need for the next semester..

Rp. 215.000,- Rp. 155.000,- Rp. 140.000,-

Rp. 215.000,- Rp. 200.000,-

Sorry if the layout is messy hehe.

I've shown you my love in ways that you might not understand..
I choose to be still in silence when my heart screams..
I say words that I don't mean, simply to keep my feeling away from you..
Maybe you don't know how much I love you,
but I'm sure you do know that I love you...
I just want to say I'm sorry for all the words I didn't say..
And most of all, I'm sorry for not letting you know how much I love you.

A simple misunderstanding..
All of us surely have had that experience..
Not knowing others' condition can create a misunderstanding..
What basically cause that?
Could it be because each and every one of us have our own p.o.v (point of view)?
Or is it the unwillingness *is there such a word like that? hehe* to look through others' eyes?
Well, whatever the reason is..
I just want to say I'm really sorry to someone whom I just talk to on the phone..
I didn't understand your situation, thus create a simple misunderstanding between us hehe..

This is by far the most unbelievable holiday..
These past few months really have taught me a lot of things.
I feel more aware of the living in this world..
And I feel that I've become a better person than before..
Well hopefully what I'm feeling is true:P
Let's see..
I've faced some situation that I'd never thought I would get involved in..
I finally meet people whom I thought could never exist in this 'so-called' beautiful life..

It takes a lot of courage to stand up to our enemies, but it takes a great deal more to stand up to our friends..

It's one of the line in Harry Potter 1..I was pretty amazed by this line.
This line reminds me to one of my old friends who I admire so much.
I can say that she is a very good friend..
not because she can cheer me up all the time nor because she always gives me perfect advice..
It's because she doesn't say what I want to hear..
She always tells me things that I really don't want to hear because I'm too scared to face the truth.
And I respect her for that..
She's by far one of few people I know who can speak out her mind without making others feel offended..

book list for the new semester...

just here to inform all of you, that the book list is now available in the student service hehe..
For computer science batch 2006, the book will cost us Rp. 925.000,-^^"..
You guyz want to buy all of them? Naah..I'm not really sure about that hehe..
The "Core Web Programming" book is so thick..It's the one in the library I think..
Well, i'll give the detail information tonight hehe..

I just finished 'teaching' the new student in the lab...
It's fun hehe..though Bule is very late.
Anyway, I gotta go for now..
Sorry again for not writing for so long hehe..
I'll write again tonight hehe..
I'm going to MangDu now..
See yaa...
Sorry I haven't updated this blog for so long hehe..
There was an Orientation Days in my campus from 11-14 August.
For three days in a row, I had to get up at 4am...
It was really tiring, but lots of fun hehe..
Well, I'm not going to talk about the O'days hehe.. but I think this post is gonna be a long one:P

Yesterday I went to the cinema with my old pals..
Me and my 2 friends watched 'The Village', while the others watched 'Dirty Dancing'
The Village, a mystery movie that keeps me wondering what the mystery is hehe.Confused? So do I:P
The story runs pretty slow..Almost half of the movie was the introduction that I thought was really nice.
It makes us involved with the emotion of the characters.
I can't tell you much about this movie without being a spoiler hehe..
The point that I'm trying to say is, you won't be able to guess the mystery that lies in the movie until almost the end of the movie..
The ending itself was really fast..
I didn't expect it to end so soon hehe..
I thought the story would still go on for like another 10 or 15 minutes,but then I saw this guy started to open the exit door..
And I was like "What? This is it??"Hehe..overall, the movie is okay..

I can't believe it..My dad also watch the Indonesian Idol hehe..He adores Helena and Joy:P hehe..and doesn't think Delon eligible to be the winner.Yippe, Go Daddy.. hehe..What's happening in Indonesian Idol?I mean..c'mon. Do you think Helena deserved to be voted out?I really don't think so..Her performance was really cool, not as cool as Joy though:P

These past few days, I've been given a chance to taste the other part of this world.
How there are other ways of living life..
How I can feel insecure..
And most of all, how I know what it's like to not feel belong to something.
All of those make me grateful for I've been blessed to have my friends..
Friends who brings out the best of me..
Who will stand by me when my worst come..
And most important, friends who make me feel that I'm loved..

I had this conversation with one of my friend the other day..
We were talking about how we regret some choices we've made..how we wish to return to the past..
And this bring us to a long discussion about how to make a good choice..
Each second in this life is about making choices..
From the minute we wake up in the morning, we're faced with choices..
Are we going to get up now, or turn off the alarm and go back to another '5-minute-sleep' or other things?
And it go on and on and on...
It's always been like that..and always will be.
Who we are now, what we've become or who we will be..
All of those are the outcome of our past actions and choices we've made.
Everyone sure have something they wish to change.
Wishing they had taken different roads, saying different words, write different answers in the final, make a bet on different team..etc..etc
Where will we be then? Who will we be? Will we be who we are now? Will we know our best friend? Will we befriend with our enemy?
*What a heavy and endless conversation:P*

Then we both realize..There is no such thing as a perfect choice.
There will always be a trade off for the choices we make.
And the fact is..we need to feel the regret sometimes.
Why? Well, what's the point of having everything so perfect?
We won't have anything else to hope for then, will we?
Three things we need in this life: someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for...

I just got home 10 minutes ago..
I went to a dinner with my pals hehe..
We went to Yuraku Buffet in Gading.
It was really crowded in there. We had to wait about 10 minutes to be seated.
There were 11 of us, and we sat in 2 table.
The food was okay..There are teppanyaki, thai suki, spaghetti, dim sum, sushi roll, yaki tori, and desert..
Rp. 60.000,- per person (Do I sound like I'm promoting the place haha..)

I really miss my highschool time..
Being with my old friends really is comforting..
Maybe it's due to the fact that they knew almost half of the story of my life.(
Ga ada lagi dech jaim2 ama dia orang haha..)

Kakek, happy b'day:):)
Now that you're 20, I wish you wisdom..
I pray for your happiness, may your path leads you to a happy ending.
I pray for your sorrow, may there will always be a smile waiting for you when the tears run dry..
Most of all, I pray that Lord will always lead you to a faith..
A faith that one day, if you try hard enough, your dreams will come true..
That you will find who you are, and the reason why Lord has choosen you to be part of this world..
Happy b'day Widianto:)
Today I learn a very valuable lesson..
I learn that trusting someone could means getting hurt so badly..
I've never known that it could hurt me so much..Not until now..
What hurt me the most is the fact that, this person happens to be someone whom I trust so much..
What exactly happened? Uum..let's just say that I didn't expect this person to do things that I really didn't want him/her to do..
I totally disappointed by this person..*God knows who I'm talking about*
but I can't just stop trusting people, can I?
Being hurt by others is something that naturally happens..This I know..
but it still hurts so much, even if I've had prepared for such a condition to happen..

I bought two Charles Dicken's book, "David Copperfield" and "Oliver Twist" yesterday..
Why did I bought it?
Hehe..They're cheap..I mean really cheap..
They're both written in English, labelled as "Printline Classic" *Whatever that means:P* and only cost me Rp. 35.400,-
See..that's cheap, right?
I haven't read the books yet, but I did read some synopsis..and I believe the books are great..
You should check them out by yourself in Gramedia
*Wah..another commercial break here hehe*

Anyway, I got this annoying itch since yesterday..
I went to my highschool to meet my friend, and when I got home..my hands, feet and my back were so itchy..
Oh my..what's happening to me:(

I just figured out that the 'comment' part in my blog is broken somehow..
Anyone can help me:P? hehe..

"There's this person that you want to be for other people. TO make them happy. To make them proud of you. And then there's yourself. And sometimes it's hard to tell where one ends and the other begins. DOes that make any sense?"
-Dawson Creek's Episode 313 "NORTHERN LIGHTS"-


Pyuhh..This is one of my happiest weekend so far hehe..
I finally able to go out with my high school friends..
*Kembali merasa jadi anak sma* huahaha..
Ririn Aw Kiki Udy..See ya all on Wednesday hehe..


As I surfed the internet last night, I came through this web that has a lot of funny facts about things surrounding us. Things that most of us haven't paid attention to for it is sometimes unnoticeable hehe..
Why on earth do I interested in stuff like this?
Well, somehow it makes me realize that there are other things exist outside my world..

Just a glimpse of the contain of the web..
Hehe..do you know that?
Bats will always turn left when exiting a cave.
The copyright to the Happy Birthday song is owned by Warner Chappell.
The ZIP code means Zoning Improvement Plan.
There is a town in Arizona called Monkey's Eyebrow, one in Arkansas called Toad Suck aswell as a Montana town called Hungry Horse.
The city of Timbuktu does exist - located in northern Mali.
The word 'God' appears in the bible 3,358 times.
111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321


I just got back from the cinema watching I, Robot..
I wasn't expected it to be that good hehe..:P
Well, the film was okay..
Will Smith di sono koq kekar banget yach?^^'

Just a little history behind "I, Robot"...
It is based on Isaac Asimov's work, with some modification of course hehe
The book itself is a collection of his first short stories ever published..
The funny fact about the book is that the Isaac Asimov couldn't find the right title for the book.
Eventually, the title was given by the publisher of the book..

As you can see from the title "I, Robot"..The basic idea of the movie is how people react to the idea of human and robot living together with normal situation..
Although the special effect was really nice..The ending was kinda confusing for me hehe..You should check the movie yourself I think:P


Anyway, did any of you watch Ally McBeal last Thursday?
It was really different and..touching in some part..
Last episode was about this woman who has a double personality *if i might call it*..
The real her, named Helen, is a very vulnerable person and a loving wife..She doesn't have any social life, she doesn't work, she love art and can draw like a true artist..
And there's this other part of her self, named Helena, who is a very strong yet independent woman who believes that she doesn't need his husband.
Somehow, Helena become more dominant and has taken over Helen for the last years..
Helena wants to divorce the husband..
Well the story goes on and on in the courtroom..
With Ally and John as the representative of Helen and her husband..
And uum this guy *whose name I forgot:P* and Lisa as the representative of Helena..

What becomes the basic question in the end was...
What is it that define a person?
Is it things that he/she believes in?
Or is it his/her soul?
Doesn't people change, given the time and the stimulation from the environment?

How about this..
When someone ask you "Who are you?"
How would you answer that?
Have we known ourselves good enough?

I guess that will leave us with another uncertain yet unargueable answers:P
Love at First Sight

by Wislawa Szymborska

They both thought
that a sudden feeling had united them
This certainty is beautiful,
Even more beautiful than uncertainty.

They thought they didn't know each other,
nothing had ever happened between them,
These streets, these stairs, this corridors,
Where they could have met so long?

I would like to ask them,
if they can remember-
perhaps in a revolving door
face to face one day?
A "sorry" in the crowd?
"Wrong number" on the phone?
-but I know the answer.
No, they don't remember.

How surprised they would be
For such a long time already
Fate has been playing with them.

Not quite yet ready
to change into destiny,
which brings them nearer and yet further,
cutting their path
and stifling a laugh,
escaping ever futther;
There were sings, indidications,
undecipherable, what does in matter.
Three years ago, perhaps
or even last Tuesday,
this leaf flying
from one shoulder to another?
Something lost and gathered.
Who knows perhaps a ball already
in the bushes, in childhood?

There were handles, door bells,
where, on the trace of a hand,
another hand was placed;
suitcases next to one another in the
left luggage.
And maybe one night the same dream
forgotten on walking;

But every beginning
is only a continuation
and the book of fate is
always open in the middle.

I just bought myself a cooking book,
and 2 cassettes hehe..
Usher's confession and Jamie Cullum's Twenty Something..
Why cooking book?
As many of you have already known, I'm not a cooking type of girl hehe..
Just wanted to try something new hehe..Who knows I can open a restaurant one day?
*Guess not hehe..*


Something just came across my mind..
Isn't if funny, how you bumped into another person in a mall..
Feeling familiar with the face..
Then he waved and smiled at you..
And...you don't remember anything else about him, except that feeling that you know this person..
I just met this person about an hour ago in mega mall..
As I looked at him, I get this feeling that I know him..I definetily do..
He wave at me, and come to me..
We have not so long conversation, but until now I can not recal anything about him..
Not even his name...Only knew that he's also from Tarakanita 2..
I'm sure most of you have almost the same experience as me..

Another thing that I have in my is..
Has it happened to you?
Having a feeling that you know people around you, but then it turns out that you don't know anything about them..

I've known a person for like what..uumm 3 years
And yet, I haven't had a chance to really know her..
The other night I was chatting with her, and I found out that she has so many things in common with me.
Maybe it was me who never really give a chance for her to know me better.
Or maybe it was me who never really try to get to know her better..
I guess we'll never get to know each and everyone around us if we don't work it out ourselves huh..


There's this movie that I personally think worth watching..
I watched Seabiscuit last night.
Oh my..it was great..I mean, bagussss banget banget banget.
(Not in term of Spiderman, LOTR, Troy or other movies like that..)
There's something inspiring in it. A struggling that I think is beautifuuly scened by ...
I was really touched by that movie..
The scenes, the way the characters interact with each other, the music..huaa semuanya dech..two thums up for that..
One thing bother me during the whole film though..
"koq spiderman nyasar di sini" huaaa is it just me or it's true that Peter Parker's character dah melekat banget di Tobby Mcquire.

However, gue ga menyarankan buat yang ga demen film drama buat nonton nich film hehe..
The duration of the film is 212 minutes, and di awal2 film alur ceritanya lambat banget jadi dikit ngebosenin.
There is no action nor romance in this movie, so don't expect to see one hehe..
Do you remember The Pianist?
If you think the film was dreadful, I don't think you should watch this one..
If you think the film was OK, then you can bear the 212 minutes in the theater..
If you think the film was great, then this one will also satisfy you
But in the end, hey people has different taste right hehe:P
What good for me doesn't always good for everyone hehe..

Some quote from that movies:

"They called it 'relief'
but it was a lot more than that.
It had dozens of names.
N.R.A, W.P.A, the C.C.C..
but it really come down to just one thing.
For the first time in a long time, someone care..
For the first time in a long time, you were no longer alone"

[Reporter] What do you think finally turn this horse around?
[Charles] Well, I think we just gave him a chance. Sometimes all somebody needs is a second chance.

[Charles] Everybody loses a couple. And you either pack up and you go home, or you keep fighting

"The failure is the man who stays down when he falls"
-David Dunbar Buick-


Anita and Mentari
3 August 2004
Wishing you both a guidance that will light up your way to happiness^^

Ko Bek alias Ko Fuhin
(My used-to-be math tutor)
4 August 2004
Moga2 cepet dapet jodoh:P

I haven't been this tired since my last network paper assignment... Could it be that I've stayed inactive for so long? Hehe this holiday sometime is killing me...Uurgg not because that I have nothing to do nor a lot to do. It's more to the search of myself..of what I want to be and where I'm gonna stand 5 years from now. Those thoughts never strikes really bad to me, well not until now.

Happy b'lated b'day to Raymond "Cecep" hehe..Wish you all the good things in this world.

Today...The O.C is back on TV hehe. I loooovvvveee this show..Make sure you check it out.


A few days ago, I listen to Plus FM.
*COMMERCIAL BREAK: For those of you who haven't know about Plus FM. Check it out on 103.3 FM. Hehe to my notice, the frequency will be distracted by trees. What's the relations? You're asking a wrong person hehe..*
The topic for that day was "Which jobs do you or will you do: the one that makes a lot of money but doesn't really the choice of your heart, or the one that you really really like but doesn't bring you a lot of money". I'm sure different people will have different answer to that.

As I was listening to the people who called in, *most of them are men* I struck in a moment and realize what kind of burden that a man cary...Almost all men who called that day said that they have to do works that they don't really like just to be able to fulfill his needs and his family's need..
Be grateful for those who able to find his path in doing things that he really wants to do:P

I've talked about this topic with my friends a long time ago, but I'd never really understand how hard it is until that day when I listen to the people who currently under employment..


Being a computer science student and a girl sometimes is very difficult. With all the look from all kind of people who judge me as a girl who took the wrong major..I mean, I love the things that I've got from the classess and all the experience I've had. Well maybe it's not enough in this real world huh :P huahaha..Never mind *kog jadi curhat gini hihi*

We can learn a lot from our mistakes, but we can also learn from the thigs we do right...

That's all from me now..Don't forget to watch THE O.C on TV7 @11pm hehe..
I finally start to write my own blog :P hehe..what motivate me? Uumm..In the middle of long holiday, basically have nothing urgent to do, yet this is a better way to communicate to all my friends who currently reside abroad..Hehe
So how is everybody's holiday? Gut luck yach buat sisa liburan ini hehe..

Well, I don't think I will write anything else..
I'm feeling a little dizzy right now..hehe..
This cold that I got this morning..
I think it's getting worse:(

Okay then..I'll write something tomorrow..

Quote of the day:
Everything in this life isn't about winning.
You have to love what you do and enjoy the process...