1 year ago:
My 2006 New Year's Resolutions are:
1. NOT putting off jobs
2. DO cook
3. BE a more independent girl
4. TAKE a chinese/japanese/french lesson after finishing my thesis
5. MUST immediately decide what I want to do with the rest of my life
6. OPEN my heart
7. STOP being a go-with-the-flow kinda person
8. HAVE more stronger principles in my life
9. MORE honest to myself and to other people
10. FINISH what I've been delaying for 2 years

Let's review them one by one..
Not putting off jobs
This one is still not fully accomplish due to my moody behavior;p

DO cook
Hehe i cook now..*just finished cooking for new year's eve dinner*

TAKE a chinese/japanese/french lesson after finishing my thesis
This one..is an accomplishment:) I took chinese and french course couple of months ago. I even finish my 1st level of french course:) *Was going to continue it, but then I move to Singapore*

MUST immediately decide what I want to do with the rest of my life
Thank GOD..each and every step I've taken have provided me with new insight and providing me a lead to ackowledge what is it that I really want..

OPEN my heart
The reason why I put this one as a new year's resolution is simply becoz I realized that in the past, I choosed not to open my heart again to anyone. I built this wall around me and pushed away everyone who came near it..Now, well I opened my heart..and ever since the world's become a more colorful playground:)

STOP being a go-with-the-flow kinda person

yay..I'm still working with this one, but it's an improvement that I now know how to show my disagreement with people

HAVE more stronger principles in my life

MORE honest to myself and to other people
Still trying to, but I no longer hide my feeling from people..You'll know when I'm angry with you..You'll know when I'm sad..

FINISH what I've been delaying for 2 years
Just right before this xmas, it's finished:)
*Hari terakhir di 2006*

Penuh dengan hal2 tak terduga yang menyenangkan
Mungkin itu kalimat paling tepat yang bisa merangkum rangkaian peristiwa dalam hidup gue di 2006..
Merry Christmas to everyone..

It's not actually the first time I celebrate xmas away from Jakarta,
but it's definitely my first time celebrating xmas away from family..

Like I said to is..
this xmas is unique..it's beautiful in its own way..

I spent almost every night from 19-25 Dec in Orchard..
Mostly just to watch the caroling and the performance by my friend..
The most unforgetable memory was definitely when for the first time in my life, gue mengalami yang namanya macet pejalan kaki.
Itu terjadi pas malam Natal tgl 24 kemaren.
Dari depan Takashimaya menuju ke Wisma Atria, yang biasanya cuman makan waktu 5 menit at top..
Ini kita sampe lebih dari 15 menit lebih gara2 ga bisa jalan..
Lautan manusia yang bergerak di dua arah yang berbeda.
Akhirnya desak2an plus dorong2an ke sini sana *serasa lagi di konser*..

Di sepanjang Orchard, penuh sama lampu2 hiasan Natal..
Trus banyak pohon2 Natal juga masing2 dengan tema nya sendiri
*ada satu yang ornamen nya itu kristal Swarovsi
Di sepanjang trotoar pejalan kaki di depan Takashimaya..
dibangun booth2 n panggung2 kecil tempat Nativity scene and manggung nya group2 performing caroling..

Jadi orang2 berbondong2 datang untuk foto, nonton caroling..ato sekedar jalan2..
Yang nyebabin jalanan penuhhh banget?!!
--termasuk gue yang datang ke sana buat jalan2 hihihi--

Overall, it has been a pleasant time for me..
The only thing missing is I'm far away from the people whom I want to share this moment with..
*Tom, ini loh yang gue maksud dengan "Natal yang getir"*

Next destination:: New Year's Eve
Location:: Pasir Ris
*barusan bos masuk*

"Hi all..merry xmas..happy holiday..if you all don't have anything else to finish, you can go home after lunch"

*me..smiling happily..*

Meet some of my Indonesian co-workers from the office..

Mestinya foto ini dah di upload dari kapan2 hehe tapi lupa mulu.
Pas awal December kemaren, di kantor ada turnamen badminton kecil2an..
Didorong oleh rasa kebersamaan yang tinggi *apa coba* hehe plus perasaan kalo dah lama ga berolahraga dengan baik dan benar..
Diputuskan lah kita membentuk satu tim *which happened to consist of all Indonesian*

Berawal dari ke tidak pd an kita2 semua..
ditargetkan lah..paling ga..ga jadi juara terakhir hahahaha
tapi berkat kegigihan dan kerja sama yang baik,
kita dapet juara 2 loh:D
you once asked "Why do you love me?"

i don't know what love is..
or what people call what I feel,
for they say that love comes in an explicable way.
that no one will have similar explanation of what love is..
one will not be able to describe why or how one person fall in love with another..
i couldn't agree more to that..
of when or how the feeling has come to me..I cannot explain.
but here's how I feel for you..

the world becomes a safer place when you're holding me..
i feel at ease when I'm with you..looking at you smiling at me..
everything feels right when I'm with you..
it's as if I'm ready to face whatever yet to come..
when I look into your eyes, I feel special..I feel beautiful..
i am me when I'm talking to you..
it's now that I dare to say,
that it's you whom I want to spend the rest of my life with
it's you whom I want to be the person whom I come home to
it's you whom I'm willing to be with..

if that is not love, then I don't know what love is..
if that's not love, I don't want to fall in love..
let me just be in my current state of feeling forever.
for it's worth living for.

Just as the moon waits till the night come each and every day,
Similarly i'll be here
Waiting for you to come back

I love you..
A piece of post-card that wipe away all my worries..
Thank you..
It comes in a perfect time.
*Kalo quote dari kata2 salah satu temen gue : "Ini timing nya pas sekali"*
Just came back about an hour ago from the cinema watching Eragon.
It was a-plain-OK..
Didn't really capture the emotion during the movie
*Note that it was not because I'm not concentrating on the movie;p*
The story is simply predictable..
*but then again..I haven't read the book. And from past experience, the movie usually just diminished all 'insignificant' parts that were written in the book*

Despite those mentioned above, I found that the visual effect was more than OK..
I love how they visualize the dragon *is there such a word as 'visualize'?*..
Hhmm yaaa..i'm sure you got my point..
It's not my kind of movie..

Ahh well..for now, I cannot wait to watch Death Note 2 : Last Name
It's opening on December 28 *yayyy*

Also cannot wait for 2007, since a lot of expected-to-be box-office movies are coming out..
Spiderman 3 out on March 2007..
Pirates of the Carribean..
Harry Potter..Shrek the Third..Ocean Thirteen..National Treasure 2..and a lot more.
I'll upload the list of upcoming movie in 2007 tomorrow hehe
*since the internet connection suddenly becoming so slow*

I've uploaded the list of upcoming movie in 2007..
Feel free to download from here
I have less and less to say each day..
There's something that's been bothering my mind a lot lately..
I cannot tell yet just what it is..
I don't even remember that you exist until this morning.
It's been a week since I last checked my yahoo mail.
As I traverse through the junk mails in my inbox *urghh help me about this..*,
I noted an email without a subject but under a familiar name in the sender part.

If you're reading this from somewhere out there,
please note that I no longer save some space for you in my story of life.

I think you earn to know
that I've forgiven you..
that I've learnt a lot from what happened.
that I now appreciate more of everything I have..
that I'm grateful for everything that happened back then, for it has brought me to this point of life.
that all my wounds have healed
and that I am now in love with someone..

Don't ask me for friendship..that's something I cannot give.
Not because I don't want to, but because I can't.
For what it worth, you're someone I know..and I'm someone you know..
That's about all..
I'm being transfered to another project..
Currently assisting in testing the applications that were developed by one of the software team in my office.

I started the testing yesterday..
As I ran through the scenarios available, it all worked just fine.
Happy? Of course NOT?!!

Huixx how can I found no error or such thing?
I remembered someone once said to me that if a tester tested something and found no bug, it is because of either:
1. The application is bug-free *which is less likely*
2. The tester is not good enough
*read: I'm homeeee*

Sudah tiba di Jakarta dengan selamat..

Berhubung sudah larut banget..
besok yach baru bercerita dengan jelas hehehe
nite all:)
Semalem pas lagi bengong2 di dalam mrt..
tiba2 keinget sama lagu "Balonku" yang sering salah kaprah di kancah masyarakat..

Balonku ada lima rupa2 warnanya..
merah kuning kelabu
merah muda dan biru
meletus balon hijau
hatiku sangat galau.
balonku tinggal empat.
kupegang erat2

Well at least itu versi yang sebagian besar orang ingat? *termasuk gue*
Lantas..di mana coba kurang mendidiknya..
Coba ditelusuri..warna balon nya ga ada yang ijo euyy..
berarti balon nya tetep lima donk;p

Usut punya usut hehe ternyata katanya sich,
versi yang betul itu..warna balon nya : "hijau kuning kelabu, merah muda dan biru"
Trus koq bisa banyak orang yang ngeh nya sama versi "merah kuning...";p

Abis keinget lagu balonku, tiba2 keinget sama lagu pelangi..
Pelangi pelangi..
alangkah indahmu.
Merah kuning hijau di langit yang biru.
Pelukismu agung..siapa gerangan..
pelagi pelangi..ciptaan Tuhan

Notice something?
Koq warna pelangi nya merah kuning hijau?
Warna pelangi kan :
Merah Jingga Kuning Hijau Biru Nila Ungu

Hehehe iya sichh kalo dimasukin semuanya nanti lagu nya jadi kepanjangan..
Tapi kalo misalnya lagu pelangi mengandung warna2 pelangi yang benar,
nanti kalo anak2 kita mau hapalin warna pelangi, kan tinggal suruh nyanyiin lagu pelangi aja toh;p

Well, ini cuman buat iseng aja koq hahaha ga usah ditanggapi terlalu serius..

Oh iya one other thing,
Ada yang punya lagu "Melly feat Evan - Tentang Dia"
Coba dech didengerin menit ke 4.55 nya..
Di latar belakang ada suara desahan wanita..
It sounds something like "Anoooo"
Hehe dan kalo didengerin ulang dari depan, ternyata ada suara2 sejenis itu di sepanjang lagu.
Hanya noice belaka..emang disengaja dari producer *jadi seakan2 di belakang lagu itu ada orang lagi bercerita ato apaa*
ato apa hayooo..;p
Happy Thanksgiving all:)

I've said this to someone..
"At this time being, I'm in a state of being grateful for everything in my life"

And it's true..
I think the key of being grateful is to always look at the bright side of things that are happening in our life.

Don't ever said that you have nothing to be thankful for?!

Here's a little something to remind us that it's all about how we see things..
*kayaknya ceritanya dah lumayan lama, tapi ya gpp dehc hehe*


John is the kind of guy you love to hate. He is always in a good mood and always has
something positive to say. When someone would ask him how he was doing, he would
reply, "If I were any better, I would be twins!"

He was a natural motivator.

If an employee was having a bad day, John was there telling the employee how to look
on the positive side of the situation. Seeing this style really made me curious, so one day I went up and asked him, "I don't get it! You can't be a positive person all of the time. How do you do it?"

He replied, "Each morning I wake up and say to myself, you have two choices today. You can choose to be in a good mood or ... you can choose to be in a bad mood. I choose to be in a good mood."

Each time something bad happens, I can choose to be a victim or...I can choose to
learn from it. I choose to learn from it.

Every time someone comes to me complaining, I can choose to accept their complaining or... I can point out the positive side of life. I choose the positive side of life.

"Yeah, right, it's not that easy," I protested.

"Yes, it is," he said. "Life is all about choices. When you cut away all the junk, every situation is a choice. You choose how you react to situations. You choose how people affect your mood. You choose to be in a good mood or bad mood. The bottom line: It's your choice how you live your life."

I reflected on what he said. Soon hereafter, I left the Tower Industry to start my own business. We lost touch, but I often thought about him when I made a choice about life instead of reacting to it.

Several years later, I heard that he was involved in a serious accident, falling some
60 feet from a communications tower. After 18 hours of surgery and weeks of intensive
care, he was released from the hospital with rods placed in his back.

I saw him about six months after the accident. When I asked him how he was, he
replied, "If I were any better, I'd be twins...Wanna see my scars?"

I declined to see his wounds, but I did ask him what had gone through his mind as the
accident took place.

"The first thing that went through my mind was the well-being of my soon-to-be born
daughter," he replied. "Then, as I lay on the ground, I remembered that I had two
choices: I could choose to live or...I could choose to die. I chose to live."

"Weren't you scared? Did you lose consciousness?" I asked.

He continued, "..the paramedics were great. They kept telling me I was going to be fine. But when they wheeled me into the ER and I saw the expressions on the faces of the doctors and nurses, I got really scared. In their eyes, I read 'he's a dead man'. I knew I needed to take action."

"What did you do?" I asked.

"Well, there was a big burly nurse shouting questions at me," said John. "She asked if I was allergic to anything. 'Yes, I replied.' The doctors and nurses stopped working as they waited for my reply. I took a deep breath and yelled, 'Gravity'." Over their laughter, I told them, "I am choosing to live. Operate on me as if I am alive, not dead."

He lived, thanks to the skill of his doctors, but also because of his amazing attitude... I learned from him that every day we have the choice to live fully.

Attitude, after all, is everything.

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:34.

After all today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.
I'm going back to Jakarta tomorrow for 3 days:)
I'm having my graduation ceremony on Saturday; meanwhile I have to attend the rehearsal on Friday..
How do I feel? EXCITED for sure..
Can't wait to meet my family and to sleep in my room using my pillow and my bolster *lol*

I'll arrive in Jakarta this Thursday around 6pm..
Here's my schedule so far for my so-called-short-holiday:

Thursday, 23 Nov 2006
7pm - dinner with family
8pm - fitting kebaya
10pm - dokter ronny
12pm - buy roti bakar n martabak manis

Friday, 24 Nov 2006
7am - makan bubur ayam deket pasar pluit
8am - gunting rambut
11am - makan goli
1pm - sushi with my bro
4pm - graduation rehearsal
6pm - buy martabak har n sudi mampir
8pm - dinner with whole family
9pm - ngumpul2 di tempat ganda

Saturday, 25 Nov 2006
7am - makan bakmi abadi
10am - siap2 buat wisuda *dibaca: dandan hehe*
1pm - graduation
5pm - hang out with my old pals + beli jco buat dibawa ke spore
10pm - bakmi blok 8 ato kwetiaw kuah di blok 8

Sunday, 26 Nov 2006
7am - church mass
8am - makan bakso harapan abadi + beli pempek titipan
10am - ke tempat is
1pm - lunch bareng famz trus shopping;p
8pm - terbang balik ke spore

Hehe sisa waktu sedang dipikirkan dengan baik mau ngapain aja;p

Udah ada 3 orang yang bilang gue tambah chubby euyy..
Hhmmm sejak ke spore, harus diakui makan gue tambah banyak porsi nya.
Kalo dulu makan nasi secuil2..di sini porsi nasi 2x lipet.
Minum susu juga tiap hari..Pagi di rumah sebelum pegi biasa minum susu..
Di kantor, susu coklat anget tersedia *gratis pula*..Sehari bisa abis 4-5 gelas.
Pulank biasa sebelum tidur..minum susu lagi..
Di sini trus jadi akrab sama yang namanya bakmi dan roti.

Hahaha di sini emang sich jalan kalo ke mana2..
Celana terasa lebih longgar, tapi perut terasa lebih buncit..
*Soalnya sejak ngantor, otomatis seharian duduk doank di depan kompie hahaha*

Jadi, apa iya toh gue terlihat lebih chubby?
Soalnya mereka pada bilang yach setelah ngeliat itu foto..
Dulu sebelum ke negeri tetangga ini,
gue ga paham betul apa rasanya homesick.
Ada temen yang pernah cerita kalo dia kangen makanan2 indo..
Ada yang bilang kangen sama macet2nya jakarta..

Sekarang..gue ngerasain yang namanya kangen makanan indo..
*Kalo macet2 nya jakarta sich ga hahahaha*

Baru 2 bulan di sini, dah pengen banget makan:
1. Soto Goyang Lidah *GoLi* di deket gereja Stella Maris.
Tempatnya di tenda gitu deket lapangan RT. Buka jam 9an..Biasa jam 1an dah ludes diborong pembeli..Kalo kita dateng nya pas dia baru2 buka, wahhh royal euyy dikasih daging nya. Potongan daging masih besar2 dan kuantitas nya banyak. Gue paling doyan makan sop bening isi nya daging n babat. Trus dikasih cabe plus jeruk nipis yang banyak, dan tentu tak lupa emping nya hehehe..

2. Siomay depan gereja Stella Maris.
Harga nya rada mahal sihc, tapi enakk..
Terasa daging nya hehe instead of tepung..
Gede pula siomay nya..Bumbu kacang nya pedesss banget *buat gue sich pedes banget*.
Jadi biasa minta kecap lebihan trus tentu tak lupa jeruk nipis banyakan..

3. Martabak har sama Sop Kambing Sudi Mampir di Roxy.
Berhubung tempat nya bersebelahan, jadi biasa kalo beli Martabak Har pasti beli Sop Kambing juga hehe.
Martabak Har..asli dari Palembang.
Mirip martabak2 india gitu..
Jadi kulit martabak, diisi pake telor bebek 2 butir..Trus dibungkus n digoreng.
Makan nya itu pake kari..Nahh kari nya ini yang enakkkkk;p
Kadang di sana ada jual Mie Celor juga..enakkkk..

Sop Kambing..ini sich ga usah diceritain haha
Makanan penuh dosa;p tapi sekali2 gpp lah yach..
Iniii harus dikasih cabe n jeruk nipis yang banyak juga..
Trus abis makan pesen es kelapa hehehehe

4. Bakso Harapan Abadi.
Benernya namanya bukan ini sich, tapi berhubung dari dulu kalo nyebut sama temen2 pake nama itu..jadi kebiasaan dech hehe
Dia buka setiap hari *kecuali hari libur kali yach*
Biasa tapi siang2 sore dah abis...Apalagi kalo hari skul, karena yach itu kan deket sama sekolah hehe di sini sulit nemuin bakso sapi yang enak..jadii harus makan punya ini sich haha
Di deket sana ada yang jual es kelapa muda juga. Bisa pilih mo di gelas ato di batok nya..sip dechh..

5. Nasi goreng Kambing and Gado2 di kota
Lupa tepatnya di mana..Kalo ini mesti memboyong nyokap dech hehe karena ya beliau yang tau jalan;p

6. Kwetiaw bun di Kwetiau 78
Hahaha minta isi nya daging n babat..trus sayur yang banyak. Kasih cabe abis itu plus lada..HUixxx ngeces nich bentaran lagi..

7. Martabak manis Terang Bulan isi keju n kacang coklat..
Errrrr melting kalo lagi anget2..

8. Soto Mamat di Muara Karang
hahaha ga tau sich kenapa kalo ini..kangen aja euyy..Tempat kenangan kali yach soalnya;p

9. Bakmi Blok 8 di Muara Karang
Ckckck ini top abis..Kuah nya enakk..Cabe nya juga enakkk bangett..
Biasa pesen pake ati n ampla..
Trus pesen cakwe buat dicelup ke kuah nya.
Dimakan anget2..huaaaa yummy to the max *kalo kata sasa* hahaha

10. Nasi goreng n Kwetiaw Kuah abang di blok 8
Aduhh bang..dah lama ga berkunjung..Nanti yachh kalo balik saya mampir ke sana..
Jangan terlalu pedes..

11. Sushi Groove n Sushi Tei
No comment on this one hahaha yang pasti mo makan "Cream Cheese Mayonaise" nya di SG.

12. Bubur abang di Pluit deket kantor pos kalo ga yang deket kampus
Harus pagi2 banget nich ke sana..kalo ga..abiss..Minta kecap asin banyakan..Lada juga...Trus pake ati n ampla..top dah hahaha

13. Soto mie di Warung Kreker..
Berhubung semakin sulit menemukan tempat soto mie yang enak..ya di sana lah tempat pilihan biasa nya kalo males jauh2 hihii

14. Mie kangkung n es mangga di Ibu Joko deket BPK Penabur Muara Karang.
Kalo mo ke sana jangan hari Senin, karena tutup euyy hihi
**tempat kenangan juga hahahaha apa hubungan nya juga coba**

15. Seafood di mana aja dech..

16. Bakmi Abadi di Muara Karang, Bakmi Tomat di pasar

17. Tahu pong, pisang goreng

18. Nasi Padang..
Waduh believe it or not..Kangen berat makan nasi padang. Pengen rendang, telor bulet, paru goreng, semur daging..

19. Sate Padang
Ini mau dijelasin apa yach hahaha pokoke rasa nya enak..apalagi dimakan pas dingin2. Pake lontong trus huaaaaa

20. Ikan Marlin Rica2 di Beautika
Kemaren ini sempet dibawain sich ke sini, tapi ga afdol rasanya ga makan langsung di sana.Hihihi sambel nya sich tiada dua nya *gue yang ga gitu tahan cabe aja doyan hahaha*

21. Sekoteng / Wedang Ronde
Yang enak tentu nya yang dipikul sama abang keliling komplek *bukan komplek rumah gue hihihihi*

22. Martabak telor yang biasa mangkal di deket blok 7 MK sana..
Sulit sekali dicari abang nya.Kadang ada..kadang ga ada..bingung..

23. J.CO
Haha di sini ga ada loh J.Co..
dan entah kenapa kemaren tiba2 kangen pengen makan AlCapone nya itu loh;p

Tapi sebelum itu semuaa...
"Omaaaaa...aku mau dimasakin donkkk misua, pangsit goreng, daging kecap, popia..Duh semua masakan oma dech hahahahaha"

----Koq gue kayak orang ga pernah makan aja yach hahahahaha----

Makanan di sini entah kenapa rasanya kurang nyambung di lidah.
Not to mention, di setiap food hawker itu jenis makanan nya bisa dibilang mirip.
Lebih prefer masak sendiri di rumah jadi nya hehe

Ya eniwei..di Jakarta nanti cuman 2 hari..
Itu pun dipotong waktu gladi resik, foto keluarga n wisuda..
Harus dipikirkan strategi nya hihi
Yukkk sapa yang mo ikut makan?;p
Kenapa sekarang blog ini jarang diupdate?

Jawaban jujur: kehilangan mood nulis

Jawaban klise: sibuk di kantor..pulang dah letih..

Di satu sisi, rutinitas itu baik adanya..
Bikin hidup kita lebih terstruktur meskipun in a way sedikit monoton..

Tapi di sisi lain, ketika suatu hal udah jadi rutinitas
bisa jadi kita malah keilangan essense-nya..

Coba kita tanya ke diri kita masing2..

Kita bernafas, apakah itu sudah jadi satu rutinitas? Seberapa sering kita bersyukur karena masih bisa bernafas?

Waktu bangun tidur..
Seberapa sering kita bangun di pagi hari dan bersyukur
karena masih bisa ngeliat matahari terbit..

Ketika kita merayakan ulang tahun,
itu karena rutinitas?
atau karena kita merasakan makna dari ulang tahun itu sendiri *yang gue yakin pasti makna nya beda2 buat tiap orang*
*screaming mode on*

possible case:
i'm being deported?

i'm not sure where i put my embarcation card
*i remembered putting it inside the cover of my passport,
but i can only be sure tomorrow morning since the person who held my passport has left the office*

other option?

The embarkation card is indeed inside the cover of my passport..
The person who's responsible for me from my office just called and told me that everything is in there..

--Happy Mode on--

A great relief it is..
Somehow I find this song in my playlist..
This really suits my current emotion..

Kenny Loggins - Your Heart Will Lead Home
sunny days and starry nights
lazy afternoons
you count the castles in the clouds
and hum little tunes

but somehow right before your eyes
the sun fades away
everything is different
and everything has change

if you feel lost and on your own
and far from home
you never alone, you know

just think of your friends
the ones who care
they all will be waiting there
with love to share
and your heart will lead you home

funny how a photograph can take you back in time
to places and embraces
that you thought you left behind

they're trying to remind you
that you're not the only one
that no one is an island
when all has said and done

there'll come a day when you're losing your way
and you won't know where you belong
they say that home is where your heart is
so follow your heart know that you can't go wrong
One perplexing issue for me is
how come it's so hard to locate a trash can in Singapore, and yet the country is so clean?

The other day I was about to enter City Hall MRT station *after wondering around and do some shopping;p*
I was holding a can of soda, and since it's stated clearly that there's no food and drink in MRT station nor the train..
There I was searching for a trash can..
andd there was NONE?!
Amazing huh..no trash can in the station..
*in the station-> referring to the area before people tap their ez-link cards*

Later on I decided to ask the officer..
He told me that the trash can is located upstairs in the exit door..
*and according to him, that's the nearest one*

And just now, I was just thinking..
As far as I remember, I barely see trash can everywhere I go..
How to explain that?
Is it the people? Is it the government paying enough people to help clean up public places?
Good day everyone:)
Let's start today with a big S.M.I.L.E:D

Yesterday I went to a sushi buffet with a friend of mine.
We took the Student buffet *since we're technically still registered in our university and still hold a student card;p*
Anyway, the buffet cost S$13.90 and the tea was S$1.00..
We paid S$34.40 for the two of us..(including the tax)..

We basically were allowed to ordered anything in the menu with the label of S$1.90 on it..
We were there from 3.30 - 6.00..
I was bloated due to the 11 plate of sushi, 1 plate of fried salmon, 1 plate of fried tofu, 1 chawan mushi, fruit and dessert that I ate;p
My other friend? Total of 20 something..
It was quite something..Hehehe

These past few days I practically have nothing to do..
I am waiting for next Monday to be able to review the offer letter,
and once I sign that..I'm gonna have to start working the following Wednesday.
Which means I'm gonna have to postpone me coming back to Jakarta until late November for my graduation.

Well then, I'm gonna have to go for now..
Have a nice day everyone:D
There's a really interesting post written by one of my old pal..
The title of the post is Being Realistic is Much Harder than being Idealistic..
You can read the entry here
Since I couldn't sleep at all last night,
I browsed through my contact list in msn..
I stumbled upon one name..
A friend of mine,whom I have known for more than 2 years and until now I have never met him in person.

I decided to msg him with little expectation that he might still be there
*he's a last year med student..and he's having his shift at morning usually*
However, unexpectedly he replied my message.

The reason I msg-ed him at the first place was just to spill out the burden I had in my mind..
*I think I've done that several time to him;p*
Anyway, so he replied my message..

We ended up discussing some things, which eventually lead me to be able to see things through different perspective.
Have you watched 'The Break-Up'?
I personally think the movie is able to capture the situation occurs in real life man-woman relationship..
How Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus.

And so yeah...
during the conversation with that friend..
I came to an awareness that I can be quite emotionally influenced at time.
I worried too much..I am being controlled by my emotion and not the other way around as it's supposed to be.

I was asking him questions about general stuff in relationship..
About why a man do what he do..
At the core he resembles a person whom I care so much *who I'm also trying to understand more about him but he's nowhere to be called*
So, yeah talking to him has gained me a new insight of what's on a man's mind.
Some are totally different from what I have in mind toward the same thing.

It's pretty much a satire...
I remember myself telling my other friends that being in a relationship requires an adjustment..a willingness to sacrifise..an open heart to accept the fact that it's not easy to try to blend two individuals..
And now, it's my friend who reminded me about all that thing..

To Mr. A.R.K.D,
I couldn't thank you enough for having that conversation with me..
So once again, thank you:)
this kind of feeling is killing me..
Everybody have their own comfort zone..
A place where they feel they belong to..A family..Friends..Lover..Neighbours..
A place where they feel save..

I finally step out of my comfort zone, daring myself to go out and proof to myself that I am capable of stand on my own.
I'm not going to say that everything has gone smooth..
The transition was shocking..

It's been a week for me in Singapore.
It's been an opportunity for me to sit down and look at my life in different angle.
It becomes clear for me..
What I value the most in my life..How I have lived my life so far..
and most of all, I now have an awareness of what is really there inside of me..What type of person am I..and what define me..

The question is:
What's your comfort zone?
Are you willing and dare enough to step out of it?

I'm glad I took this opportunity..
Anyway, I'm having another interview this Monday..and Tuesday..
Also waiting for the decision around this week.
Wish me luck:)
I finally can be in a decent library?!
Since I practically have nothing to do when I'm not having any interview *plus I didn't have any internet connection last week*,
I decided to visit the National Library in City Hall.

Berbekal cerita temen gue kalo itu perpus amat sangat cozy *dan embel2 kalo gue pasti bakal betah di sana*,
berangkat lah gue dengan modal petunjuk arah dari temen gue "di seberang raffles hotel..deket intercontinental hotel juga"
Untungnya ga nyasar sich, meskipun sempet agak2 ga yakin gitu.
Pas ngelewatin raffles hotel, nah loh..koq ga ada tanda2 library..
Iseng coba tanya orang..oohhh masih di depan nya lagii...
Dan ternyata...emang enakkk banget tempatnyaa..
Sayang di sana dinginnn bangettttttttt..
Ngejumplang banget sama panas nya cuaca di depan perpus.

Eniwei, berhubung di dalem itu ga boleh pake hp..maupun camera..
Jadi rada susah nunjukin betapa gede nya n betapa cozy nya di dalem hihi
Tinggal cari tempat duduk *ato kalo lagi rame..ya terpaksa duduk lesehan aja di lorong2*..buka laptop..ambil buku sambil baca2..nyalain wireless..
Voila..hehe gue di sana dari matahari masih di atas, sampe matahari nya dah gantian tempat sama bulan;p

Terakhir ini foto library nya pas malem...

Marii marii..ada yang mau ke sana?
Ternyata telpon2 yang sifatnya marketing ga cuman terjadi di Indo, tapi di Spore juga.
Dulu pas di Indo,
sering banget ada telpon dari Ce******y F****ss, trus dari beberapa perusahaan lain yang sifatnya menawarkan produk2 mereka ato pun sejenis nya.

Tadi pagi pas lagi di bus santai2..
Ada telp dari nomor tak dikenal.
Pas diangkat, kirain mau panggil interview kerja gitu..
Ehhh dia ngomong cepet banget..yang gue tangkep kurang lebih:
"Hi there..good morning. Congratulations..Our client has just opened a new branch *something something*. You have just won a holiday package to Thailand *something something*. I can assure you this is not *something something*. Could you please come this afternoon to pick up the price?"
-->Dia ngomong ga pake titik koma.....
Gue terbengong2 dan bilang "ooo..sorry..I don't think I can go there. I'm really busy"
Dan dia tetap "That's ok..How about tomorrow?"
And I was like "errr..well thanx, but I think I'm gonna skip..Good day"

Makes me wonder..
I've only been here for 1 week.
Haha and the only place where I left my phone number is the job portal.
That means they get my numbers from there?
I've never read the agreement offered to me in the portals hahaha
*Have any of you read it?*

Ya well..still we need to appreciate their jobs.
At least they're not doing some illegal work hehe
Seminggu di Spore...

Celana jadi longgar n tentu nya jadi sehat;p
*Kalo dipikir2 bisa jadi efek transformasi alat transportasi hehe kalo di Jakarta naek mobil kemana2..Ini jalan kaki kemana2..Mau ke station bus ya jalan..Dari MRT juga jalann*

Latian mental
*Yaa namanya juga pertama kali keluar dari yang namanya comfort zone. Jauh dari keluarga..Jauh dari lingkungan yang biasa gue tinggal..Homesick iya banget..Apalagi pas 2 hari pertama. Untung ada distraction2.. -Thanx yach is, bro..you both ease my feeling:)-*

Kangen les France
Duhh les france terlantar..Blum sempetm asuk kelas, eh gue dah pegi..

Btw, kerjaan di printing tak jadi diambil..
Pas kemaren mutusin mo terima, hati jadi ga tenang..
Mo mulai sesuatu kalo dah 1/2 hati gitu, ga bener juga toh..
Yaa besok ada panggilan interview lagi.
Dari firium *jatis nya spore*..
Hhmmm ya didoakan saja dech hehe
Benernya ada satu perusahaan lagi yang lagi review aplikasi,
tapi karena ada satu dan lain hal nya *silly things* hihi jadi gue blum reply email dari dia dech..

Today is my dad's bday..and also Lina's bday..

Dadd..happy b'day yach:D Nanti aku balik, kita makan2 hehe cobain sushi yachh;p sushi groove..enakkk lohhhhh.. Dalam 3 minggu ini aku pasti dapet kerja yang bener..Jangan stress2 yach di Jakarta hehe

Linaa..met ultahhh:) It's been your 4th bday since we know each other..The 1st that I can't personally congratz you, but nevertheless I'm still wishing you all the best:) Have a happy bday linaaaaa...
Some told me to go ahead and take the job offer..
Some told me to wait around and find another one..

As for me..
I keep asking myself..
How confident am I that I'm gonna get another job offer..or at least job interview..
I'm having another job interview this evening..
Wish me luck all..
For everyone who for the past 3 days have been trying to call me but get no answer in my phone, i'm sorry..
I'm currently in Singapore..
Not having internet connection *skr aja baru bisa ke lib nya hihi*

Anyway, i'm reachable through +65 90152608

National Library di spore..keren banget!!!!!
Kebayang2 gmana kalo di jakarta ada kayak gini yachh..
Tapi gmana pun juga..
I miss Jakarta..
Gonna be here for the next 4 weeks..
I woke up this morning feeling guilty and anxious.

I'm sorry that I ever consider that idea *I remember telling you that I'd exclude that idea as an option*
I'm sorry for bringing up that topic.
Silly me..
Udah hampir setaon ini rambut nya keriting.
Dari yang keriting kayak indomie pas November kemaren.
Sampe keriting yang bener2 loose sekarang..
Kalo model rambut sich malah ga berubah sama sekali setaon belakangan
soalnyaa yaa keriting juga hihi jadi kalo berubah pun ga keliatan;p

hhmm mending dikeriting lagi? ato dibiarin lurus aja yach?


Dah beberapa hari ini tiap bangun pagi,
koq tulang badan sakit2 yachh..
Pas awal, cuman di sekitar leher..
Kalo sekarang dah menjalar sampe ke tulang2 punggung..
Pegel2 gitu rasanya..

Kemungkinan besar kasur *spring bed* nya dah harus diganti..Soalnya kasur itu dah hhmmm 10 taon ada kali..
Kemungkinan lain, posisi tidur yang salah -->soalnya kalo diperhatiin, koq skr gue pas jalan bahu sebelah kanan lebih turun yach.
Skoliosis? Hhmm could be..
Mau cek dokter dech nanti..
Seremmm aja...

Mulai sekarang, duduk dah tegak..ga ada lagi selonjor2 posisi pw;p
Kalo bawa beban juga diseimbangin dech kiri n kanan nya..
Kalo kata orang2 sich enak banget...
Lebih enak dari J.CO..
Ada yang mau ngantriin ga toh buat gue?;p

Jadi ceritanya tadi pagi baru baca koran kemaren..
Quoting dari Kompas Minggu, 10 September 2006 halaman 17
dengan title: "Doughnuts", "Donuts", Donat sang Primadona

Pukul 10.10, Krispy Kreme petama disodorkan kepada pembeli pertama di Jakarta. Dia adalah Daniel Leo (37) yang mengantre sejak pukul 22.15, hari sebelumnya, yaitu pada 29 Agustus. Untuk posisi 'bersejarah' itu, Daniel diganjar hadiah 52 lusin donat gratis selama setahun

Trus gue mikir:
1. Orang itu nginep di mall?? --> gpp kali yach..mendongkrak popularitas..buktinya dia masuk ke harian ibukota;p
2. Seminggu dapet 1 lusin Krispy kreme. --> bosen ga yach dia?

Tapi yach gue tetep amazed aja..
Donat?? Roti yang tengah nya berlubang..
Yang benernya ada dijual di mana2, termasuk di pasar2 tradisional..
Ini malah jadi bahan rebutan semua orang.
Harga satu donut, bisa buat beli nasi plus lauk di warteg.
Itu kali yach yang namanya lifestyle...

so, kalo ada yang ngantri...titip yachhhhh;p
Yesterday was "the day."
The day I was being introduced to his family..
The day he left Indonesia for at least a year..
The day I started to count the days left until I can see him again..

Love comes in a very unexpected way.
I remember saying to one of my friend that I wasn't going to have any relationship for quite sometime in the future.
I felt like I had lost the capability of loving someone..
but then came the unexpected..

I was attracted to him the very first time I met him.
He called me, we became close..
I learnt the fact that he's gonna pursue his master degree for a year abroad.
I realized that I'm in love with him..
I'm grateful that it's not just a one-way-feeling:)
And here I am..smiling..looking back at the journey that I've been through with him..Hoping for the best in the future..and for sure..missing him so much..

Anyway, I'm going to Indocomtech with my brother..
Can't wait what to see there hahaha who knows I can find some amazing bargain there..
have a nice weekend everyone:)
am i gonna be drowned in tears?
hopefully not..

I'm going to go to the airport with my boyfriend and his family.
He's going to Japan for *at least* a year..
I've promised to try not to cry..

We'll see..
*mellow mode on*

ost Heart
Di sini kau dan aku
terbiasa bersama
menjalani kasih sayang
bahagia ku denganmu

Pernahkah kau memutar
hari paling indah
Kuukir nama kita berdua
Di sini surga kita

Bila kita mencintai yang lain
mungkinkah hati ini akan tegar
Sebisa mungkin tak akan pernah sayangku akan hilang

If we love somebody could we be this strong
I will fight to win
Our love will conquer all
Wouldn't risk my love even just one night
Our love will stay in my heart
Don't ask me why I feel what I feel for you,
coz it's one of the thing that I cannot explain in any logical sense.
Don't ask me why it's you, despite of any other choices I had,
coz that is one thing that I cannot force my heart to do.

I love you
Kondisi fisik siang ini:
Idung mampet,
Kerongkongan gatel2,
perut kembung,
badan pegel2.

Kondisi psikologi dan emosi siang ini:
susah konsentrasi,
mellow berat,
bermacam2 hal berseliweran di kepala.

Efek samping:
SMS ke Nye2 dua kali..dan dua2nya salah panggil..
Yang sekali gue panggil "bro"
*karena gue lagi mikir koq dd gue ga bales2 sms gue*
Yang sekali lagi gue panggil "nop"
*karena gue lagi ceting n email2an sama nopi*
This post is specially dedicated for someone who has occupied my mind and filled the empty spot left in my heart

I'm glad you made that phone call the other day
I'm glad you told me everything I need to know from the very beginning
I'm glad you didn't step back as you know that I have a lot of friends who happened to be boys
I'm glad I finally understand how I feel
I'm glad that all my choices have brought me here..
I'm glad my heart chooses you
*Warning: pembicaraan di bawah ini penuh dengan kata "jika, kalau, misalnya". Harap diingat bahwa ga satupun yang mengilustrasikan kejadian yang sebenarnya. Post kali ini juga ada membahas soal agama walaupun sedikit saja. Tidak ada maksud untuk menyinggung pihak tertentu loh..*

vivi: "kalo beda agama, loe pindah agama donk? ato dia nya yang pindah?"
me: "ga dua2nya lah..napa juga mesti pindah?"
vivi: "di indo kan ga bisa merit beda agama"
me: "oh yach???" *mikir bentar*
"bener juga yach. artis2 aja ada yang nikah di luar negeri. koq aneh juga yach?"

Untung ada dunia maya yang lengkap dengan segala informasi. Maka berkelanalah gue nyari2 info seputar pernikahan beda agama.

Hasil browsing yang lengkap bisa diliat di:
1. Pernikahan antar Agama
2. Pernikahan Beda Agama
3. Pernikahan Beda Agama

Inti dari 3 sumber di atas itu adalah:
"Hukum perkaiwanan yang berlaku di Indonesia adalah UU No. 1 Tahun 1974 tentang Perkawinan. Pada pasal 2 UU No. 1 Tahun 1974 disebutkan bahwa perkawinan adalah sah apabila dilakukan menurut hukum masing-masing agama dan kepercayaannya yang kemudian dicatata menurut peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku."

"Peraturan Pemerintah No. 9 tentan pelaksanaan UU No. 1 Tahun 1974, bagi perkawinan yang dilangsungkan menurut hukum dan tatacara Islam dicatatkan di KUA dan bagi perkawinan yang dilangsungkan menurut hukum dan tatacara selain Islam dicatatkan di Kantor Catatan Sipil."

Ok..jadi kalo pernikahan udah dilakukan dengan hukum masing2 agama, berarti bisa disahkan oleh hukum.
Sekarang pertanyaan nya: Gimana dengan hukum masing2 agama?
Sepengetahuan gue untuk bisa menerima pemberkatan di gereja Katolik pun, kedua pasangan harus merupakan umat Katolik.
Berarti secara ga langsung sebelum sampai di muka hukum, pasangan2 sudah harus bernaung di agama yang sama?
Lantas, dengan kata lain hampir tidak mungkin untuk melangsungkan pernikahan beda agama donk?

Ada yang punya info tentang ini?
Andai dunia ini tak mengenal waktu.
Tiada kini hitungan mundur menanti hari ia pergi.

ada yang berkata
"hiduplah dalam ruang hampa, niscaya waktu tak mengejarmu"
aku bertanya
"ke mana harus ku pergi?"
"lubuk hatimu yang paling dalam"
Dari kemaren berkutat dengan brontok yang bersarang di laptop.
Udah dicoba pake Brontok.A[10] Cleaner v2.0 (18-10-2005), tapi masih ga mempan juga..
Urrghhh any idea?
Guys, forward-an dari milist kampus..Kali aja ada yang berminat.
Hehe kalo menank, kita makan2 yach;p *lahh* ahahaha

Menyambut ulang tahunnya yang ke-10, PT. Excelcomindo Pratama (XL), operator selular swasta di Indonesia, menyelenggarakan lomba karya tulis dan foto, XL Award Writing and Photo Competition 2006 yang terbuka bagi masyarakat umum dan wartawan.

Tema-tema karya tulis:
- Trend Konvergensi dalam Telekomunikasi Modern. Fixed Maupun Nirkabel dalam Penerapannya di Kehidupan Sehari-hari
- Mobile Solutions Sebagai Alternatif Sarana Telekomunikasi;
- Kontribusi Industri Selular Bagi Dunia Pendidikan dan Pengembangan Industri Dalam Negeri;
- Aplikasi 3G dalam Kehidupan Sehari-hari, Prospek dan Hambatannya.

Tema Foto:
"Telekomunikasi selular dan masyarakat"

Karya tulis dan foto diterima oleh Panitia paling lambat tanggal 2 Oktober 2006.

Hadiah untuk masing-masing kategori pada lomba Karya
Tulis dan Foto :
Wartawan dan Umum masing-masing:

Hadiah Ke-1, Uang Rp 17.000.000,-, trophy, piagam dan voucher Rp 200 Ribu per bulan selama 6 bulan.
Hadiah Ke-2, Uang Rp 12.000.000,-, trophy, piagam dan voucher Rp 200 Ribu per bulan selama 6 bulan.
Hadiah Ke-3, Uang Rp 7.000.000,-, trophy, piagam dan voucher Rp 200 Ribu per bulan selama 6 bulan.

Pemenang akan diumumkan di media massa pada tanggal 15 Oktober 2006.

Berhubung info nya kepanjangan, jadi gue upload aja yach di sini
Ada sebuah desa yang tidak ada jam nya.
Cara dia mengetahui waktu itu adalah dengan membakar sumbu tali.
Satu sumbu tali itu habis dalam waktu 1 jam.
Nah gimana cara orang2 di desa itu bisa tau '1 jam 15 menit' dengan tepat.
Dengan catatan sumbu tali itu ga boleh dilipat, digunting ato diapa2in..

Ambil satu sumbu..kita bakar dari dua sisi nya berbarengan.
Begitu sumbu itu habis terbakar, waktu sudah berlalu 30 menit.

Nah setelah itu..kita ambil 2 sumbu, kita kasih nama A dan B.
Yang A kita bakar dari satu sisi..
Yang B lagi kita bakar dari dua sisi.

Pas B dah abis, waktu sudah berlalu 30 menit lagi kan.
Nah pas B abis, A masih tersisa 1/2..
A kita bakar lagi dari 2 sisi.
Pas A abis, waktu udah bertambah 15 menit dech..

Berarti, 30 menit + 30 menit + 15 menit = 75 menit..

*Thanx to Liem hehe*
Tadi untuk pertama kali nya setelah sekian lama gue menginjakkan kaki ke Timezone.
Tujuan: nemenin temen gue yang pengen maen.

Hasil pemantauan:
1. Timezone dipenuhi oleh banyak orang (Sudah biasa)
2. Hampir 80% pengunjung berumur antara 1-25 (Yaa kalo soal umur, dikira2 aja sich dari penampilan)
3. Which means, 20% merupakan orang tua.
4. Orang2 tua itu, 85% nya menemani anak2 nya main.
5. 15% nya ngapain?

Nahh ini dia...
Ada beberapa ibu2 dan bapak2 yang practically manteng di depan mesin game.
Di sebelah tangan megang kartu time zone, tangan satu nya sibuk memencet tombol untuk memainkan game itu.
Game nya itu kebetulan di mesin2 yang memungkinkan untuk menghasilkan banyak tiket dalam sekali main.

Kalo diperhatiin di gambar di atas, di dalam cube mesin ada semacam cakram.
Di permukaan cakram2 itu ada lubang2 kecil.
Nah, kita harus tekan tombol merah (Gue kasih buletan warna ijo) buat ngejatoin bola ke dalam cube nya.
Nanti bola nya mantul2 sampai akhirnya masuk ke salah satu lubang yang ada.
Nah lubang2 itu masing2 ada nilai tiketnya..
Dari bonus (yang nilai nya di atas 100), 100, 75, sampe cuman 1 tiket aja.
Gue berdiri ngeliatin ibu2 ini sekitar 10 menit.
Dan tiket nya mengalir tiada henti dari mesin nya^^"
Dapet 100..Blum kelar 100 nya keluar, dah dapet lagi another ticket..
Gitu2 tiada stop2..

Tadi pas ngobrol2 sama salah satu teman, dia sempet bilank kalo emang dah dari dulu kayak gitu.
*Gue baru tauu hehehe maklum..terakhir kali gue ke timezone..isinya anak2 skul semua;p*
Dan katanya sich di sana skr ada hadiah berupa handphone..bahkan motor?
Handphone nya pun adalah handphone2 yang harganya di atas 2jt.

Yaa kalo misalnya nich..
Dalam 10 menit itu, dia menggesek kartu 20 kali..
Sekali gesek Rp. 2.900
Dalam 20 kali gesek itu misalkan dia dapet 600 tiket.
Dan misalkan juga untuk nukerin hp itu butuh 30000 tiket.
*Soalnya rice cooker itu tadi gue liat 4500 tiket*
Nahh berarti dia butuh 1000 kali gesek..
1000 x Rp. 2.900 = Rp. 2.900.000
Wahh koq kayaknya mending langsung beli aja toh yach?
Laen hal kalo 30000 tiket dapet motor..Hahaha gue duduk kali yachh ikutan ibu2 itu;p
Berhubung gue kehilangan Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia..
"Tirakat" itu artinya apa toh yach?
Diambil dari lirik lagu Acha Septriasa - Sampai Menutup Mata (Ost Heart)

Embun di pagi buta
Menebarkan basah
Detik demi detik kuhitung
Inikah saat kupergi?

Oh Tuhan kucinta dia
Berikanlah aku hidup
Takkan kusakiti dia
Hukum aku bila terjadi

Aku tak mudah untuk mencintai
Aku tak mudah mengaku kucinta
Aku tak mudah mengatakan aku jatuh cinta

Senandungku hanya untuk cinta
Tirakatku hanya untuk engkau
Tiada dusta sumpah kucinta sampai kumenutup mata
Untuk pertama kali dalam sejarah..
XL bebas gue kena blokir gara2 sms nya lebih dari 100..
Iya juga yach..Hari ini sms non stop dari pagi..
Gawat..Besok seharian tanpa sms..err apakah akan bertahan..

Nopi..akhirnya gue kena blokir dech. Biasa gue yang ketawa2 gitu mendengar loe diblokir^^"
As I heard his voice this morning, I am convinced that today would be good day:)
And yes..today is a beautiful day indeed:)

I passed my 1A-exam *france course*..
I got a discount for re-registering my next class *100k..lumayan kan* hahaha
I've ordered 3 pints of Ben and Jerry *Choco Fudge Brownies, Cherry Garcia, Everything but The* which will be delivered tomorrow morning *yay!!*
I helped my mom selling 7 bottles of Passion Fruit syrup and Honey hehehe

*Sekalian mo promosi ah* Hehe
My parents have a small company that manufacture Passion Fruit syrup and Honey.
Passion Fruit syrup nya ga ditambah biang gula, pengental ato pun pewarna loh..
Sari nya itu dari Brastagi, Sumut..
Rasanya dijamin ok..

Honey nya juga dijamin murni..uang kembali dech kalo ga murni..
Dari tgl 7-15 Agustus ini lagi buka stand di JIExpo *tempat PRJ itu*..
Tepat nya di Hall C1 Stand no 27A.
Namanya Camar Indah Lestari hehe
Selama pameran lagi harga promosi lohhhhhh:D
*Dateng yach dateng..trus beli hehe*

Jadi tadi sore abis dari CCF, pegi deh ke tempat pameran.
Ceritanya jadi 'SPG' gadungan hahaha
Seru..ternyata ada seni nya..
Jangan terlalu dipaksa..jangan terlalu ga niat juga jual nya.
Tadi ada orang2 dari Timur Tengah, Korea, Malaysia.
Untung Inggris memadai hihi

Kebetulan di Hall C1 itu tempat perusahaan kecil menengah gitu.
Jadi banyak banget tuh dari mulai batik2, batu2an, makanan, minuman, etc etc.
Gue sendiri baru sempet keliling bentar, n akhirnya beli satu tas anyaman dari pandan?
Trus ada juga beberapa distro Bandung yang buka di sana..
Seru loh seru..
ririn: "cha, loe lagi ngapain?"
me: "ga ngapa2in sich rin..mau ke mana?"
ririn: "hhmmm ke planetarium??"
me: "hah?? hahahahaha ya udah..."
ririn: "serius loe?" *sambil ketawa sama tin yang ngomong apa gitu di belakang nya*
me: "iyee..hahaha unik.."
ririn: "tapi blum tau buka ato ga..Kalo ga buka, ya kita ke pim kalo ga ex"
me: "ok" *haha buntut2nya mall juga*

Dulu pas semester2 awal *di kala pikiran utama itu masih: menyelesaikan kuliah*, gue n temen2 cukup rutin maen badminton.
Kebetulan lokasi maen nya di deket rumah gue..
Dibilang ajang olahraga..iya juga..
Ajang kumpul2..iya juga..
Yang pasti setiap abis badminton, pasti ada dech cerita2 berkesan hehe

Kemaren pas gue ajak2in maen, yang bisa cuman sekitar 7 ato 8 orang.
Tadii ternyata ada 14 orang yang dateng.
Sedangkan lapangan cuman tersedia 1 hahaha
Seperti biasa, jadi banyak ngumpul2 nya *sambil diselingi maen capsa banting*
Seperti biasa juga, tommy mulai mengeluarkan pertanyaan2 yang hhmm dibilang aneh sich ga..haha tapiii *ampun tom..weekend nich..masih disuruh mikir juga* hahaha

Ada 100 loker dalam keadaan tertutup. Ada 100 orang yang tugas nya itu membalikkan keadaan dari suatu loker tertentu. Membalikkan keadaan misalnya, loker nya lagi tertutup berarti harus dibuka; gitu juga sebalik nya. Kerja nya itu satu2..abis orang ke-1 kelar..baru orang ke-2 kerja. Nahh..orang ke-1..dia bertugas di loker kelipatan ke-1. Orang ke-2 di loker kelipatan ke-2, dst..
--> Jadi orang ke-n tugas nya itu di loker2 kelipatan n

Nah pertanyaan nya: Setelah orang ke-100 kelar, ada berapa loker yang kebuka? Loker ke berapa aja?

Hehe ampun dah..
Tadi juga pas di gedung badmin, malah kenalan sama anak kecil.
Me: Haiiiii de...
Ivan: Pada sekolah di mana?
Me: Kita semua dah pada lulus kuliah..
Ivan: Ooohhh jadi dah pada kelar kuliahh yachh.
Me: iyaaa..kamu kelas berapa?
Ivan: kelas 3
Me: emang sekolah di mana?
Ivan: Di TarQ
Me: Aku juga dulu di TarQ!!!!
Ivan: TarQ 2 yang di Pluit?
Me: iyaaa...Masih ada Bu Niniek ga?
Ivan: adaaaa
*Jadi nostalgia bentaran sama dia hahaha*
trus tiba2:
Ivan: rumah nya di mana?
Hahahaha gue n yang laen spontan ketawa2 hihihi
Anak nya lucuuu banget...
Pas lagi lari2 ngejar kok..Alamakk...

I'm craving for that bag..
I know..it's simple.
I just luv the color and the model.
Not too big, not too small..
The material? Hhmm yaa ok lah..

I cannot resist looking at bags, shoes, and *of course* dvds..
Luckily, I still can hold myself from buying all those stuffs hahaha *except for dvds sometimes*
Kilas balik ke beberapa hari lalu..
Pas lagi melintas di Green Ville, ehh ngeliat ada tulisan "Sushi".
Karena emank lagi pengen banget n rada males ke mall..
Ya sudah akhirnya mampir ke sana bareng dd gue..

Buka2 menu..dd gue langsung pesen "Chicken Katsu Curry". Yang ternyata rasanya cukup enakkkkk:) *Jadi pengen lagii*
Harga nya kalo ga salah Rp. 20k;p
Sushi nya sendiri ga sempet difoto haha karena begitu dateng, langsung dicomot2in hihi
Eniwei, kalo sushi sich masih ga ada yang ngalahin Sushi Tei sama Poke Sushi.
Terjangkau n enak;p

Eniwei, berbekal pengen makan curry lagi..
Tadi pas di TA, hunting bumbu kari Jepang dech jadi nya di *satu2nya* supermaket di sana..
Hasil nya?

Seperti terlihat di bawah..Hari Minggu nanti akan dicoba
*Kalo udah berhasil men-decrypt apa yang tertulis sebagai cara pembuatan nya hahahaha*
Topik hangat pembicaraan di telp/messenger/sms:
"Applying for a Job"

Setelah ngelewatin beberapa kesempatan buat kerja,
akhirnya gue mutusin buat cari kerja full time.
Target utama tentu nya IT consultant/Biz Consultant yang multinational.
Dan apply sich ke beberapa perusahaan.
Sambil menunggu, gue merintis impian gue n dd gue hihi

Anak2 les..skr masih ada 3 *tadinya ada 10*..
Beberapa akhirnya diajar oleh teman2ku yang kebetulan masih di bangku kuliah untuk 1 taon ke depan.

Sulit nya itu, anak2nya dah mulai nerima gue sebagai teman.
Apalagi yang kelas 1SD..
Gue inget banget dulu pas pertama ngajar dia, gue 20 menit ngerayu2 dia biar dia mau ngeliat ke gue..
Sekarang, begitu gue dateng..dia dah lari2 dari lantai atas
"Miss icha..miss ichaa..."
Trus dia lari ke ruang belajar sambil bawa2 permen..

Yaaa nevertheless, it's just something that I have to do.
Better now than later, karena sekarang mereka baru masuk minggu ke-3 sekolah..
In term of pelajaran, kebetulan mereka2 dah 1 chapter ahead dari skul..
Yang butuh waktu adalah nanti nya penyesuaian ke guru yang baru..
Jiaa yoo..
I'm over at my friend's house..
Abusing his internet connection and the contain of his hard drive..
Huaaa kapan yach di tempat gue masuk inet yang cepat *dan murah*;p

Anyway, I'm planning to play badminton this weekend.
It's either Saturday 9 or 10am; or Sunday noon around 1 or 2 pm..
Anyone want to join?
Di lapangan Pluit...
Let me know yachh:)
Seperti pagi2 biasanya, gue ama dd gue mutusin buat fitness.
Pas mau masuk mobil mikir "Koq tumben yach bawaan sepertinya dikit"
*Oohh kemaren2 kan bawa tas gede soalnya mau langsung mandi di sana trus pegi*

Pas nyampe depan tempat fitness,
"Lahhh ga bawa sepatu?!"

Urghh that's why kayaknya barang gue dikit banget hahaha
Untung dd gue juga ga bawa kaos kaki, jadi yachh perasaan bersalah berkurang;p
Ended up malah makan di deket TarQ hehe
Kalo quoting dari perkataan dd gue:
"Sempurna sekali lah..Kita ga fitness malah makan"
The obvious result of blog walking is attaining stories from all around the world.
Sometimes it brings new perspective..
Sometimes it's..unbelievable..
Just like what I've found just now..

Started from here. It's an entry about a woman who found out that her husband has been cheating on her with her best friend. She then went on a "14-day-revenge-mission."

Intrigued by the story, I decided to visit the woman's blog in here.
Take a look at the picture about the bilboard and the car.

Hmmm there's this link in the woman's blog..
It's a video taped by someone who happened to be there when she threw away her husband's stuff on the street..

Well, I just thought it's really..hhmm
what's the best word to use here..
amazing? unbelievable? crazy?
bro: "Would you prefer your boyfriend to cheat on some other girl, or to actually realize that he's a homosexual?"
me: "The second one I guess? Let's see..Leaving me for other girl would probably ended up in me questioning what's wrong with me? Not enough attention? Not attractive enough? What is it that she has that I don't have? Things like that."
me: "Meanwhile, if he decided to be with another guy..How am I going to compare myself with a guy??"

Ampun dech bro..cukup ga penting pertanyaan nya. Don't you think so?
Anyway, tadi siang pas lunch ada kejadian yang cukup notable.
Berhubung gue duduk menghadap ke pintu masuk, jadi cukup memberi gue pandangan ke hampir seluruh penjuru ruangan.
There's this couple entering the restaurant..A man around his 30s and a pregnant woman *hhmm around 5 or 6 months pregnant I think*

The woman was walking behind him toward a table across me.
The man was pulling a chair and producing a body posture implying that he's gonna give the seat to that woman.
I thought "Wow..that's simple, but sweet.."
In just a split second, I was stunned to see that he beseated on that chair.
In a glimpse I can see the expression in the woman's face *a little shock? I dunno*
I was like "What?!!"
PS: I'm as a third party who accidentally catch the event, can only grab the whole picture..

I realize that a relationship needs a lot of effort and sacrifise in order to last.
I also aware it took a creativity to make the relationship stays fresh *dibaca: hubungan nya ga menjadi hambar*.

Well, I'm not pulling any conclusion here..It's just that it really caught my attention..
I'm in a stagnant position right now.
There's this big wall in front of me.
Not that I can't get through that wall..
I feel reluctant to break that wall..
Simply I know that the road on the other side of that wall will still be the same road that I've passed through all this time.
Bored? Could be..
Hipotesa : Action movies rarely satisfy my appetite of good movies.

Yesterday I spent 2 hours in the cinema watching Miami Vice.
It was just an okay movie for me.
Jamie Foxx was hot!!!
Gong Li looked old. Can't tell whether it's the make up, or else..
Colin Farrell..errr hot as usual;p

The film was incredibly long..
Even longer than Pirates of The Carribean.
Well, my point is haha I don't really recommend the movie for people who are not big fan of action movies;p
Year 1:
Desperately missing my old life "dibaca: teman2 lama ku, the secure feeling I've had since I was a child."
I grew up in the same environment for almost 10 years. Hanging around with the same people, not realizing that there is the "other world" out there.

Year 2:
I learnt that everything might seem beautiful, but apparently sometimes it only looks beautiful on the surface *if you know what i mean*. I started to realize that soon I would be on my own, thinking about my future job, enjoying every single minute I had.

Year 3:
I learnt to tell who are the real people..and who are just there to enjoy that particular moment.

Year 4:
Minimum level of tolerance; in a sense that I became more aware of people who were taking advantages from others. I learnt that it took a lot of energy to stand up and to confront those who *if I may say* are "experts" in being a "parasit". Why? Coz they always have a lot of reasons for everything.

Nevertheless, gue ngerasa 4 taon ini berharga banget..
Seperti kata orang2:
This life is a never-stop-learning process.
It shapes me to become who I am now..It is full of surprises.
A big hug to everyone in Bina Nusantara International University, especially CS 2006 students.
Acara perpisahan jadi ke mana nich:D
A special note goes to my beloved friends: Puja, Edwin, Clara..
Congratulations..you've passed the thesis defence:)

As for the rest..
Tommy, Ak, Ganda, Nye2, Lina, Panda, Irine, Virgin, Hasinah, Slamet, Pops, Harry, Io, Toto, Ardo, Dhita, Bea, Toni, WS, Erlina, Mutia, Ferdy, Sasa, Dennis..and everyone else..

Good luck..
I had a psikotest at a bank yesterday.
One word..Exhausting!!!!
The worst part is when I were given a paper (A3) with columns of numbers,
and I had to write down the value of ones of the two corresponding numbers di samping dua nomor itu.
For example:

Hahaha ilang konsen dikit..nomor nya dah berantakan.
Not to mention..nomor2 nya itu berderet panjanggggg banget....
Well, anyhow..me and my other 6 friends passed the psikotest
and all of us must go for interviews next Monday..
Am I being one of 'guru killer'?
Haha I have to admit, I tend to give my students difficult sets of problems..And a lot of basic practice. *What I mean by a lot..is I'll keep on providing them the problems until they show their complete understanding about that particular topic*
My reasoning is simple..
I've been told that the teachers in school usually give them easy problems for homework and exercise, but difficult and usually different kind of problems in the exam.
I thought, if they really understood the concept..they would be able to solve all problems.
Thus, every lesson started with giving a set of basic things..

I found that some of my students are memorizing things.
Let's see..One day I asked my P6 student:
What is the value of a in 6a + 7 = 19
He wrote down :
6a = 19 - 7
6a = 12
a = 2

Okay..I then asked him..
How about 9b - 11 = 34
He wrote down :
9b = 34 - 11
9b = 23
b = 23/9

When I told him that it's not the answer, he then argue with me..
He even made a bet with me.. If it's really wrong, he will have to do 5 more numbers. If it turned out to be right, then I have to stop the lesson right away.
I pointed out to him that whenever you move a number into the other side of equal sign, then the number will become its opposite..
Thus, it should be 9b = 34 + 11
He was like "Noo..but why this *pointing to number 1 question* is a minus?"
I pointed out again to the note that I made about moving numbers to the other side of equal sign..
He was "Oohh..ok ok.."

I then continued the lesson with other things..
I didn't directly give him another questions about that, coz to my experience..It's still fresh in his mind..
And yuppe..the next days, he kept on repeating the same mistake^^"
He defensed himself by saying "I forgot how to do it"
I can only say to him "Math is not something to be memorized. When you're trying to memorize something, you tend to forget; especially after you're learning new things. That's why I'm asking you to understand the concept, instead of memorizing the formula"

One day, he told me that I'm a 'killer teacher'..
Kalo satu pertanyaan dia blum bisa selesain dalam 5 menit, dia dah mulai merajuk biasa nya.
Puncak nya itu beberapa hari lalu, he literally broke my pencil into 2 part.
It's not the pencil I worried about..
It's his emotion that I'm worried about..
Am I too harsh to him?
My deepest condolences for my brothers and sisters who have gone through an unfortunate event this afternoon..

Serupa bumi yang berganti malam menjadi pagi,
begitu lah suatu saat nanti semua bencana ini akan berlalu.
Gelap menjadi terang,
air mata menjadi tawa..
If I could choose a song to depict the fear that I'm having right now, it would be this song..

Jem - Falling For You
Said there'd be no going back,
promised myself I'd never be that sad
Baby that why you've come along
to show me it's not always bad.
Coz I can feel it baby, I feel like I'm falling for you
but I'm scared to let go..
I'm scared coz my heart has been hurt too.

It's true I've become a scheptic.
How many couples really last.
Just wish I had a crystal ball
to show me if it's worth it..
Coz I can feel it baby, I feel like I'm falling for you
but I'm scared to let go..
I'm scared coz my heart has been hurt too.

I've got to be sure coz it's been so long.
I cannot take the pain again if it all goes wrong..

This one came from a friend of a friend, who has no idea that I have a brother.

L : "Sama sapa loe cha ke sini?"
me: "Tuh sama nyokap, bokap n dd gue"
L : "Oohh? Itu dd loe?"
me: "Iyaa..loe pikir co gue?"
L : "iyee.."

This one came from a friend who have known me for 4 years, know that I have a brother, but have never seen my brother *despite the fact that all of us were in the same campus haha*

D : "*ehem ehem* chaa..ituu ga dikenalin? *sambil nunjuk2 ke arah seorang co deket gue*"
me: "Loe blum kenal dd gue?"
D : "??????"

I got that reactions almost every time..
I can only laugh watching people's reactions.

I have only one brother *younger brother to be exact*.
He's only 1.5 years apart from me.
We practically have spent almost all of our lives together.
Same kindergarden, same school, same Japanese course, same university..even same classes in my final year of university.
Translated the situation into 6 words "him, him, him and him again!!!"
but the thing is, I kinda miss him when he's not around.

Me and him, we used to fight over everything back when we're small.
During our so-called-puberty, we grew up in our own worlds.
Me with my bunch-of-friends, bunch-of-activities, bunch-of-troubles..
Him with his-not-so-many-friends, not-so-many-activities, not-so-many troubles.
We barely even speaking as long as I recall..

It all changed started in the university..
With him entering the same university as me, he HAD to drive with me every morning to campus hahaha
So, slowly the ice was breaking.
I think the 'moment' was back when my family was having a holiday in Bandung about 2 years ago.
That was like the very first heart-to-heart conversation we'd ever had.

Things were not as smooth as it is now.
Once upon a time *not so long ago*, we both had a huge fight.
huge as in we're not speaking one another for almost 2 months.
My mistake back then..
I guess it's true what they're saying..
What doesn't kill you, make you stronger

Recovering from that fight, both of us became so close..
For me personally, I've come to a point where I realized that I love him so much.
*OMG bro..don't start laughing when you read this!! Don't start to poke me either!! Most of all, jangan gr..weqqqqq*
We practically do almost everything together..
Freelancing programmer, fitness, shopping, curhat, watching movies..
We even joke in a way that almost no one can understand what are we talking about ahahha

Well, take a look at that picture and keep in mind that
he's my brother hahaha
If any of you saw me with a guy resemble him..
Yuppe..he's my brother..not my boyfriend!!!

Just got back watching Pirates of The Caribean.
Personally, I still prefer the first one..
This one was just too long..
I yawned for couple of times during the movie,
not to mention my friend kept on looking his watch and giving a confused face while saying:
"Baru 1.5 jam cha..."

The special effect was nice, though..
Johnny Depp was also great..
The giant octopus was cool!!!

Anyway, I watched the movie together with my brother and 13 of my friends.
Entah kurang kerjaan ato trauma *2 minggu lalu pas nonton Superman returns, tempat duduk nya dapet di baris ke 3 dari paling depan*,
kemaren gue, tommy, irine n lina belain buat beli tiket dulu di Jakarta Teater.
Untung nya ga rame sich, dapet tiket buat di baris B, C n D.
I kinda missed hanging with my friends..
Arranging things for doing things was never an easy task, especially now that everyone has their own schedules..
However, it is still worth a try...Don't you think?
someone : "loe ngajar anak kelas berapa aja?"
me : "Kelas 1 SD, 4 sama 6 SD"
someone : "wahh enak donk..kan gampang tuh.."
**me laughing**

The thing is..
YES, the material for P1 (Primary 1) is easy *for me*.
Introducing to numbers, addition, substraction..

What challenging is how am I going to deliver the materials to my student to make them understand the basic concept..
P1 is like the basic of everything.
If the students don't have strong foundations, then how are they supposed to work on more advance math?
"Orang bilang hidup dimulai di hari ini
waktu kita bangun tadi pagi, bukan hari kemaren, bukan juga besok..
Tapi gue percaya hari ini dimulai bukan hanya dari kita membuka mata tadi pagi.
Hari ini dimulai jauh sebelum itu

Bagaimanapun semua hal akan berlalu..
Suatu hari kita pasti akan terbangun dan tersenyum menyadari kita bahwa kita pernah melewatinya."

~Mengejar Matahari~
Kegiatan baru : fitness
Tujuan : gerak2 biar liburan ga cuman makan n tidur;p Trus buat siap2 panjat dinding minggu2 depan:)
Weird fact : Ada beberapa ibu2 yang pas fitness lengkap dengan make up^^"
Lagi berkelana di detik.com ehh ada berita ttg zidane..Nich kalo minat baca:
1. Gallas : Zidane Diprovokasi
2. Provokasi Itu, 'Anak Pelacur Teroris'
3. Zizou, Oh, Zizou....
That's a word to describe the final of World Cup 2006.
France was in a lead after Zidane's penalty after only 7 minutes of the first half.
About 10 minutes afterward, Materazzi (Italy) then scored a goal to make it 1-1.
Afterward, France had so many opportunities to score a goal *tapi emang bukan jodoh kali yach*

The thing that was so tragic was that on the second half, Zidane almost scored a goal through sundulan nya..Sayang masih ditepis ama kiper itali.
Ehhh ga lama kemudian, Zidane nya malah 'nyundul' dada nya pemaen Itali..
Ada apa gerangan? Yang tau cuman dia..

Ya eniwei, congratz buat semua tifosi Itali..
Finally datang juga saat nya hehe
It touches me at the most unexpected time,
it comes from the most unexpected people..

Sometimes I wish it will never show up again, unless it's going to stay forever.
But then again, who am I to wish to be able in controlling the universe?
I guess it's just one of those thing that keeps on re-appearing to make me believe that it does really exist.
You know...to remind me that no matter how I try to run, it will always have a way to find me.

Is it really it?
I can't answer that..
Every cell in my heart say 'yes',
but every molecul in my mind say 'not sure about that'..
"You cannot believe in your dream,
until you believe in yourself
Akeelah and The Bee by Lions Gate Films

Our Greatest Fear
Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate,
but that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us.
We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant,
gorgeous, handsome, talented and fabulous?

Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.

Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking
so that other people won't feel insecure around you.

We were born to make manifest the glory of God within us.
It is not just in some; it is in everyone.

And, as we let our own light shine, we consciously give
other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our fear,
our presence automatically liberates others.

From Marianne Williamson from her book "A Return to Love"
I am dedicated this entry specially to my 6th grade homeroom teacher "Ibu Tjun".
Gue pernah sekolah di 2 sekolah: SD Permai sampai kelas 2, trus lanjut ke Tarakanita dari kelas 3SD sampai lulus SMU.
Gue masih inget betul dengan guru2 SD gue..
Kelas 3: Ibu Niniek, Kelas 4: Pak Linus, Kelas 5: Pak Frans, Kelas 6: Ibu Tjun.
Masing2 dari mereka ninggalin kenangan tersendiri buat gue.

Nahh pas gue di kelas 5, kabar santer terdengar gitu..
"Ibu Tjun killer abis"
Wiihhh deg2an banget..apalagi pas gue tau kalo wali kelas gue kelas 6 adalah Ibu Tjun.
Tapiii yach..gue bingung kenapa Ibu Tjun dibilang killer.
yaa kalo mau dibilang galak, iya sich dikit..
Tugas banyak? Iyaa jugaa..

Nevertheless, I owe so much to Ibu Tjun.
Approach dia itu bukannya gue dikasih tugas berikut aturan2 nya.
Tapi gue dimotivasi untuk jadi yang terbaik dengan cara gue sendiri.
Gue inget banget, pertama kali nya gue disuruh maju sama Ibu Tjun buat nulis jawaban PR di papan tulis.
Bayangkan..gue maju rame2..Di saat orang laen dah selesai dan 'batch' berikut dah maju buat nulis jawaban nomor selanjutnya, gue masih blum kelas hahaha
Trus Ibu Tjun bilank "ya udah, mulai sekarang kamu jadi sekretaris kelas..Nanti semakin cepat kamu mencatat di papan, semakin banyak juga ilmu yang temen2 kamu dapet"

*doeng* hahaha gmana gue ga panik cobaa..
Yaa akhirnya gue jadi lancar banget yang namanya tulis cepat di papan tulis maupun di catatan.
Bahkan sampe lulus SMU pun, gue seakan2 punya title "sekretaris kelas" hahaha
Truss ada satu lagi..
Gue jadi juara 4 lomba mengarang seJakarta Utara juga berkat Ibu Tjun ini..
*gara2 sering dikasih pr ngarang kali yach haha*
And you know what the silliest thing was?
Gue jadi juara 4 karena menurut juri nya
"Dia cadel, jadi nya di bagian pelafalan nilai nya kalah sedikit"
Bwahuahahhaa..ya ya you can laugh at it..Gue juga ga stop2 ketawa pas denger itu..

Eniwei, sejak beberapa hari lalu gue sms-an ama Ibu Tjun.
Beliau ada di Jogja, dan Thank GOD she's fine..
Yang gue kagum, beliau bahkan masih inget nama lengkap gue dan teman2 main gue..
*karena gue terlalu bandel?;p*

Semua hal di dunia ini,
sesingkat apa pun keberadaan nya di dunia, akan meninggalkan suatu tanda bagi orang-orang yang pernah merasakaan keberadaan nya.

Terkadang bukti keberadaan nya telah tergantikan oleh hal-hal yang lebih baru, keberadaan nya mulai terlupakan oleh beberapa orang.
Seperti hal nya suatu bangunan yang sudah lapuk.

Bangunan lapuk itu pernah menjadi bangunan kokoh pada masa nya.
Ketika keberadaan nya akan digantikan oleh bangunan yang lebih baru.
Dan mereka yang pernah bernaung di bangunan lapuk itu, sampai kapan pun akan mengenal lokasi itu sebagai tempat di mana bangunan lapuk itu pernah berdiri kokoh.

Bagi mu para guru yang pernah singgah dalam hidup ku,
keberadaan kalian dalam hatiku tak akan dapat digantikan oleh apa pun.
Bahkan tidak oleh teknologi apa pun.
Karena bagaimanapun, dedikasi, semangat dan kegigihan kalian lah yang telah membantu ku membentuk diriku untuk dapat melangkan sampai hari ini.

Guru pahlawan tanpa tanda jasa, yang akar keberadaan nya akan selalu membekas dalam hati kami yang pernah kau ajar.
Terima kasih Guru..
I was one of those people who were willingly enough to watch the movie even if I had to sit 3 rows from the front.
Together with my bro, his gf and 8 of my friends..we occupied 4 rows in J row..and another 8 in K row..

The first thing that caught my attention is..
Brandon Routh was smoking hot!!
What I mean by HOT is H.O.T!?!?!?
*kecuali pas rambut nya tiba2 ada poni nya satu keriwilan gitu*

The overall story was just ok..
It didn't really satisfy my appetite for good movie,
though it was another proof that a man is at his strongest and his weakest point when there is a woman by his side.
Superman has Louis Lane,
Spiderman has Marie Jane,
Hulk has Betty Ross,
Wolverine has Jane,
Batman hhmm he has a lot of woman? Haha dunno about this one, cause I don't really follow Batman story.

As I said to one of my best friend:
"Love brings us to the highest point, yet it has the capability of bringing us to the lowest point that we'd never imagined before."
Apa yang gue takutkan selama ini akhirnya terjadi juga.
Dari SD sampai SMU gue berada di lingkungan main yang sama, di mana akhirnya gue mempunyai sekelompok teman dekat (gabungan co dan ce).
Fast forward ke setahun lalu, salah satu teman dekat gue itu..Name him 'K' came forward about his feeling toward me.
Fast forward again to 2 months ago, I finally explicitly told him that I couldn't find myself feeling more than friends.

I didn't give him any detail explanation, for I thought nothing I said would ease the pain..I just basically told him that at that moment I needed to focus on me and my family. *Well, it will be a long story to be told here*
Anyway, at that time I tried to discuss with him about "what if salah satu teman main kita ada yang ngajak pergi?"
Kondisi nya itu adalah: 'initiator' pegi2 di kelompok main gue ga tau keadaan antara gue dan dia. Gue pribadi memutuskan untuk ga cerita dulu sampe gue punya solusi.
Solusi untuk apa?

Ok..Mr. K told me that it would be hard for him to see me.
Dan pada saat itu, yang bisa gue lakukan cuman menawarkan ke dia alternatif:
"Kalo emang loe mau pergi dan loe ga mau ketemu gue, bilang aja ke gue"
*di benak gue itu..yaa kalo emank dia mau pegi..dia iya-in aja ke yang ngajak. Gue pasti ga ikut. Toh tiap gue diajak pegi, gue jarang langsung iya-in..*
Dan dia cuman bilank "yaa we'll see"

Fast forward to 3 days ago..I was on msn with one of my old friend, dan dia nanya;
"I know this kinda personal, tapi is there anything happening between you and Mr. K? I was chatting with him the other day and ask him to go out, and he told me that he wouldn't go if you came along."

Gue ga bisa berkata apa2..Here's the thing:
1. Dengan dia ngomong gitu, secara ga langsung bakal ada pihak2 tertentu yang merasa terpojok. Kasarnya itu: 'Loe pilih lah mo pegi sama sapa. Kalo mo ada icha, ya udah ajak aja icha. Kalo mo sama gue, ya udah jangan ajak icha'
2. Masalah yang seharusnya diselesaikan antara gue dan dia, malah dia bawa2 ke hadapan yang laen dan ditinggal begitu saja. I mean, gue selama ini dah ngalah. Begitu diajak pegi, gue prefer buat ga ikut supaya dia bisa ikut. Semua itu gue lakukan karena gue sampai saat ini ga mempunyai solusi yang lebih baik dari itu. Gue ga mau yang laen malah jadi bingung gara2 ini..

Tadi ada temen gue yang telpon..
XX: "Cha, Car di MM jam 7 ikut yaaa"
Me: "Hooo..bo.."
XX: "Omg..chaa sorry...Maksud gue..besok midnite superman returns yachh..Sorry cha, Mr. K ikut yang di MM nanti"
Me: "Ooohh..it's fine it's fine..Gue dah janji nonton superman sama temen gueee hehe next timeee yachhhh.."
Gue akhirnya kemaren specifically request ke 'initiator' pegi2 itu..kalo untuk sementara *sampe gue bisa come up with better idea* gue ga ikut dulu kalo ada acara, biar lebih gampang atur nya.

Gue rela koq untuk semua itu..Tapi still, deep down it hurts so much.
Yesterday my brother brought home a green ribbon from his campus.
He explained that it was given to him as to show solidarity in International Day for Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking.
Intrigued by it, I decided to search more information about that.
So below are some of the information that I attain:

1. International Health Awareness Days - 2006
You will find list of health awareness days (that will include World AIDS Day, International Child Day, etc)

2. The list of Ribbons Campaign
It stated there that "...The ribbons usually are worn to show that a person belongs to a group or believes in a cause..."

3. Jangan Heran Bila Lampu Kendaraan Nyala Senin Siang
"...Tapi, bila Senin (26/6/2006), para pengemudi menyalakan lampu kendaraannya, maka itu disengaja. Jangan heran!
Nyala lampu ini terkait dengan aksi memperingati hari Anti Narkota International. Rencananya pada hari Senin akan berkumpul ribuan aktivis antinarkoba di Bundaran HI, Jakarta untuk meramaikan acara ini. Nah salah satu aksinya, para aktivis akan meminta para pengemudi kendaraan untuk menyalakan lampu dari pukul 10.00 hingga 14.00 WIB."

Berhubung ini yang ada di negara kita sendiri, ga ada salah nya kalo kita ikut berpartisipasi kan?:) Sekalian, besok berarti bakal cukup macet di daerah HI..Jadi ati2 di jalan yach semua:)

And now, come the big question.
"What are you fighting for?"
Well, yeah I know..All of us are fighting for our happiness, our future, our career..Basically everyone is fighting for himself/herself, aren't we?
Let's just put aside ourselves, and look around us..
What is it that concern us?
For me, a lot of things *but then again, hey..haha you know how I tend to think about too many things;p*

I believe that education is everyone's right..
Gue percaya akan adanya kesamaan derajat dan martabat di antara semua orang terlepas dari apapun pekerjaan, jabatan, atau apa pun yang berkaitan dengan material.
Gue juga percaya kalo segala sesuatu itu ada penyebab nya. Ga ada yang namanya kebetulan hehehe
Is it an epidemic in the society for spoiling their children?
I'm not pointing to everyone, it's just I've come to a point di mana gue ngerasa gerah atas apa yang gue liat.

When I arrived at my bos's place, there's this car stopping in front of the house.
As I approached the gate, I spontaneously expecting that there were going to be a child stepping out of the car.
Instead, there's a maid stepping out from the other door (which was further from the gate)..
She opened the gate, then headed back to the car..Opened the car door,
and voila...there's her bos's daughter waiting to step down.
I mean..WHAT!?

Ok..Gue cukup paham dengan apa yang sering gue denger dari orang-tua2:
"Orang tua udah ngerasain pahit2nya hidup, mangkanya ga pengen anak nya ngerasain yang sama"

I do respect that..And I even thought the same, in term of:
Jangan sampe kejadian2 yang menorehkan noda hitam di negeri ini terjadi kembali..Itu adalah teror yang ga seharus nya dialami siapa pun juga.

Tapi beda kasus kalo soal material.
I humbly think that a child should learn that money doesn't grow in a tree.
Cuman kiasan hahaha maksudnya: untuk hidup itu butuh uang. Uang itu adalah reward atas apa yang kita lakukan, apa yang kita kerjakan yang berguna buat orang lain.
Menjadi anak dari orang tua kita doesn't entitle us for obtaining all the money that they have, does it?

I'm not trying to put a blame on anyone.
Every one sure do have their own consideration, and as for mine..I've just described it briefly..

Anyway, yang bikin gue bingung itu kurang lebih gini..
Ada anak2 yang di-spoiled, tapi mereka tetap merupakan anak2 yang decent dalam perbuatan maupun tingkah laku..
Ada juga anak2 yang di-spoiled, tapi tindak tanduk nya itu bikin kita2 tercengang.
Kalau gitu yang mana yang memegang peranan dari perkembangan seorang anak?
Kayak nya sifat seseorang itu kombinasi dari lingkungan dan kepribadian anak itu kali yach.
Ibarat nya lagi mau buat kue..
Segimana pun bagus nya suatu cetakan, tapi kalo adonan nya emank ga bagus..Ya hasil nya tetap aja sedikit tidak bagus.
Yesterday I was tutoring a 6-year-old boy, who is about to enter his primary 1 this year.
Unlike before, he sat still as I entered the room.
*"tumben banget"..gitu pikiran gue*
I sat down, opened the book..and asked him whether he still remembered how to add and substract 2 numbers.
He nodded and all of the sudden, he burst me with a lot of question.
*by a lot, i mean A LOT!!!!*

It went something like :
"Miss, how do you know that 'one' is 1?"
-blum sempet gue mikir, dia dah nanya lagi-
"And then..and then..why we have color? And how do you know what to call them?"

Kaget? Bukan cuman kaget..tapi bingung gmana harus ngejelasin itu semua ke anak umur 6 taon..
I tried to tell him that it went a long time ago..
As far as history can tell, the numbering system came from people who lived centuries ago..And for all of us now, we know that 'one' is 1 by learning.

"Yeah..but but miss..people back then were not clever, how come they know how to count?"

Me: 'How do you know that they were not clever?'
"They don't have cars...No airplane..No TV"
Me: 'Well, everything has a basic..And what we have now is the result of development..Did you know that the inventor of lamp live in a time where there was no telephone, tv, cars...'
"What??? Hhmm..i've never thought about that..but but miss..i want to know how do people back then know how to count??"
Me: 'Hhmm..that's hard to answer...How about if I search it on the Internet, then I'll tell you what I find on our next meeting?'
"Noooo...I want to know now..Oohh ooh miss..how do the computer works?"

Overall, I spent only 10 or 15 minutes tutoring him math..
The rest of it, he's ambushing me with a whole other questions.
I was stunned..He's only 6, and yet have already had so many thoughts..
Isn't it amazing? I mean..Dulu gue pernah penasaran juga sama macem2 hal, tapi pada akhirnya gue 'nyerah' dan belajar buat nerima semua basic2 yang ada di dunia ini.
Dan kemaren gue sempet mikir "Gmana jadi nya kalo dia tau bahwa bahkan sejarah pun itu hasil interpretasi manusia, dan ada kemungkinan salah interpretasi"